Although the directive was signed last May, any commentary about it has died down. Shouldn’t we at least, as a country, discuss the implications of something this Draconian beforehand? It may be nothing, but it is Bush we’re talking about. Read the text of the directive to find out exactly what it will do.

Who will run the country after the next 9/11?

[T]he subject, NSPD-51—that’s National Security Presidential Directive 51—and the attendant explosion of blogospheric paranoia about it deserve attention. Even if you don’t believe, as I don’t, that NSPD-51 is a blueprint for a coup in the guise of plans for “continuity of government” in the event of a national emergency (such as a terrorist attack during an election campaign). Even if you don’t believe, as I don’t, that it will be used as a pretext for canceling the upcoming presidential election and preserving “continuity” of this administration in office.

Nonetheless, the specifics of the directive are a matter of legitimate concern that has not been given the urgent and sustained attention it deserves by Congress or the mainstream media.

I first became aware of the extent of the paranoia when I read the following comment, which was appended to an essay Naomi Wolf wrote for the Huffington Post:

Scenario for 2008: Sometime in middle to late summer, perhaps early fall, a “terrorist attack,” or a natural disaster occurs, allowing Bush to suspend the elections in the name of “national security,” and take the control of the government via the “National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51” and “Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-20,” released by the WH May 9th of this year. He could remain in control as long as he wanted. Now, wouldn’t THAT be an interesting nightmare?

  1. mperkel says:

    NO – we need to talk about important stuff like Brittney Spears! (Isn’t she a fat slut. She’s such a slut.)

  2. gquaglia says:

    #1 and #2 – glad to see everyone here isn’t a complete wacko. #2 I was about to say the same thing and I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t also have a plan for alien invasion too and I don’t mean Mexico.

  3. Cinaedh says:

    #4 – gquaglia

    “…wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t also have a plan for alien invasion too and I don’t mean Mexico.”

    I hope the plan for dealing with space aliens works a lot better than the plan for dealing with illegal aliens.

  4. doug says:

    If we had two Congressional elections (1862, 1864) and a Presidential election (1864) in the midst of the Civil War, no mere terrorist attack should derail an election. part of the justification for the Electoral College being the formal vote would seem to be that states hit by the crisis could postpone popular balloting until a later date and still get their electors selected before the deadline.

    Continuity of the Federal government was a major concern throughout the Cold War. Nothing sinister about it then, nothing sinister about it now. that being said, Congress, not the President, should establish the law setting forth continuity of government in the case of a catastrophic event. there is no reason that this should be done by the Executive branch.

  5. Matt Garrett says:

    Sometimes, what you do “just in case” is what you do “just in case.” Although, Doug has a point that Congress should have a say in this. Sadly, with the fever swamp condition of that body, there’s little chance they will actually do what’s more good for the country and less what’s good for

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, doug,

    I almost agree. Congress should have an open plan to deal with such a threat. Much of it should remain secret and some could even be determined by the administration / various departments. I am not the biggest fan of secrecy, but, there are times when it is necessary.

    During the Cold War there was a plan for the evacuation of Congress to a secure site in West Virginia. Although that plan has since been discontinued, there was no need for the public to know of that specific plan or location. Other than the basics, there is no need for the public to know the details of what happens during an unforeseen emergency.

    What I do want to know is that Congress will not be dismissed out of hand.

  7. mark says:

    “What I do want to know is that Congress will not be dismissed out of hand.”

    You mean like, they’re not already?

  8. Li says:

    I agree completely that planning for disasters is prudent, but isn’t it Congress’ responsibility to write laws? I mean, what the executive has done here is, if your read the text of the document, to transfer all control to itself in the case of a vague unspecified emergency. Perhaps there is some extreme circumstance under which this would be wise, but wouldn’t it be more, ahem, constitutional if the Congress were to write the law to that effect?

    The fact that large parts of the statute are utterly top secret, even from congress, is only more evidence that the executive already believes it has the power of the legislature. What other excuse could there be for writing and executing law pertaining to the legislature, and then keeping parts of it secret from said legislature?

  9. Chad says:

    His grandfather was reputed to be involved in a plan for a fascist takeover of the government during the middle of the depression….

    or search for information on the “business plot”

    It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if this pres had the ultimate goal of government takeover. It would surprise me if he was able to succeed.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Li,

    Good points. But, don’t confuse an Executive Order with a statute.

    The Administration is responsible for the day to day running of government. For them to have an emergency plan is prudent. Most municipalities also have emergency disaster plans where the Mayor or Town (City) Manager gets powers he doesn’t normally have and the town councils are ignored. These plans though are usually approved by the Town Councils.

    BUT, to have a plan kept secret from oversight is unconscionable. Having a plan is good. Having a good plan is better.

    #11, Chad,

    Search for information on “tin foil” and “hats”.

    Then do a search for “slave trade” and your ancestors.

  11. gquaglia says:

    Sorry. I have my tin hat foil on this morning. The story didn’t work. But don’t worry, you may catch the usual suspect or two without it on.

    Only took us to comment #11 to get our first one.

  12. ECA says:

    WHAT will be considered a TERRORIST attack or National Disaster?

  13. Joshua says:

    Yep….this is definatly a sinister plot by that crafty Bush. Since we all know full well what a fantastic manager of goverment he is, what a great stratigist and military planner he is, this will be a for real scenerio next fall.

    Naomi Wolf…….f*ck me running backwards….now THERE’S a women without an agenda, posting this to a blog without an agenda. Huffington, she hasn’t been right since she found out her hubby liked men more than she did.

  14. TIHZ_HO says:

    Maybe a dumb question…how many people actually know what their congressman (congressperson?) is doing?

    I know I spent a long time out of the US so everything has changed but I remember when I graduated from high school in the 70’s I got a letter from my congressman congratulating me and urging me to get involved with the process of government by knowing what is before congress and giving my voice on how s/he should vote – a form letter I know.

    Does this still happen? Are people urged to write to their member of congress on how they want them to vote on matters before congress? This is what I think democracy is all about. If the members of congress don’t vote how the majority of the constituents wanted then they risk being voted out of office.


  15. Li says:


    Here is your answer. Pelosi cares so little for her constituents opinions that she doesn’t even bother paying attention to the protest in her driveway, preferring to think they are ‘building buddas’ or something.

    And the Beltway media thinks this is the right attitude. How dare those filthy, unwashed masses have a voice in their governance!

  16. doug says:

    #10. yep, Congress should be writing the statute. no doubt parts of it could be executed secretly (as Mr. Fusion notes), to prevent the backup locations from being targeted as well, but as it affects the fundamental operations of the Legislative and Judicial branches, it should be open.

    notwithstanding current claims by the defenders of the ‘unitary executive,’ the Congress is the paramount branch of the US government. Congress is specifically given the power

    “To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.”

    Article I, Section 8. Thus, Congress should be in the driver’s seat in making laws for ‘carrying into execution’ the powers of the other branches in time of catastrophic terrorist attack or natural disaster.


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