Among university roboticists, the scenario of humans having sex with robots is normally seen as inevitable. Further support for this (the assessment of robotics boffins’ worldview, not the likelihood of mechanised jigjig going mainstream) appeared last week, as a PhD thesis on the subject was defended at Maastricht University.

The author of the thesis, David Levy (described by the Dutch academics as “an International Master at chess from London”) contends that humans will not just be shagging robots in the near future, but also falling in love with them and marrying them.

“My forecast is that around 2050, the state of Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalise marriages with robots,” said Levy at a press conference.

“Once you have a story like ‘I had sex with a robot, and it was great!’ appear someplace like Cosmo magazine, I’d expect many people to jump on the bandwagon,” he said.

Levy reckoned that sex with robots would be on the cards well in advance of marriage, his views roughly chiming with those of Henrik Christensen, who reckons the first proper robo-rogering will happen in 2011.

Does this upset you as much as it does the article’s author?

First, I’m surprised he doesn’t know who David Levy is. Second, I wonder what tweaks his sexual hangups beyond masturbation.

  1. B. Dog says:

    Maybe we’ll see whether Deckard is a replicant when the new “Final Cut” becomes available in December. For me, the miniature origami unicorn is proof enough. How about that Pris replicant, played by Daryl Hannah?. She looked crazy hot.

  2. Dave says:

    “How about that Pris replicant, played by Daryl Hannah?.”
    …awww man the way she threw that fying leg lock on him!

  3. GregA says:


    You are talking about hookers. Yeah, I know there are a lot of girls out there who will sleep with a guy to get some sort of financial reimbursement. You have two options I guess. Look for the ones who are asking the lowest price, or what you can afford. Failing that, do as Perkel says, and go directly to the fee for service ones. As with all women of this category, be very afraid.

    I remember at least one woman who had a thing for homeless guys. Im not sure what that was about… I guess they brought desperation and futility to the table. I guess that is the ‘puppy dog’ effect. I don’t want to stereo type, but this is the ‘hippy chick’. I know a lot of readers here are west coast. Just find one of those young street girls in San Francisco, first offer to buy her lunch, then offer to let her crash at your pad for a couple of weeks.

    I know a number of men who swear by the “lets just be friends” technique. Some women think men who say they are not into commitment dont actually mean it. They will try to screw you into a change of heart. However that particular technique requires a bit of maturity on the mans part, because some young men think that they ‘love’ a woman just because she is screwing him. “#%&&* whuped” I beleive is the term. Make sure you fall into the former rather than the latter.

    I am going to swear by my “lake house” technique for now. As I understand, boats have a similar effect(having a car hasn’t worked since I was 18, but any young ones wanting to learn from the masters, buy a car the day you turn 16. When you guys are driving around and she says “lets do something” or “Im bored”, you are good to go).

    Finally, there is the desperate technique… If you have particular tastes… Say you are a chubby chaser… These women are desperate for ANY male attention. Often that is all that is needed, return their calls. You might have to go on more than one date. Just remember, fat girls are like mopeds, they are fun to ride until your friends find out. (if I offended any fat girls, Im sorry, give me a call some time and we will talk about it, maybe I fix you dinner with a chocolate desert at my lake house sometime)

    Anyhow, there is a lot of unneeded concern about the consequences of sex, mainly babies. Well the good news is, at least one researcher (Peggy Drexler) thinks the kids are better off with a pump em and dump em strategy. The kids will be happier and healthier with out dad in the picture. So screw around and be proud!

    Besides, read the womens internet trash talk site!!! They are all complaining that all the men now days are chronic masturbators, and are not interested anymore. Its a golden age to be a player.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    Wow, GregA, you’ve thought about this a lot!

    I’m married. I don’t have to leave the house to get lucky and the pickup lines needn’t be clever.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    Thanks for the tip,

    I hadn’t heard of Sean Young so I IMDB’d her… she’s one hard working actress!

    I see that she’s my age and still looking hot! I love that. It makes me feel not so old.

  6. jdm says:

    You’re telling me that the Japanese aren’t already robot-humping-crazy in 2007?

  7. Angel H. Wong says:


    I’m not talking about hookers, I know women who has the “I don’t like that guy but he has the hots for me so I’m going to get as much as I can from him and then dump him.” Oh and they don’t get laid with the guy.

  8. tallwookie says:

    if the robo-bitches are anything like the cyborg/android bodies in Ghost in the Shell (GITS SAC & GITS SAC 2nd GIG), then hook me up!!


  9. ECA says:

    what about the idea of useing a Goat or sheep.
    They would at least Mow the lawn for you.
    You can make great coats from there Hair.
    AND good eating when you get tired of them.


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