Lawyers. Can’t kill ’em cause they’d sue you from the grave and bill you for their time.

Law Firm Uses Copyright Claim To Say You Can’t View Its Website’s HTML Source

Greg Beck writes in to let us know that the law firm that was recently challenged for claiming that it was a copyright violation to post its cease-and-desist letter also has some other interesting ideas about copyright, including banning people from looking at the firm’s source code. You can view the entire user agreement, but the amusing part is:

“We also own all of the code, including the HTML code, and all content. As you may know, you can view the HTML code with a standard browser. We do not permit you to view such code since we consider it to be our intellectual property protected by the copyright laws. You are therefore not authorized to do so.”

As Beck says, “That’s kind of like a puppet show invoking copyright to prohibit the audience from looking at the strings. The user agreements of the law firm and one of its clients also contain a bunch of terrible terms that have become all too common: a prohibition on linking to the site, copying anything from the site (even if its fair use), and even referring to the website owner by name. The law firm doesn’t even allow its own clients to say they’re represented by the firm without permission.” He also notes that the law firm in question is demanding that another website remove criticism of one of their clients because it did not receive permission to use the client’s name or link to the website — two things that the laws and the courts have been pretty clear in saying is perfectly legal over the years.

  1. TIHZ_HO says:

    #19 ? To my knowledge there is no Mozilla add-on to circumvent the Great Chinese Firewall.


  2. Jägermeister says:

    #32 – TIHZ_HO

    Have you tried FoxyProxy with the TOR router?

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    This is just a marketing ploy by the web site to make them look “Internet Savvy” to potential clients. It is bullshit and unenforceable. Anyone with the slightest bit of common law knowledge knows that.


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