Go to Getty Images to see some pictures of the event, like this one:

  1. Ben Waymark says:

    Ahh, ya, well, ahh, thanks …. ahh… for that….

  2. Gary Marks says:

    I don’t disagree with their choice. ‘Tis a very fine bum, and likely to bring even more prestige to the phrase “Made in Japan.”

  3. Charles says:

    Nice to know that the Japanese have their priorities right.

  4. Improbus says:

    A fine bum … if you like boys.

  5. Mac Guy says:

    I don’t believe Sir Mix-a-Lot ever made a tour appearance in Japan. Now we know why.

  6. GigG says:

    Hee Hee, He said ASSets.

  7. Cursor_ says:

    I have seen better on Japanese women in the US.


  8. Dave says:

    Very pretty girl but where’s the beef?!?

  9. AdmFubar says:

    BIG BOTTOMS!!! BIG BOTTOMS!!! Talk about bum cakes my girl’s got ’em!!!

    …. but these go to 11….

  10. jlm says:

    Japan’s best is a pancake butt?

  11. OvenMaster says:

    Heaven forbid we have a similar contest in the US. We might actually enjoy looking at a woman without guilt.

    It’s amazing that the rest of the world celebrates the differences between men and women, but the US population is brainwashed with political correctness and sticks its collective head up its a$$. Pun intended.

  12. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Cute little turd cutter!

  13. mark says:

    4. Ha, I agree.

  14. bill says:

    I have got to go to Japan!

  15. Rich says:

    Interesting that Japan’s best butt is attractive to me but really just about a 5 on a scale of 11 ;). In Japan she’s all that but merely average here.

  16. NappyHeadedHo says:

    17 – I agree. I saw nicer butts walking through the airport last night in Dallas and San Antonio. Corn fed girls…

    There were some that had to get the thighs greased just to get them trough the security gate. They walk through these grease rollers and then they toss a Twinkie to get them to move through. I several cases I saw the use of cattle prods.

  17. Peaches says:

    They should have a contest for the best tasting snatch.

  18. tallwookie says:

    #12 – lol you got some problems if you cant enjoy a nice ass walking by on the street & you feel guilty about it…

    if you’re married & p.whipped, then i’ll understand

    ROFL #19, good one!

  19. OvenMaster says:

    #20: believe me, the day I feel guilty about looking at a girl’s rump is the day I eat a gun barrel.

  20. Rey De La Cruz says:

    If they call that ass then I guess it’s true what they say about japanese men.Six inches qualifies as being hung!!


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