• Microsoft to use technology for lame local “411” search.
• I tell two weird stories about how Microsoft seemed to blow two huge opportunities: content and voice recognition.
• Intel earnings jumped on laptop chip sales.
• Cisco to buy into WiMAX.
• Ellison sells stock.
• Yahoo turnaround finished?
• New Die-Hard movie to have computer file of complete movie that can be downloaded to portable vid player. Cool.

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Tech5 Podshow

  1. GregA says:

    A little birdie told me that Rackspace wants to get into the virtualized office market. A specialized service where they host all of your virtualized computers and you just maintain thin-clients at the office. The computer-less office is neigh!

  2. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Microsoft couldn’t find it’s ass with both hands.

  3. Tim Harris says:

    John John John.

    You might have lived with technology but you frankly do not understand it. The internet is dead. Microsoft knows this, so does Google. So why don’t you ?

    Microsoft has a 100 year game plan. And NO…It does not include Google.

  4. ChrisMac says:

    God and religion suck so pleasze stop the insanity..

    Oops.. came down too fast for my 100 year karma
    my bad

  5. ChrisMac says:

    oh and…
    MS does the best search.. they call it NTFS
    if it only worked as advertised….XPx3?

  6. Angie says:

    This is what I think of Microsoft: http://www.blimptv.net/mostpopular.html

    Anyone else having problems with Microsoft O/S?

  7. Danijel says:

    L&H owned Dragon Naturally Speaking which was, at the time, rivaled only by IBM’s ViaVoice.

    After L&H went out of business because of a major financial scandal, all the company’s property was auctioned and Dragon was bought by a company that, of all things, made OCR software. This company, Scansoft, was regarded as the fiercest competitor in speech technology for years. Recently it took over company called Nuance and decided that sounds better, so they use that name now.

    MS was involved in speech technology research years before the L&H bust, but didn’t do almost anything business-wise about that. They made a couple of B2B solutions before doing this thing in Vista. The reason is probably because the technology never did (and probably never will) work 100% and they didn’t feel obligated to invest in something so risky.

  8. GigG says:

    I’ve never noticed it mentioned here but has anyone tried Google’s 411 service. I use instead of normal 411 and it works real well.


  9. Mark Derail says:

    My Tequila Recipe – Bloody Maria

    Use Tequila instead of Vodka in a Bloody Mary drink. Enjoy !

    PS: I recommend drinking 5 of these before watching the new Die Hard.


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