
Do any readers know what in hell this thing is? Photoshop? My guess is it’s an art project.


  1. Rich says:

    I can’t determine the species, but I think I know the cause of death- With his lobster claws he was unable to grasp a toothbrush and clean those glorious teeth of his. A painful infected molar kept him from eating and he starved to death.

  2. Punster says:

    I don’t know what that is or is supposed to be but there’s a load of those on a japanese site:

    Change the final number in the url from 1 up to 10 to see more critters.

    Maybe you can find someone who can read japanese so you can tell us what this is all about.

  3. ologophilos says:

    From the Google translation of the link provided by #32, the beastie pictured appears to be a representation of Greed, a paper and bamboo construction from an exhibit called the Seven Deadly Sins by Hazime Emoto –

    The whole website is a ‘Fantasy Museum” and appears to display pages of pictures from several exhibitions of his constructions over the last six years or so.

    For Ann Coulter fans, he does appear to have the Japanese version of the “any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead….” disclaimer –


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