Interview with Jones

I love this guy because he’s one of the great alarmists of our time. His latest belief is that the ruling elites (operated via the never-say-die Bilderberg Group) is not only out to take over the world but wants to out-and-out exterminate 80-percent of the world’s population. Uh, ok…and the reason for wanting to do this is? Power! Cripes. You often get the feeling that all this arm-waving is actually part of some sort of conspiracy to cover up something else and Jones and his followers provide a smokescreen with this bull. What is the point of exterminating 80-percent of the world’s population? To eliminate freeway congestion on the 405? Jones has developed a lot of style in his film-making, but he has not hit the home run yet.

Trailer for latest screed

  1. Anthony says:


    i wish there were more people like him.

  2. Norman J McSweyn says:

    Alex Jones is good for a laugh, just listen to his shortwave program. My test of believability (for any short wave talk show host) is to listen to the ads. Mr. Jones whips people into a fervor spouting hate, vitriol and disaster mongering. Next, he wants to sell them water filters, disaster rations and GOLD!!!!!
    Absolute BS!!

  3. The Man says:

    #2 “Mr. Jones whips people into a fervor spouting hate, vitriol and disaster mongering. ”

    Sounds a lot like Dvorak Uncensored.

  4. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Vitrol, hate, disaster, hate, virol, disaster….vitrol, disaster, hate…
    Now a word from our sponser.
    Tin foil hats for sale! Get your tin foil hats here. Don’t let them know what you’re thinking. Get your tin foil hats here. Strong enough to reflect the highest powered mind altering thought rays. Get’em now. Tin foil hats for sale.

  5. Tim says:

    He does’t “spout hate and vitriol” as #3 suggests. He does get wound up and excited, and there is quite a bit to what he says and most of his claims can be verified through the news and sources he provides.

    Just because you don’t agree with him doesn’t mean he’s wrong or crazy.

    We should all line up on every issue and agree in unison with the most popular opinion? Dubya and his crew would love that. Sheep.

  6. Mark Derail says:

    The Nibiru are already here, among us, since their official arrival is in five years from now, we must be prepared.

    Poor Alex just found out sooner than expected.

    Hmm, a black car, with black dressed men and weird looking knees are walking up my driveway as I write this on my laptop…

  7. Hillary says:

    #6 – Run, Mark, run. While you still can! Save yourself….aaaaAAAAaaaggggHHhh (The Wilhelm Scream).

  8. Lav says:

    I’m worried about Mark now, i hope he is ok…?

    Seriously though, i can only reference these people in the same category, people like David Icke and Alex Jones, there is some truth in what they say but they come at it from the wrong angle and end up looking disturbed and suffering from mental brain wrongness!

  9. John Paradox says:

    Okay, I’ve heard about the Bilderbergers over the years, but what about the Trilateral Commission?

    among others


  10. richard says:

    you should get him on Cranky Geeks.

  11. mark says:

    A couple years back, Jones snuck into the Bohemian Grove party they hold in your neighborhood John, near the Russian River North of San Fran, Monte Rio I think. There is some pretty wierd things they do (for so called Christians Fundies, all in good frat boy fun I’m sure), he made the film “Secrets of the Bohemian Grove” from that and it is interesting. But, yes, Alex is over the top and depressing to listen to, although there is some truth in his messages.

    I dont know who’s scarier, Alex, or the fucks that attend Bohemian Grove.

  12. jezcoe says:

    Alex Jones and the ones like him, Rense, Loose Change, Texe Marrs are possibly the worse thing to happen to those that want to change the world for the better. They have legitimate concerns over the course that this country has taken ( except for Marrs who is a complete nutbag) but they discredit themselves by spewing out nonsense about 90 percent of the time. Yes I am concerned that the Bush administration has seized extra constitutional power. No I don’t think that a shadowy group is behind it. I wish that Jones could use his powers for good instead of tilting at windmills.

  13. Mike says:

    C’mon John C. You know deep down this guy is on to something, I agree he doesn’t have the entire BIG picture, but he’s got as much of it as the majority of the population is willing to believe.

    And just because you don’t have the desire to destroy 80% of the population doesn’t mean the elites of the world don’t have that desire, for whatever self absorbed insane reasons that they have concocted during their innumerable hours of leisure.

    But again, in my opinion, this information is only another doorway to each of ours own individual realization.

  14. Lex says:

    Exterminate 80% of the world or make them powerless? SAME THING.

    80% of the world are living in poverty. They have no time to think about elites– their only concern is where the hell are they going to get their next meal.

    The elites must keep this population powerless not because they want to kill humans but because they have to maintain the single person in the world who is God. God is a person. There is one person in the world who is God. If 80% of the impoverished were to satisfy their food needs the next thing they’ll do is start to THINK. And they will start thinking superstitiously. Enter religion. More people religious in the world and FREEDOM is gone simply by the number of bodies embodying low consciousness.

    The world is perfect as it is.

  15. bobbo says:

    Could anyone list 3-4 things this bozo has right?

    I only listened to the provided rant above and the only thing I heard that was correct is that “there are elites.” Did I miss anything else, something of substance?

  16. Dick says:

    The scary thing about these guys is that they are probably right.

    Exterminating 80% of the world’s population is likely based on the fact that as we run out of cheap oil, our ability to produce the food stocks that are required to feed the world will be greatly reduced since our agricultural productivity is petroleum based for fuel, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. Once we lose that productivity, we will only be able to feed 20% of the population. Call it extermination or simply die-off, the point is that we can’t sustain the population we have without cheap oil. The elites? they will be controlling the oil, and the water.

  17. mark says:

    16. If this happens, I’m going cannibal, and elites are on the menu.

  18. Frank IBC says:

    He should have filmed at the New York State government complex in Albany. That’s a lot more Orwellian-looking than the UN HQ.

  19. itsjussttmee says:

    Don’t believe Alex? Just do a little research and find out for yourself that almost everything he talks about is true. Wake up people, this country is being destroyed while we stand there and let it happen. What about the North American Union? Former President Fox of Mexico was on The Daily Show just last week admitting it! Oh, by the way 9-11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB! If you beileve the official story then I believe you are the one that’s crazy. At the very least our government let it happen. That’s all I have to say.

  20. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #8 – I guess he’s ok. He seems to be hungry too (see #17).

  21. domc says:

    A little unfair to compare him to Michael Moore. The guy reminds me of a preacher.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 – #2 “Mr. Jones whips people into a fervor spouting hate, vitriol and disaster mongering.

    Sounds a lot like Dvorak Uncensored.”

    Really? Cause that actually sound like the White House and Fox News to me… Dvorak Uncensored is more like a bunch of people with different points of view having discussions (sometimes heated) about news stories of varying importance.

    The best thing about the gaggle of stooges on the sidelines who get so upset about others expressing opinions is that they themselves only have one opinion, which is that everyone else should not have an opinion. My theory is that people like that are bunch of pussies.

  23. What is amazing is how these people like Alex Jones can spin such a good tale and make it believable
    Mr. Jones had a documentary where he fingered the person ,without a doubt , who was in charge – the coordinator of President J. Kennedy’s assassination . Without a doubt it was former president George H.
    Bush (George W’s father).
    The was he had lots of correct facts plus some reasonable tie ins with new documentation.
    However in evaluating these people you also have to look at the level and integrity of their sources . Not only the sources but consistency of all over time.
    It is always the case that if you know a subject you can use it as a yardstick to gauge the other person’s level of integrity , understanding and compehension of a subject.
    Mr. Jones was using as a proof source one night another conspiracy / new world order authority.
    Turned out it was a nutcase relative of mine.
    Alex Jones mispronounced the last name of the authority throughout the whole interview – and as if he was a major friend and partner of this person.

  24. Phillep says:

    You’ve all heard of “black helicopters”? Actually, they are a very dark green, and were being used to hunt marijuana growing operations, using things like heat detectors, and flying below legal minimums. The military told the strict truth, that they did not have any /black/ military helicopters. They were not going to volunteer that they were breaking the law by flying too low, collecting illegal evidence, and making “anonymous” calls to the cops.

    I’ve long suspected that some of the loons calling people like Art Bell were actually plants, pretending to be schizophrenics in order to discredit the actual witnesses. How many man hours would it take to run such an operation per subject? Not much, I’d say.

    I’m not going to claim this person, Alex Jones?, is running a disinformation effort. I’m just saying that sometimes the people warning of something and sound crazy are not crazy at all.

    Some of the “environmentalists” around belong to the “Human Extinction Movement” (, and others just want about 80% of the population “gone” somehow. The ones with elitist attitudes figure that the ones who will vanish are those the elitists regard as undesirables, a very stupid idea. There are certainly enough negative population growth people on the net; I’m surprised that no one here seems to have heard of them.

  25. dsmit says:

    He can be too preacher-like at times but his work spawned films like, 911 Blueprint for truth which conclusively prove controlled demolition. What gets me is doubters just scream tinfoil hat and never challenge the claims.

  26. JD says:

    Well I am not so sure any more. I am not saying that Alex Jone’s is necessarily credible but Smedley Butler is credible. Just finished Surrows of Empires by Chalmers Johnson. He is credible. If you have read John Perkins book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and some of Chomsky you may start to see the very bleak picture that I see. Alarmed? We definitely should be. The US is finished. Period. We are bankrupt. morally and financially. People I know believe that we still have a chance to save our democracy. Really?? I just don’t see it.

    We have no free press, at least not in the mainstream media. Reagan/Bush, then Clinton now King George have done more to destroy what democracy we ever had by allowing greater control of our media by the few and the powerful.

    It should scare people how they are messing with FOIA requests and how they are changing the classification/declassification process. Secrecy is not to protect you and me, it is to protect those in power from you and me.

  27. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #25 – What gets me is doubters just scream tinfoil hat and never challenge the claims.

    What gets me is all the tin foil hats who openly reject the mountains upon mountains of evidence that dispel the controlled demolition loonbat claim, coupled with the absolutely zero number of the literally thousands of people one would need to pull off such a scam who have come forward to reveal the secret.

    We aren’t doubters. Doubt means we might be willing to entertain your screwball theory in some remote way.

  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    It’s cute that the public access kid says “we’re lucky enough to be able to interview Alex Jones.”


    I get the feeling that anyone, anywhere, who was will listen to this guy babble would be able get an interview.

  29. Angel H. Wong says:


    “If this happens, I’m going cannibal, and elites are on the menu.”

    Have you seen the chemicals they get into their bodies? Just because the trophy wives are vegan, it doesn’t mean they’re healthier considering their spray on tans, their sillicon breasts implants, their weekly botox injections; not to mention the meth, the cocaine, the heroine, etc.

    I wouldn’t be surprised s the reason why sharks bite surfers then spit them is because all the drugs in their bodies give a foul taste to their meat.

  30. mark says:

    29. “I wouldn’t be surprised s the reason why sharks bite surfers then spit them is because all the drugs in their bodies give a foul taste to their meat. ”

    Ahhh, nothing a little North Carolina BBQ sauce cant cover up.


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