1. mark says:

    Nice. Hey! Are you lookin at me? Stop lookin at me?

  2. JoaoPT says:

    I find this brilliant, or is it just me?

  3. hhopper says:

    I thought it was really funny and so did I.

  4. sam says:

    I don’t think that was funny. Schizophrenia is a scary and frightening illness. It does show some of the symptoms like a personal message from tv or papers. Extreme stress can cause this illness in just about anyone. Look at the rates of mental illness in hurricane katrina survivors its pretty high so I hear from mental health professionals who went down there to help.

  5. brandon says:

    hey sam, learn to take a joke. also, learn to punctuate.

  6. OmarTheAlien says:

    If anybody made money for this then that’s the joke. About a -1 on my guffaw meter, although the needle did raise up to a light chuckle a couple of times. But if it’s serious, then we all, including our “Internally Special” friends, need to take to the hills.

  7. Cybil says:

    Any thought that is believed to be true is schizophrenia. The trouble in paranoid schizophrenics is that they cannot snap themselves out of it. For example actors vision themselves receiving a future Academy Award. Most of us would consider that normal, but if you really think about it, it is a belief in a false image. Dale Carnegie said that successful people believed without a doubt the outcome that they actually achieved. This has also lately been marketed in the successful “The Secret” videos.

    Being afraid that someone is watching you is not out of the question. How many cameras in reality are there in London? in New York? Somebody IS watching you! It’s not something to be paranoid about but people who are camera shy have to deal with it.

    Also the global belief in good vs. evil is another paranoid schizophrenic scare. Superstition too. How many people avoid walking under a ladder?

    The great religions teach schizophrenia. An angry God is something definitely to be paranoid about.

    I’ve been there. I know what paranoid schizophrenics go through. I think the movie, “A Beautiful Mind” is an accurate depiction of a fall into schizophrenia.

    But on the other hand, it is interesting to look back at episodes that someone managed to get out of.

  8. hhopper says:

    Lighten up people. This was a joke, a parody, entertainment and was not meant in any way to be serious. Watch it again. It’s hilarious.

  9. Joshua says:

    Ok….first, even if we block out the fact that this is from The Onion Network….there is no way in hell that anyone could believe this was a serious bit.
    While schizophrenia is a serious problem for many people……this is meant to be humour, it’s from the Onion, the Onion dosen’t care who’s scared cows they abuse(except for Islamic sacred cows….lol…onion isn’t THAT principled)…..laugh or don’t laugh, but for Gods sake don’t get your tighty whitey’s in an uproar.

  10. Canucklehead says:

    making fun of people with mental illness. Ha. Ha.
    I’m looking forward to the sequel where we make fun of cripples.

    (you people are sick.)

  11. Not Stars and Bars says:

    #8, & 9,

    What do you mean, “humor”?

    A lot of people would really appreciate it if they knew before getting on the bus if the driver hated them, or which manhole cover (doesn’t that sound gay?) is a secret entrance to a secret Federal Prison? If you feel uncomfortable with some people staring at your tattoos, then don’t hide hidden messages in the pattern.

  12. Not Stars and Bars says:

    #10, And so now you’re going to make fun of my peg leg? So what? Did you hide a transmitter in it?

  13. Jägermeister says:

    Very funny. 😀

    #10 – Canucklehead

    And you need a sense of humor.

  14. GregA says:

    I think you guys should know, they already do this!

  15. Not Stars and Bars says:

    #14, Do what ??? Come on, don’t fuck with me man. I know they do stuff. You’re doing stuff right now. I can read your mind. Wait, no, you’re trying to read my mind. I know you are. You’re one of them. You post on DU.

  16. Darby says:

    I’m an activist for human rights for people with psychiatirc histories, and I thought this piece was pretty funny. They aren’t making fun of people with mental health issues, they’re making fun of the ridiculous controlling behavior of the mental health system.

  17. JoaoPT says:

    Americans should be very thankful of their schizophrenic conspiracy theory tradition. After all without it there would be no Hollywood.

  18. Hannibalized says:

    I’m confused by all the indignant comments to “lighten up,” “have a sense of humor,” “this is really funny.” I’m still waiting for the punch line. Where is the funny part? Is this the level that “humor” has descended to? What I find funny is that there are actually people who still believe that there is such a thing as a “paranoid schizophrenic.” By labeling others who may see things differently than they do as “paranoid schizophrenics” they conceal their own paranoia and convince themselves that they are indeed the “normal” ones!


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