Thanks Dale Thomas.

  1. Awake says:

    I get to be first to post that this is actually Will Farrel’s skit, and the kid is only lip-synching.

    C’mon Hopper!

  2. HeyPaul says:

    Awake beat me to it, but yes, that is obviously Will Ferrel. I could tell right away.

  3. Third Base says:

    You guys are so sad. But it’s hysterically funny. C’mon Hopper!

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    It’s also old and lame and involves a kid and I think you know how I feel about kids…

    C’mon Hopper!

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    What do you mean enter my password to view comments in that Lawyer suing about source code BS thread?

    I mean, sure that’s funny… BUT I DON”T HAVE A PASSWORD!

  6. BlogKast says:

    Maybe it was a lip sync, but still funny. I was wondering about the off camera voice as I watched it.

  7. JoaoPT says:

    C’mon Hopper

  8. hhopper says:

    Ok, ok… I’m busted. But the kid DID do a pretty good job of lip syncing.

  9. hhopper says:

    OFTLO – You probably clicked on it just as it was being edited for something.

  10. Rob says:

    The audio is all out of sync so it was a dead giveaway. Fake. Dvorak isnt keeping his crones in check.

  11. Joshua says:

    I agree with Hopper…it’s still funny, and to be honest, it’s funnier having the kid in it than Will . 🙂

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    I’d vote for the kid before I’d vote for Dumay.

  13. Tim says:

    This was a Will Farrell video, kid just lip synced to the audio.

  14. tallwookie says:

    funny as hell tho

  15. Rich says:

    C’mon Hopper! Let’s go to lunch.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    I liked it. Good job kid.


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