Romanian-born Antonio Petrescu believes you can worship God and Elvis at the same time: as a Catholic priest and Elvis Presley impersonator, he finds his spiritual inspiration in the late rock legend.

Petrescu feels his responsibility as a priest is to “walk this Earth in love for Jesus Christ”, a task in which he is inspired by Elvis’s “search for spirituality in his own life”.

Uh-huh. Wasn’t a significant portion of Elvis’ spirituality chemical-based?

  1. bobbo says:

    And if there are no drugs handy, just wander around in the desert for 20 years. Same thing. Same result.

  2. Improbus says:

    Jesus has left the building … thank you very much.

  3. mark says:

    There was a woman in town who built a miniature version of Graceland in her front yard. It made the papers so my Mother in Law (being Elvis’ biggest fan) wanted to see it. It was incredible, must’ve taken a year to build. The woman invites us into her basement which was turned into an Elvis museum, (being a good son-in-law but against all good judgement, we went down there) I was expecting a person with an axe or chainsaw to come out of the closet at any moment. Down there a manequin dressed as “Elvis” before he became a tub of shit. When she showed me the clump of hair she stole from Elvis’ hotel room shower, it was time to get the f**k out of there. Creepy.

  4. gtriamy says:

    The homeless guy who sleeps out on our street says that the green monkeys are stealing his brainwaves. Should Reuters report on that too?

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Elvis Costello is the true God… all others are impostors…

  6. JimR says:

    “Antonio Petrescu believes you can worship God and Elvis at the same time”

    Maybe so, but I think he may have become overconfident after successfully tying his shoes and chewing gum at the same time.

  7. Rabble Rouser says:

    If god and Elvis are the same, so are god and dog.

  8. edwinrogers says:

    Gimme Johnny C.

  9. By the Bay says:

    What ?
    I am sure I saw Elvis last week at Bay area coffeeshop

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Uh-huh. Wasn’t a significant portion of Elvis’ spirituality chemical-based?”

    And also a significant portion of Elvis’ music is a blatant theft of african american music.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    Worshiping God or Elvis… is there a difference… well, yes… Elvis was once for real… God never was.

    And in other news… a priest in training was doing active field studies with kids… Oh no, it can’t be true… he’s a religious man… someone who got his morals from the Bible…

  12. JimR says:

    If you rearrange the letters, Elvis becomes Evils.

  13. Priscilla says:

    #11, the square root of 4 is 2. What’s the square root of -1? The answer is imaginary but the use of it is vital to many solutions in the real world. Elvis is concrete. God is abstract.

    People who have been exposed to the idea of God have the God gene in their sequence. That DNA switch which is turned to ON in those people give them the trait of abstraction. The vital trait was intact in Albert Einstein who was Jewish. God may not be ‘real’ in the sense of an Elvis but that trait of abstraction has given us the secrets to the Universe.

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #13 – Priscilla

    Can you tell us which gene this is and how you’ve came to this insight on DNA? Please present your findings for a scientific peer review and no, some intelligent design bullshit is not good enough.

    And as for Einstein… he was born and raised by irreligious Jewish parents (no child is born Jewish, Christian etc. They all get indoctrinated.) and his views on God pretty much puts him as an agnostic. Nice try, but no cigar.

  15. BobH says:

    Angel H. Wong

    “a significant portion of Elvis’ music is a blatant theft of african american music.”

    Newsflash… that is one of the reasons he is a legend. The other half came from country. Pre Elvis, no artist blended the two so powerfully.

    PS: Elvis (although not his manager) credited his sources.

  16. Thomas says:

    As Penn Gillette said, “Elvis didn’t do no drugs!” ;->

  17. flyingelvis says:

    Bow before the king.

  18. Fluffy says:

    This is a TECHICAL BLOG, right?!

    If not, I’ll subscribe to E!online

    ’cause Britney and Elvis and Paris are so important to the planet henceforth…

  19. Johnson says:

    UH No. this is not a techical blog. It is a blog where John and friends put stuff they find interesting. BTW Elvis always credited the writers and paid them well.

  20. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    #18 – NO. Even the occasional tech thread turns into the ravings of lunatics here. And we all like it that way!

  21. Lex says:


    it’s the one right before the one for the color of your eyes. As for the findings of scientific iquiry all the ideas of science were expounded 5,000 years ago by the great mystics. The idea that all is energy and matter within an eternal plane of Light has been known for millenia. It’s only been 102 years that you have attained the “intelligence” to see it written down as E=mc2.

  22. Elvis says:

    But what do I care? I got a growth on my pecker.

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #21 – Well, I’m not sure I agree with every point… After all, massive databases and video editing benefit from faster hardware…

    But as to the spirit of your post… Yeah… Right on brother!

  24. JimR says:

    ECA, I like your spirit too. Hallelujah! Praise Blog!

  25. Angel H. Wong says:


    “Newsflash… that is one of the reasons he is a legend. ”

    And that’s a typical American stand: Worshipping criminals as heroes.

  26. ECA says:

    NOT faster…BETTER… MORE bandpath means MORE is done, but NOT MORE power or higher CPU speed.
    We have Video cards with more power/BANDWIDTH then our CPU’s…

    The revolution of graphics CAME out because of the AMIGA and the video toaster and video Flyer…
    BeOS continued that, and became a MAJOR rendering engine.
    The amiga HAD Processors that DID the work, insted of the CPU…The video processor DID the work, the Audio processor DID the work, and they were LINKED…So you didnt have to watch Lip sync problems.
    It had a HARDWARE MMU(memory management unit) that CLEANED up memory… THIS was ALL BEFORE 1985..
    Where has it all gone?

  27. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #27 – NOT faster…BETTER… MORE bandpath means MORE is done, but NOT MORE power or higher CPU speed.

    A valid point sir, and one well taken.

  28. Greg Allen says:

    Clearly the guy in the picture is a POOR imitator of Elvis and, I’m guessing, no match for God either.


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