As if we needed more to confirm how inept Bush & Co. are, this takes the cake. Or, they did it on purpose to destroy their intel competition. Can’t have someone else knowing what they haven’t found out themselves. Or, they wanted al-Qaeda to know they were compromised. Can’t keep a war going if the other side loses.

All of those sound conspiracy crazy? Give a better reason.

Leak Severed a Link to Al-Qaeda’s Secrets

A small private intelligence company that monitors Islamic terrorist groups obtained a new Osama bin Laden video ahead of its official release last month, and around 10 a.m. on Sept. 7, it notified the Bush administration of its secret acquisition. It gave two senior officials access on the condition that the officials not reveal they had it until the al-Qaeda release.

Within 20 minutes, a range of intelligence agencies had begun downloading it from the company’s Web site. By midafternoon that day, the video and a transcript of its audio track had been leaked from within the Bush administration to cable television news and broadcast worldwide.

The founder of the company, the SITE Intelligence Group, says this premature disclosure tipped al-Qaeda to a security breach and destroyed a years-long surveillance operation that the company has used to intercept and pass along secret messages, videos and advance warnings of suicide bombings from the terrorist group’s communications network.

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    THESE half-assed, loose-lipped lamers are the very same ones who are supposed to have planned to nuke an American city – and have somehow managed to keep complete, utter and total secrecy on that, which would be the biggest secret in the history of the world. Ya. Riiiiiiiight.

    If this doesn’t convince the conspiracy fetishists that their pet theories are not ludicrously impossible, and they should rejoin the real (sane) world, NOTHING will.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, Philleep,

    Go back and take another look at what was in the news while Bush was getting ready to invade Iraq; one of the arguments against going in was that Saddam was going to use WMDs against the US troops. Remember that bit?


    Actually I remember Saddam inviting the UN Inspectors in. I remember the UN Inspectors asking the US for intel on where the WMDs and evidence was. Then, I remember Bush telling the UN Inspectors to leave before they became collateral damage.

  3. BillM says:

    #35 Mr. Fusion
    Let me see. Saddam invites the inspectors in, tells them which buildings they can look at. oooops, no not that one….that’s just a Baby Milk factory. Look at this one. See, no bomb.

    Oh and if this intelligence op was run by the CIA most of you whackos would jump up and down and cheer if the NY Times or Washington Post broke the story exposing it.

  4. Stars & Bars says:

    What a nice delusion, an inept Bush & Company. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Bush & Co. are playing their part in a larger agenda, to expand the EMPIRE. If you’d like to know the Truth, take the Red Pill and watch the 2004 BBC documentary, “The Power of Nightmares”. Mr. Fusion might even like it.

  5. John Paradox says:

    #31 – The point is that if you break the other guy’s code… you don’t say anything… You don’t do anything to let him know what you know…
    Comment by OhForTheLoveOf

    Check out the story of Conventry, where Intelligence knew that the NAZIs were going to bomb, but to keep the sources active, they allowed the bombing.


  6. OvenMaster says:

    You’re doing a heckuva job, Bushie!

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, BillM,

    Actually, you almost have the story correct.

    When Saddam kicked out the inspectors in 1998, it was because several inspectors were actually CIA. They were insisting upon searching private homes, especially Saddam’s own palaces. They knew that the WMDs had been destroyed already.

    When Saddam invited the UN Inspectors back he didn’t put any restrictions on them. Not only did they not find anything, none of the US or British supplied intelligence could point out any evidence of WMDs.

    Any fear of WMDs was manufactured by the Bush Administration.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #37, Confederate Traitor,



    There’s a commie hiding under your bed.

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    38…apparently there are some in the WH who are too immature to know any of this stuff. Cripes, all they need to do is read a couple Tom Clancy novels…

  10. grog says:

    it only goes to show that the current white house resident and his team are not really interested in stopping al queda — quite the contrary.

    to wit, so long as there is an al queda they can stake outrageous claims to unprecedented powers. get rid of al queda and bushCo’s got nothing but two military quagmires and an astronomical budget deficit to show for their time in power.

    this is just one more step in their strategy to render congress irrelevant (and goodness knows congress itself is helping achieve that) and the supreme court a rubber stamp, and to consolidate power under the president

    the reason is simple — republicans can hold the white house far more easily and cheaply than a congressional majority.

    it’s not a conspiracy — it’s actually quite smart political strategy. no tin-foil hat required.

  11. grog says:

    #21 — okay, saddam miscalculated, and the intel available to bush was wrong, and bill clinton may have been teh worst president ever,

    so what? that still does not excuse the fact that bush’s plan for conquering iraq was piss poor and is directly to blame for how bad the situation is currently on the ground in iraq.

    trying to change the subject does not prove your point.

  12. MikeN says:

    Perhaps because the goal wasn’t to ‘conquer’ Iraq.

  13. Phillep says:

    Grog, have you checked the mil blogs regarding the situation in Iraq?

    Bush’s biggest miscalculation was not taking into consideration his worst enemies, the MSM. All wars have three fronts, where the bullets fly, where the ballots fly (congress), and where the BS fly (rumor/”news”). Bush did not prepare for the war in the news media.

    Some jobs just take a long time. I recall Bush saying early on that Iraq was going to take a while, none of this “Home by Christmas” foolishness that previous Presidents claimed going into different conflicts.

    You, and too many others in the US, expect instant gratification, instant results. Or, are you claiming failure because it’s good propaganda?

    Oh, and Carter was the worst since WWII.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #38 – Coventry

    Your point is well taken… But I think it should be obvious to thinking people that if we had info about an attack we should stop the attack… but that can be achieved without alerting the enemy right away that we know something… and if the info we have has nothing to do with impending peril, then we never let on that we know…

    What isn’t obvious about that?

  15. Awake says:

    47 – Phillep –
    Check the mil blogs?
    Wow are you being used! Don’t you know by now that it is miltary POLICY that members of the military may NOT blog their experiences in Iraq? Blogging is a direct violation of orders, hence punishable under the UCMJ. When you see a ‘military blog’, be highly suspicious about it’s content and authorship… it was probably not written by an active service member.

    It’s pretty pathetic to accuse us of expecting instant gratification, when 4 years have passed, and when the number of MILITARY personnel is at it’s highest point ever in Iraq, the number of non-military personnel performing military roles is at a record high, the only thing that is showing any effect is pure brute force, the terrorist organization that we setup to destroy has probably 100x the membership as when the war started (there were probably 10 Al-Qaida members in Iraq before the war, now there are thousands), there are three times the number of military in Afghanistan as when the Taliban was removed yet the Taliban is coming back with great strength, teh infrastructure of Iraq is in much worse shape that when we started the occupation, the official Iraqi government is utterly non-functional while the regional warlords are increasing in power, surveys of Iraqi people show overwhelming desire for the US to just get out, and so on and so on.

    Phillep, if you were to read something aside from fake blogs, you might be a little more informed about the reality of the situation in Iraq, how the surge has failed, how the ‘coalition’ no longer exists, and how the US has been damaged by the utter incompetence of the president and the entire administration that surrounds him.

    Mil blogs are written by mil people that are assigned that task, and will say what is scripted for them to say… there is no such thing as a credible mil blog… that was quenched by the US military over two years ago.

  16. MikeN says:

    There is no success in Iraq, it is impossible……

  17. MikeN says:

    By the way Awake, I agree with you about the leak’s severity. I was sarcastically referring to the reactions on this blog when the NYT revealed info about how the government was monitoring financial data.

    The sophisticated way in which they took down their website(or fileserver or whatever they were running internally) should once and for all kill the idea that this is just a law enforcement issue.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47, Phillep,

    Bush’s biggest miscalculation was not taking into consideration his worst enemies, the MSM.

    Again I disagree, The media was solidly behind Bush and faithfully reported what the WH wanted it too. The accusation has been that the media was not critical of Bush at all. Essentially, it was not until Seymor Hersh published his article about the aluminum tubes that there was any true criticism of Bush’s claims.

  19. woody says:

    SITE is a suspect organization run by two zionists helping to perpetuate a myth that al qaida is an ever present threat to the USA Inc.

    Chances are since the Bush/Cheney admin hasn’t yet got us into Iran, the zionistas are in a phase to discredit the prez as a failure to get the deceased bin Laden thru Bush’s incompetence. Al CIA duh, the perpetual nemesis for perpetual war is not what the Islamic radicals, who have become radical because of US foreign policy, these folks do not call themselves Al Qaida. Or however the hell you spell it.
    The chickenhawk warmongers depend on American stupidity to continue their “war on terror” which is nothing more than a continued occupation of the middle east for oil and Israel.

  20. Stars & Bars says:

    #42 Mr. CommieFusion

    There’s a commie hiding under your bed.

    They’re not hiding, they’re curing. After so many years they feel like cardwood and relate well to this post.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #54, Confederate Traitor

    They’re not hiding, they’re curing. After so many years they feel like cardwood and relate well to this post.

    Cardwood? Must be one of those loser Confederacy things. After being under your bed, who knows.


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