With everyone and his dog seeing Jesus in knotholes, God in an eggplant slice, a driveway smudge and a dog’s butt, it’s time for others to step up and show themselves in weird, yet everyday objects. Admittedly, some of those images look more like Elvis than Jesus, but where’s the pictures of Jimi rockin’ on in a bucket of mashed potatoes? Where’s Marilyn Monroe on a squirt of toothpaste? Come on, dead people! Get with it! Show yourselves!

Pope Fire Picture – John Paul II Blessing From Bonfire

A fire picture captured in a bonfire in Poland has the Catholic world transfixed. Many believe it’s Pope John Paul II offering a blessing from beyond the grave.

The Telegraph reports: “Dressed in robes, slightly hunched and his right hand raised in blessing, the image appeared during a ceremony to mark the second anniversary of the pontiff’s death. The photograph has since been shown repeatedly on Italian television, and a religious website displaying the image crashed as thousands logged on to see it for themselves. The bonfire was lit during a service on April 2, at Beskid Zywiecki – near the Holy Father’s birthplace in Wadowice, southern Poland.”

Of course, (and I’m sure I’ll be flamed for this, so to speak) what nobody’s really discussing is why the Pope chose the hellfires of Satan as his medium.

Wait a minute… Look at that picture again. Isn’t that John Travolta?

  1. Clearly this is proof that the pope is burning in hell, right?

    Funny how induhviduals can find spiritual meaning in a Rorschach test.

  2. julieb says:

    It looks like Hitler to me.

  3. BillM says:

    You have to admit, that is one oddly shaped flame.

  4. James says:

    Come on, you have to want it to see that.

  5. JimR says:

    LOL, my immediate impression was also of disco dancing, before I scrolled down to see the pic of John T.

  6. Clay says:

    There is a neurological explanation for this phenomenon and it has a name, pareidolia.

    Robert Novella of the New England Skeptical Society, and of The Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast wrote an article about this that is very informative.


  7. god says:

    There’s also a political explanation for this phenomenon:

    Stupid, gullible, ignorant people!

  8. BillM says:

    #4 James
    You’re right….the power of suggestion certainly helps see the image. I’m just saying that it is an odd shape. Thinner in the center, a little round formation on the top. Are we sure this wasn’t “helped along” with Photoshop?

  9. James B. says:

    I think it’s the profile of sitting bull. Look closely. He’s facing to the right of the screen. As to why he’s in Poland…. I dunno.

  10. Ben Waymark says:

    That is quite clearly Elvis…..

  11. t0llyb0ng says:

    It’s not the power of suggestion so much as the power of projection, i.e. your reality is what YOU project onto it.

  12. Jim O'Hara says:

    If anything it looks like a guy in a robe doing Tai Chi. Compare to:


    [Please use tinyurl.com for long urls. -ed.]

  13. James B. says:

    I can see Tai Chi man in it. The better question is, what’d he do while doing his oriental mime routine that caused him to be in flames?

  14. t0llyb0ng says:

    13—Thanks for posting Tai Chi man. He’s even listing to starboard like Flaming Pope-without-a-face.

  15. Hey wait a minute, the pope is flaming? That’s kind of a bizarre twist for Christianity.

  16. Balbas says:

    By Jeebus, the Rapture is Upon Us!

  17. Caio says:

    Has anyone seen the Number 23??? Its the same concept!!! When you are crazy about something you can see it everywhere.
    But I’m just a skeptic I’m not initiated in the art of just believing…

  18. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Pope John Travolta?

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    The Pope? Hah! That ain’t shit – I’ve seen Xenu! Right on my TV set!

    Huh? Thatt’s what? Xena? Oops.

    Never mind.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    When can we see the burnt logs on eBay?

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    the pope was a closeted homosexual and he’s burning in hell for it :O)

  22. TIHZ_HO says:

    #3 “that is one oddly shaped flame.”

    Long photo exposure plus camera shake. Look at the light trails.

    This is why so many people rank the God next to Santa Clause…and the Tooth Fairy.

    Thank God I don’t believe in you.


  23. bill says:

    I hope that isn’t a picture of that Islam guy instead.

  24. meetsy says:

    what sort of fuel was on that fire? Huge-O fire for that little pile of logs. Looks photo-shopped to me.
    Although I like the headline: flaming dead pope

  25. the pope, the pope, the pope is on fire…
    we don’t need no water, let the motherf***** burn!

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    Reminds me of last week. I ate a little too much overly spiced burrito. Talk about flaming assholes. Didn’t need no stinking match either.

  27. BigNurse says:

    I see Krusty the Clown.

  28. manman says:

    If you are follow the catholicism you are worshiping the devil and it is lead you to hell…………


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