I’ll give you the beginning of the story. You’ll guess where it’s going.

I am an iPhone owner, and this is my story. I recently was traveling to Hawaii on ATA airlines and took my iPhone along for the trip. During the first 2 hours of my 5 hour flight I was listening to music using the ipod function of my iPhone.

The iPhone was sitting on my tray table in front of my seat, in plain sight. Then I decided to watch a movie. So I fired up the classic “I know what you did last summer”, a movie I had never seen before. About 1 and a half hours into this cinematic masterpiece I had a flight attendant try to get my attention.

I paused the movie just as Jennifer love Hewitt was screaming something about “please stop killing my friends” or “what do you want from me”, honestly I am not sure what she was saying because I paused the movie and looked to see what the flight attendant wanted. He said something to the effect of “you can’t use a cell phone in flight”. OK, that makes sense, so I assured him that I had the phone in airplane mode and that all cell, wifi and bluetooth was off.

He again said “you have to stop using it” and walked on…

There are more smart and not-so-smart cellphones with this capability showing up in the marketplace. Will airlines take the time to update the brains of their staff or just return to banning everything – as simpler and easier – for them?

  1. mark says:

    27. MikeN- dude, I’d kill for one of those.

  2. Mark Derail says:

    #33 ๐Ÿ˜†

    // pedro fanboy // (means I’m a pedro fan)

  3. Joshua says:

    OFTLO….calm down dude…..while on a moving airplane….I tend to listen to the folks that keep it moving….if only because pissing them off can be fatal to me and mine. After we land, then I will go with your thinking for yourself routine(as I usually do)…..because then we can have our war without it all slamming into the Earth at 700 mph. ๐Ÿ™‚

    #35…Mark….I recently watched one of those CSI shows, I believe it was about New York, and in it they couldn’t get through to someone in a theater because the theater is able to block cell signals for a certain area around it. They even had this cool map that lit up the active cell area’s and showed the *dead zones*…seemed all of the theater’s had dead zones around them…..so if this isn’t total fantasey, then something like that blocker does exisit. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. natefrog says:

    #34, OFTLO:

    You know, I’ve had similar arguments at work with several people:

    Is 3,000 deaths a worthwhile sacrifice to make every 50 years if it means we still are the most free country in the world? The answer has been a resounding yes.

    Is it a worthwhile sacrifice if it occurs every ten years? Every five?

    Would I be willing to sacrifice 3,000 more tomorrow if it meant we restored all of the freedoms we lost on 9/11? Yes.

    It’s a worthwhile trade-off.

  5. RFDD says:

    I was using my laptop, that was hooked up to GPS,
    Place the GPS next to window. track my location and monitor plane speed on MS Street Trips.
    No body said anything.
    TSA did take away my key chain, they said it looks like a tool. ๐Ÿ™ I don’t even know what it was. for that I unscrew a screw out of tray using my keys.
    Take that, i don’t need tools to disassemble your damn plane!

  6. Johnson says:

    OFTLO I bet you do not fly much. You get mouthy on an airline you will be arrested and convicted garenteed. Then you can tell your boy friend how you pick and choose the rules.

  7. SInn Fein says:

    [Duplicate post. – ed.]

  8. SInn Fein says:


    “Is 3,000 deaths a worthwhile sacrifice to make every 50…10…5…tomorrow…The answer has been a resounding yes.”

    A small problem with your logic, what if you happen to be lucky enough to make it on to the “expendable” 3000 list? My guess is that you won’t be too happy about your time on Earth going involuntarily bye-bye…and as for the prospect of getting willing volunteers to help make your tomorrow a happy and odor-free one, no chance.

    Let the airplane Nazis have their way, its their damned airplane and it could all too easily be your serious jail time for bein’ a phucking wise guy, even if you aren’t being one at the time, with a FA…who ARE your masters in-flight, deal with it.

  9. ONSL Dave says:

    I guess I did that url wrong. It is http://stpeteforpeace.org/real.threat.html

  10. natefrog says:

    #43, Sinn;

    You know what, I’ve thought about that. And, yes, I am willing to be included in that sacrifice.

    The good of the many outweighs the good of the few.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    >>Good question. And one I have never gotten a coherent answer to. I always just stick my cell phone in the bag without turning it off too, and no plane Iโ€™ve been on has ever crashed.

    It would be pretty easy (and really cool) to test this theory.

    They could get an old 747 about ready to be scrapped and load it up with a couple thousand cell phones.

    Then the crew (issued with parachutes, of course) would start turning them on as they circled over an unpopulated area.

    I’d pay to see that test — especially if it the phones brought down the plane.

  12. >>and not once was there any interference with comm
    >>or nav functions

    Then it would appear to me, Mr. Ray, that the reason behind banning cell phone use in flight (although I always get zero bars when I’m aloft, so it doesn’t make much difference to me) is to coerce people into using the $10/minute air phones that they put behind the seats.


  13. Greg Allen says:

    RFDD >> Place the GPS next to window. track my location and monitor plane speed on MS Street Trips.

    For YEARS I used my radio scanner on airplanes.

    It was great fun (if you’re a geek) and you hear all kinds of stuff way up there.

    Back then, the theory was that a receiver couldn’t bring down an airplane — only a transmitter.

    Sometimes, I’d get quizzed by the stewardess making sure it’s wasn’t a ham radio but then they let me do it and some even showed interest. (if they were bored or geeks themselves.)

    I still can’t imagine how a receiver could bring down a plane; I seriously doubt your GPS put anyone in danger.

  14. ToddT says:

    He was traveling to Hawaii. Last time I checked, there are no cell towers in the pacific ocean. The idea that he was accused of using his cell phone is just dumb. Either the flight attendant is a HUGE IDIOT, or the story was cooked-up. I think the odds are 50/50.


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