Kennebunkport/Rogue B-52 – Confirmation With Vengeance Remember the B-52 flying across the country accidentally carrying some nukes over US cities. Read this entire report if you want to be creeped out. It may have been part of a huge scheme.

This report does not however mention the possibility that one or more of the cruise missiles was destined to be used against an American city, as prescribed by the Cheney Doctrine. A stealth cruise missile fired at night would be almost undetectable; all the public would see would be a nuclear fireball. Predictably, the target city would be swarming with patsies and dupes carrying large suitcases or trunks with “Al Qaeda” or “Osama Bin Laden” monograms. At that point, Cheney would have the “suitcase bomb” pretext he so ardently desires. Madsen also does not discuss the half-dozen people connected to the Minot or Barksdale Air Bases who had perished under mysterious circumstances between July and September 2007. But Madsen does stress one critical fact: according to reliable sources, one of the six nuclear-armed cruise missiles was reported missing in the course of the incident, and there was some indication that it was never found: “WMR has been informed by a knowledgeable source that one of the six nuclear-armed cruise missiles was, and still may be, unaccounted for. In that case, the nuclear reporting incident would have gone far beyond BENT SPEAR to a National Command Authority alert known as EMPTY QUIVER, with the special classification of PINNACLE

  1. RBG says:

    0. Ya, ya, ya. A nice big cover-up just like their easy WMDs-in-Iraq they must have forgotten to do.


  2. flyingelvis says:

    Dvorak’s losing it. What a hack.

  3. Michael Pugliese says:

    Daily Kos: Is Somebody Killing Off “Loose Nukes” Military Members ?
    this post debunks a claim making the rounds on the Internet.

  4. doug says:

    #11. Actually, I don’t think the government would or could do this. AHA! you say, what about the WMD scam with the Iraq war?

    Very different. They all thought Iraq would be a ‘cakewalk,’ with few, if any, US casualties. Rather unlike several hundred thousand or millions of American casualties that would come from setting off an atomic bomb in an American city.

    The conspiracy theorists need to get it into their heads – the Bush Administration is not made up of criminal masterminds. They are the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. If they can’t keep some warrantless wiretapping or renditions or black prisons or torture secret, how in god’s name could you think they could keep a surprise US attack on an American city secret?

  5. mark says:

    “The conspiracy theorists need to get it into their heads – the Bush Administration is not made up of criminal masterminds.”

    See, thats where you guys get it wrong, the “theorists” believe that its way above the Bush Admin. NWO is the term you need to google. Not that I buy any of this shit. ; )

  6. doug says:

    #37. Ah, the New World Order. A very felicitous phrase.

    Yeah, the Bushies are just the pawns of the Illuminati.

    How silly of me to have forgotten …

  7. GotoDengo says:

    Dvorak a troofer? I can see Uncle Douchebag posting this kind of drivel, but John C himself? Tsk Tsk.

  8. Gen. Turgidson says:

    Q: How does a pirate start a war?
    A: Wing Attack PLAN-RRRRR!!!

  9. Blues says:

    # 37. They’re criminals, just not masterminds.

  10. rod serling says:

    doo doo, doo doo

    doo doo, doo doo

  11. Angus says:

    Oh my, what will we do for news once the Democrats control the House, Senate, and Presidency? Who will then be the source of all evil in the United States? Big Oil?

    I perfer to blame the Grey Aliens, Bilderbergers, and Antarctic Nazis for the world’s problems, but, seriously, rense is great for a good laugh once in a while.

  12. mathew says:

    Keep laughing stupid Americans. Hey, did you hear that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11? Did you hear he had weapons of mass destruction? And did you hear he tried to kill Bush Sr? I’m sure all you dumb f*cks did and believe it because your president told you so. You people got what you deserved; a mentally deficient president to match your own mental deficiency.

  13. Jason says:

    Ok, so let me get this straight. The military has all these stringent policies in effect to make sure this sort of thing doesn’t happen .. . . and you think there shouldn’t be an investigation? We are talking about NUCLEAR weapons here people. At the very least, there should be an investigation. Of course with all the bright people coming out of the military academies, I can totally see how it could happen.

  14. iGlobalWarmer says:

    This calls for a triple layer, nonstick tinfoil hat combined with tinfoil underwear.

  15. Charles Wood says:

    John, your grape kool-aid is ready. Drink it all up like a good boy.

  16. BertDawg says:

    This whole scenario is NOT inconceivable, especially if one considers that to really understand why we as a society go to war, you need only to find out who profits. There are vast fortunes to be made and augmented. Throughout the history of our country, vast fortunes have been made as a direct result of war. However, the original Kennebunkport Warning loses a lot of weight the minute I see the names Cynthia McKinney and Cindy Sheehan attached to it. I’m still researching some of the others.

    As to whether or not active-duty AF personnel would thwart such a project: In my time in the service, I worked alongside quite a few officers and NCOs who knew the difference between lawful and unlawful orders and had the spine to act accordingly. I find that part to be very believable. And the deaths of AF personnel around the time of this incident falls squarely in the realm of “Things That Make You Go.”Hmmmm””.

  17. SCADRAGON says:

    This is a total MOONBAT HOAX!

  18. Jim W. says:

    somebody has watched Failsafe and/or Dr. Strangelove
    to many times

  19. MikeN says:

    I don’t know why anyone praises Dr. Strangelove. The movie is terrible, and even the concept is a remake of Failsafe, which is so much better. It even shows us Boss Hogg in a dramatic role.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #54, MikeN,

    Once again you are demonstrating why you are a jerk. Dr. Strangelove is a classic. Peter Sellers is one of the best actors we have had the fortune to witness in our time.


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