Check out the article for a chart on how all D’s and R’s fare in this poll.

Zogby Poll: Half Say They Would Never Vote for Hillary Clinton for President

While she is winning wide support in nationwide samples among Democrats in the race for their party’s presidential nomination, half of likely voters nationwide said they would never vote for New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, a new Zogby Interactive poll shows.

The online survey of 9,718 likely voters nationwide showed that 50% said Clinton would never get their presidential vote. This is up from 46% who said they could never vote for Clinton in a Zogby International telephone survey conducted in early March. Older voters are most resistant to Clinton – 59% of those age 65 and older said they would never vote for the New York senator, but she is much more acceptable to younger voters: 42% of those age 18–29 said they would never vote for Clinton for President.

“Isn’t the election season over yet?”

  1. anon says:

    Bush won with 49.x%.

    Realistically democrats shouldn’t care what percentage they get of Kansas, Arkansas, Nebraska, Mississippi…. cause they won’t get any electoral votes from those states anyway.

    So what percentage of Ohio, Florida, Calif, NewYork (shown individually) etc…

  2. qsabe says:

    Bush didn’t win. Bush stole, and the pattern stuck.
    Aren’t the folks in those states ashamed of what their votes brought?

  3. Noam Sane says:

    Whine all you want, she appears to be fairly inevitable at this point. We could do much worse, despite the predictable wingnut frothing-at-the-mouth-and-falling-over-backwards-routine.

    Notice that most of the people who are despairing at the prospect of a Hilary presidency were once telling us how great a president GWB was gonna be.

  4. GregA says:

    Hillary doesn’t need to get >50% of the vote. She needs to get most of the electoral votes. That she can do.

    I hope she has bigger balls than Pelosi. I am expecting Waco X 10 in retribution for the Bush years.

  5. RTaylor says:

    It will probably boil down to California and Florida. Don’t expect but a few of the red states to flip. Democrats lack the solidarity to find and develop a good candidate anymore. If you were happy with Bill, you can expect the same policies from Hillary. It’s unlikely she would have the Congressional numbers to push any radical programs.

  6. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    Shows there’s still some sanity out there. I can’t even imagine a situation where Hillary (or even Obama or Edwards, or Gore) would be a better President than even a random scumbag plucked off Death Row. Ugh.

  7. ergo says:

    Thank God, in our great country we still have the freedom to vote for the scumbags of our choice. H. Clinton is just as deceitful and self serving as any of the other snakes.
    My attitude? Don’t vote, it just encourages those vermin.

  8. gquaglia says:

    If Hillary wins, it won’t be because voters really want her as President, but because there simply wasn’t any other, better choice. Kind of how Bush won both times.

  9. gquaglia says:

    I hope she has bigger balls than Pelosi. I am expecting Waco X 10 in retribution for the Bush years.

    If by that you mean she will go after Bush, I wouldn’t count on it. Members of the President club don’t usually attack their own. Scumbag Jimmy Carter being the only one in recent history that I can think of.
    As for everything else, I wouldn’t really expect too much change. Remember, she is a career politician.

  10. cheese says:

    …The online survey of 9,718 likely voters nationwide showed that 50% said Clinton would never get their presidential vote.

    She is having trouble with a special-interest voting group who can be identified as the “reminds-me-too-much-of-my-bitchy-(ex)-wife” voting bloc.

    Just a theory… 🙂

  11. Charbax says:

    I think Stephen Colbert is the most likely to win.

  12. Domc says:

    I don’t think she is a shoe in. Remember Howard Dean craze?

  13. Bill says:

    Democracy is an illusion.

  14. ArianeB says:

    If we are going to vote for President based on last name, why not

    I’m a voter with Democrat leanings who will not vote for Clinton. I think the conservative corporate media is pushing her because whoever the Republicans offer will have a better chance. Their reasoning is flawed. To win you have to have a candidate worth voting for, rather than an opposition candidate to vote against. I bet if the Republicans offer Giuliani or Thompson (the two leading candidates) most of those 50% who would never vote for Clinton will stay home and not vote.

    I want to vote FOR Kucinich, or Edwards, or even Obama, or better yet Gore.

  15. Pterocat says:

    I remember when the Hill was running for senator in NY, and I asked a (somewhat conservative) friend what he thought of her. “I CAN’T STAND her!!” was the reply. I asked, “What’s the matter with her?” The person gave some negative reasons that would apply to just about any politician, left or right, at the time. When I pointed this out, there was no further argument, except a bit of steam still coming out the ears. Apparently “she’s a woman” wasn’t something the person really wanted to blurt out in mixed company, if there was in fact that emotion going on.

    So the H became our senator, and seemed to do just about as good a job as any halfway smart person would have in the position… worked hard etc… although she did stumble a bit trying to be a ‘moderate’ (a very difficult thing for any politician to do without looking hypocritical).

    We will probably always be stuck watching the small-minded right battle the eggheaded left. It’s in the stars, unfortunately. Might as well sit back and try to enjoy the show (somehow).

  16. Noam Sane says:

    The Howard Dean comparisons don’t wash. He didn’t have her money, or her organization – not even close. He didn’t have the familiar name. And he didn’t have the Big Dog in his corner…which is a huge plus for her.

    Hillary’s not gonna fold. She’s inevitable. I am not a big fan. But don’t kid yourself.

  17. GregA says:


    No, by that I mean I hope she burns 2000 conservatives alive like in Waco.

  18. MikeN says:

    Howard Dean had the money, endorsements, everything but establishment support.

  19. MikeN says:

    That half who says they’ll never vote for her, some of them will change their minds after seeing her campaigning. Plus there’s the warmongers(aka neocons), who are likely to support Hillary, especially if the opponent is Romney or Thompson or gasp Ron Paul.

  20. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    You know what would be more informative? Do a poll with 2 questions: Name you favorite candidate & name you favorite NFL team. I have some theories what would show up.

  21. GregA says:


    The cheese heads of course.

  22. GigG says:

    Unfortunately for Hillary that group that likes her the most votes the least and the group that likes her the least votes the most.

  23. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    #21 – That’s one of my theories. They’d vote for Favre too.

  24. Noam Sane says:

    Dean had nowhere near Hillary’s money.

  25. GregA says:


    Oh, I was talking about the politicians;)

  26. BobH says:


    Unfortunately, Hillary is unlikely to stumble and none of the other declared Democratic candidates can beat her at this point. Gore could, but he won’t enter the race. He is likely a better human because of his decision to serve the world as a environmental spokesperson rather than as embattled right wingnut target. Selfishly, I love to see Al Gore as President of the USA. As a rider on Spaceship Earth, I admire his selflessness in declining the position.

    Re Hillary, no less an authority than Douglas Adams offered that anyone who wants such a job should be ineligible for the office. I’ll vote for her because the Republicans alternatives are really scary… but I think I’ll wash my hand afterwards.

  27. Guyver says:

    2. Stole? This again? 🙂 It’s really simple. If Gore would have carried his home state of Tennessee or Clinton’s state of Arkansas, then there would be no belly aching over Florida and their late results. Gore would have been president had either state voted for him. Suck it up.

    13. Yup. Every major cornerstones of our lives is anti-democratic (family, school, work). Democracy is a big illusion.

  28. Phillep says:

    qsabe, the NYT and several other news papers funded a recount, and Bush won. Give it a rest.

    ergo, I get a lot of that “They are all crooks, so why vote?” Usually by people who are pushing one of the politicians. Converting one person gains two votes. Putting one person on the couch gains their candidate one point, more if his pessimism can be made contagious.

    Oddly, it’s usually a Democrat pushing that “they’re all crooks”, and they seem most likely to infect people who are personally conservative (as opposed to politically “Conservative”, and that bunch is not conservative at all).

    And, about half the people here are personally conservative, even while bashing Bush (who is not a conservative).

    Trying to track truth in politics gives me a head ache. Maybe I should try it on LSD, if there’s some around.

  29. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    #26 – “He is likely a better human because of his decision to serve the world as a environmental spokesperson rather than as embattled right wingnut target. Selfishly, I love to see Al Gore as President of the USA. As a rider on Spaceship Earth, I admire his selflessness in declining the position.”


    That’s some of the best humor I’ve ever read. Excellent application of sarcasm. I commend you.

  30. GregA says:


    Linky please. Because if you demanded a recount of the counties that Gore demanded a recount for Bush won. If you demanded a recount for the entire state, using all the different ways of of counting votes, Gore won in every scenario. A bunch of news papers covered that reality already.

    The scotus declared that a state wide recount would damage Bush’s victory therefore no recount was possible. The finding was that a statewide recount would find that Gore won the popular vote but the state had already certified the electoral votes for Bush, thus the damage.

    But it no longer matters. It is a matter of fact, that Bush pardoned a guy for commiting TREASON, making him the de facto WORST PRESIDENT EVER. That also means everyone voted for Bush in 2004 (after the treason occured) is also a traitor and deserves to die.

    I can’t wait until Hitlary uses her newfound unlimited powers on you guys.

    Let the tanks roll on Texas I say!


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