• Ebay losing money because of Skype. Now they are stuck with it. Now what?
• Verizon CEO in front of Congress hopes for a “light touch.”
• Microsoft going to buy 20 companies a year. I have a theory you should know about this.
• MinWin small kernel under development. I rant about the code name Windows 7. I count 18-19 versions of Windows off the top of my head. How is this Windows 7?
• Cheapskates find that you can get as much info from a conference by just hanging out in the lobby.

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Tech5 Podshow

  1. NappyHeadedHo says:

    “Cheapskates find that you can get as much info from a conference by just hanging out in the lobby.”

    There are so many conferences these days that the vendors are just convening and talking to other vendors. Has there been any new developments in security at an RSA conference? Nope, same shit-different day. Same goes with Storage Networking World. If you have to attend a conference to find anything new in your field of endeavor you aren’t paying attention to more valuable resources. Isn’t it a shame that hanging out in a lobby produces the same result?

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    1.0 = 1
    2.0 = 2
    3.0 = 3
    Win 95 – officially, in the ‘about’ dialog, as I remember distinctly, it was Windows 4.0.xx.xx = 4
    98 / SE / ME = 5
    XP = 6
    Vista = 7

    Works for me…

    …and John C? Crikey. I mean, I can understand these semiliterate twentysomethings who “loose” their car keys misspeeeeling “kernel” – but YOU??


  3. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Somebody with XP tell us what version the ‘About’ dialog says it is?

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    OK, 95/98/98SE/ME = 4, XP = 5 and Vista = 6?

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Well, I supposed it was about the consumer versions, but that is an unjustified assumption – so, 1,2,3, then 4 = 95 / 98 / SE / ME / XP, 5 = NT / 2000, and 6 = Vista. Howzzat?

  6. Angel H. Wong says:


    What about Apple’s OS versions?

  7. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I agree with you 100%, Angel.

  8. hhopper says:

    The KERNAL was known as kernel inside of Commodore since the PET days, but in 1980 Robert Russell misspelled the word in his notebooks forming the word kernal. When Commodore technical writers Neil Harris and Andy Finkel collected Russell’s notes and used them as the basis for the VIC-20 programmer’s manual, the misspelling followed them along and stuck.

    From Wikipedia

    John must have been thinking of Commodore…

  9. Bill Gates says:

    That’ s the whole point John, “Windows 7” is embedded with no logic to previous names. Microsoft wants to start fresh by eliminating your mind with past memories of our operating system so we came up with a name that leaves you bewildered. In that state of bewilderment something new can enter into your thoughts: get lucky.

    Personally, I opted for Microsoft Shutters 2012.

  10. Vore says:

    I can only remember the NT line but if you look at the output of Winver you will see where “Windows 7” will fit:

    Windows NT 4.0 = 4.0
    Windows 2000 = 5.0
    Windows XP = 5.1
    Windows Server 2003 = 5.2 (I think)
    Windows Vista = 6.0

  11. Thomas says:

    LOL! Windows 19.0!

    The way I see it: Microsoft charged for every single release. That makes them seperate in my book.

    Windows 7… yeah… :D~

  12. Peter Rodwell says:

    Maybe they’re anticipating 7 attempts to get it working properly.

  13. ECA says:

    Will it be the RETURN of DOS?? 32 bit?? 64 bit??

  14. Donald says:

    I am in the uk, and cannot get the podcast today (freinds machine which I believe to be clean). If I try to vist anything.podshow.com, I end up with a url from klssearch with free%20sex in the suffix. Anyone else experiencing this?

  15. Cinaedh says:

    I can’t imagine Micro$oft sticking with Windows 7 as anything but a development code name. As a fully blossomed monopoly company, it’s time for them to begin the usual corporate practice of naming things the exact opposite of what they actually are:

    Along those lines, I fully expect them to name the next version “Windows Freedom” or something similarly, utterly untrue.

  16. GregA says:

    Looks like a perfect operating system to run virtualized for the impending thin-client revolution. Once you are inside the vm you don’t need the full blown OS anymore, and the host operating system can provide all that other stuff.

  17. GregA says:


    But when I read the tech blog’o’sphere they keep telling me how Microsoft has dropped the ball, and is ready to fall. So which is it? Have they dropped the ball and are now fading, or are they a dominant monopoly?

  18. GregA says:


    In the last year thin clients have sold almost as many desktop units as that other system we like to trash talk about;)

    The difference is, thin-client sales are growing.

  19. hhopper says:

    How about calling it Windows Bloated Rehash 19?

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    Then next will be Windows Friendly Money Pit 20

    Guaranteed to put more money into Computer Manufacturers hands for upgrades and memory.

    Slightly off topic, I remember back in 1993 thinking how my 4 Megs of memory and 57 meg HD made it such a power house of a ‘puter. WOW could I play Keen reeeel good with that.

  21. hhopper says:

    Hey, I was thrilled when I got my first 70K floppy drive and didn’t have to use a tape recorder any more.

  22. GregA says:


    You obviously never had the joy of typing your programs in on cards. One line of code per card.

  23. ECA says:

    Viva AMIGA…
    Viva le BeOS


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