The wedding was lovely, except for the flowers: They were the wrong color.

So says the bride, Elana Glatt, who was so upset that she sued the florist and alleged breach of contract.

Cripes. I just noticed the bride is a lawyer.

The flowers cost $27,435.14. The lawsuit asks for more than $400,000 in restitution and damages.

Stamos Arakas, the florist, said that he and his wife, Paula, tried to match the color of the hydrangeas with a picture Glatt had given them, but explained to her that the colors might not look the same.

Thanks, KB

  1. BlogKast says:

    Who spends $27, 000 on flowers? Try spending some on meication for bipolar disorder. Sounds like the judge who sued the drycleaners for millions of dollars over a pair of pants.

  2. jlm says:

    for 27,000 they better be made of gold

  3. Sniffable says:

    If someone spends 27 large on flowers, then their life is going way to well, and all they can possibly do is nit-pic.

    Everyone has to have problems. So if life is going well, you have to pick from what is left to be your problems. These flowers being a shade or two off in color is ‘what is left’ as this lawyer’s problems.

    The issue of flower color needs to be taken up with God, and fortunately for God, he is judgment-proof.

  4. gtriamy says:

    $27,000? And the florist couldn’t get the right color? For 27 grand, the florist should have just dyed the flowers. Sounds like one of those monster brides.

  5. GigG says:

    If you pay $27K for flowers you should get the damn color you contracted for. While $400K seems a little high that may be the cost of the wedding. And in the bride/lawyers opinion the wedding was ruined by the failure of the florist to fulfil the contract. I’ll bet she wins.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Bridezilla alright.

  7. Matthew says:

    Yeah, I definitely come for the pictures.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – Angel – Bridezilla alright.

    No, she’s just a lawyer

  9. Ben Waymark says:

    If I spent $27,000 on flowers I’d be pissed off, mostly because I just spent $27,000 on flowers!

  10. BubbaRay says:

    Here’s $20. Go to Home Depot and get some frickin’ spray paint. I’m giving 2 yrs. as the over/under on the groom staying married to this b*tch lovely and thoughtful woman. Hopefully, someone p*ssed in the punch bowl.

    $27,435.14 is about what I spent on my 1st house (admittedly that was many moons ago when dirt was brand-new).

    Good Grief Charlie Brown!!

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #1 – Who spends $27, 000 on flowers?


    #5 – While $400K seems a little high

    373,000 too high, in fact…

    #9 and #10 – I never realized it before, but it seems that perspective is a finite resource and we are running dangerously low.

  12. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #8 – Jewish lawyer. Googled but no picture. I’m betting fugly too.

  13. NappyHeadedHo says:

    BTW, I’ll bet he couldn’t carry her over the threshold with a forklift.

  14. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Ok, found her picture – a babe!

  15. Jägermeister says:


    If you had clicked my link, you would have seen her photo.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>No, she’s just a lawyer…

    I wonder if she’s related to Ann Coulter. “She” has that adam’s apple thing going on.

    And those teeth? Yikes! I’ll be when she eats corn on the cob, there’s no cob left afterwards.

  17. NappyHeadedHo says:

    16 – God, that is worse than my picture.

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #17 – Mister Mustard

    LOL … Yep, those teeth are meant to skin her clients.


    This photo is scary though…

  19. Bubbles says:

    400,000 for restitution and damages.

    Yet, there was no contract.

    And she even said, “it was a lovely wedding.”

    WHAT DAMAGES?!?!? All I see here is a greedy bitch.

  20. Angel H. Wong says:

    Here’s my homage to this woman should she ever has a son named Kyle.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    Scrap that one, this is better

  22. Jägermeister says:

    #22 – Angel

    I love it! 😀

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21 & 22, Angel,

    You are a sick bastard. And a damn funny one.

  24. natefrog says:

    #22, Angel;

    The South Park movie is awesome!

  25. Mac Guy says:

    Myself having seen a wedding with almost $20k in flowers, I can tell you that you’re talking about flowers – EVERYWHERE. And with flowers everywhere that are the wrong color, I can imagine how “off” it could have looked. The article says that pastel pink was substituted for dark rust, and green hydrangeas were substituted for another green (I don’t know the difference between the last two colors, but pink and rust are NOWHERE near to being even close).

    I wouldn’t go so far as to call the bride a bridezilla, but if I were to spend $27k in flowers, I’d expect that they’d be the right color. $400k in damages is a bit steep, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the settlement went for $100k or $150k.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Mac

    Get real. Flowers don’t come in instant colors. Anyone who matches colors or even just works with color can tell you color is impossible to replicate. Especially just from a picture. As you pointed out though, for $27,000, you get FLOWERS.

    As a photographer, I can tell you weddings are the worst assignment. I guess about half my weddings end up with some problem. I did a wedding a month ago. I spent about 50 hours removing dark rings from under the bride’s eyes, smoothing her wrinkles, and opening closed eyes on over 100 close-ups. She was unhappy because her mid-riff bulge showed up and now doesn’t want to pay the remainder of the fee.

  27. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #27 – She was unhappy because her mid-riff bulge showed up and now doesn’t want to pay the remainder of the fee.

    Does this photograph make me look fat?
    No… The fat makes you look fat.

    Send the cow to collection…

    Or better yet, cut me in for 30% and I’ll break her knees.

  28. meetsy says:

    27k for flowers? Gee, and who wants to bet the marriage doesn’t even last 7 years? This woman is insufferable….and a bore.
    The florist is an idiot….they either weren’t trying hard enough, or not listening (dollars were clinking). That said, there aren’t many flowers that come in deep burgundy/maroon, and either way, aside from the bride…who in the hell cared? I’m sure the food was the standard wedding rubber chicken and canned gravy. Maybe she should have spent 27k on food and better wine for her guests…….
    These are the type of women that give all women a bad name. Bimbo!

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, Meetsy,

    C’mon, she is collage educated.

  30. jack says:

    27k for flowers!? My whole wedding cost under 3k.


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