Kennebunkport/Rogue B-52 – Confirmation With Vengeance Remember the B-52 flying across the country accidentally carrying some nukes over US cities. Read this entire report if you want to be creeped out. It may have been part of a huge scheme.

This report does not however mention the possibility that one or more of the cruise missiles was destined to be used against an American city, as prescribed by the Cheney Doctrine. A stealth cruise missile fired at night would be almost undetectable; all the public would see would be a nuclear fireball. Predictably, the target city would be swarming with patsies and dupes carrying large suitcases or trunks with “Al Qaeda” or “Osama Bin Laden” monograms. At that point, Cheney would have the “suitcase bomb” pretext he so ardently desires. Madsen also does not discuss the half-dozen people connected to the Minot or Barksdale Air Bases who had perished under mysterious circumstances between July and September 2007. But Madsen does stress one critical fact: according to reliable sources, one of the six nuclear-armed cruise missiles was reported missing in the course of the incident, and there was some indication that it was never found: “WMR has been informed by a knowledgeable source that one of the six nuclear-armed cruise missiles was, and still may be, unaccounted for. In that case, the nuclear reporting incident would have gone far beyond BENT SPEAR to a National Command Authority alert known as EMPTY QUIVER, with the special classification of PINNACLE

  1. dave says:

    At the very least there is cause for an investigation.

  2. Max Bell says:

    Beats hell out of the new resident evil flick.


  3. tooMuchTravel says:

    The source article is plainly frightening.

    But I’m wondering why there isn’t a big-boobed babe next to a nuke instead of a B52? How are you going to get a hit count without your babes, John?

  4. jezcoe says:

    It was a scary thing indeed. But Jeff Rense and Webster Tarpley are of the same sensationalist, conspiratorial vein as Alex Jones. I would love to see a more mainstream article about this subject before I would be willing to believe

  5. Les says:

    Oh good grief.

  6. mark says:

    1. Dont hold your breath.

  7. babaganoosh says:

    Sorry, I just can’t read past the part where he references his own website as the “first known internet posting”.

  8. James Hill says:

    Sounds like a good plan to win in ’08 to me. Go team!

  9. rick salsman says:

    Just check his main homepage…

    Then, after you lengthen you spine to lengthen your life and find out what Nasa isn’t telling you about Mars….you can consider how close to the bone he really cuts.

  10. natefrog says:

    Perhaps even more telling is that very few of us would find it implausible that our government could or would do something like this…

    A show of hands for who thinks our government wouldn’t or couldn’t do something like this?

    …Not I…

  11. rick salsman says:

    Oh, I don’t doubt how bad our government could be…but I doubt that this guy is really the one guy who is on to them…

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    That’s a dumb website.

  13. mark says:

    How about some comments on the fact that there was no Congressional investigation into the incident, these are our LEADERS people.

  14. rick salsman says:

    Agreed (#14) and the very supported fact that so many of the people in this mission turned up dead shortly after…it’s not a conspiracy theory in itself, but, dang the death rate in Iraq is lower for armed service people than these guys.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    The “truthees” are changing subjects.

  16. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Distilled, unadulterated, 100% simon-pure paranoid crackpottery.

    As if these fucking morans in the gov’t, constantly and incompetently at each others’ throats, could even begin to plan such a thing, let alone carry it out without numerous whistleblowers…

    This is what comes from watching waaaay too many Hollywood thrillers combined with the naïveté of kindergarteners. Good for a chuckle, though.

  17. Gary Marks says:

    Not to worry, folks, the nuclear weapon in question has been found! Oddly enough, it was discovered buried on a grassy knoll in Dallas. Back to work everyone.

  18. gquaglia says:

    Get out the tin foil.

  19. cheese says:

    Be sure to read the disclaimer at the end of the story.

  20. Les says:

    I think this quote best summarizes his idea “I reject your reality, and substitute my own” Adam Savage, Mythbusters

  21. GigG says:

    #1 “At the very least there is cause for an investigation.”

    No it isn’t. It really, really isn’t.

  22. doug says:

    Isn’t there enough crappy stuff going on in the world without wingnuts making up more?

  23. Frank IBC says:

    Here’s the Wiki article on Mr. Rense, the proprietor of that website:

    Jeff Rense is an American conspiracy theorist and radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program, broadcast on US satellite radio via Genesis Communications Network (GCN) and Internet radio.

    Rense’s radio program and website, cover subjects such as UFO reporting, paranormal phenomena, conspiracy theories, tracking of new diseases & possible resultant pandemics, environmental concerns (see chemtrails), possible evidence of advanced ancient technology, geopolitical developments and emergent energy technologies, complementary and alternative medicine, among other subjects.

    A recurring subject on the Rense show is a general mistrust of the establishment, and the theory that the attacks on the New York World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 were orchestrated by Zionist Neoconservative elements within the US Government, the CIA and the Israeli Mossad. Regular guests include conspiracy theorists, ufologists, and critics of the establishment such as congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. One of Rense’s favourite guests is paranormal expert, Brad Steiger, who is also a personal friend of Rense. Rense has also interviewed top South African journalist, Jan Lamprecht, who became a regular commentator.

    Great catch, John.


  24. Mark T. says:

    John must be trolling the looney sites again.

  25. Ed L. says:

    John, I’m a little surprised that someone of your general “crankiness” would put out something so wild yet unsourced and unattributed. While I’d loooove to believe something like this, it seems awfully thin on actual facts.

  26. Roger wilson says:

    OMG nukes flying over the US in B-52s. Amazing. What do you think the B-52 was built for? For over 20 years there were B-52s continually in flight, full loaded.

  27. tallwookie says:

    please let it be detroit, please let it be detroit, please let it be detroit
    *end prayer*

  28. Joshua says:

    WOW…..I was about to say nasty things to you guys for not reading the credits and blaming John for this obvious Uncle Dave whacko post……then I looked up and saw John’s name…..damn….is Uncle Dave in a coma or something John?

  29. What ?
    So much for high tech and military precision and strict military controls , command structure and accountability as well as clarity of mission and thought

  30. bill says:

    I remember as a kid in Chicago, we lived near O’Hare which was part military and part civilian at the time. I was riding my bicycle to school one morning and I heard a noise directly overhead. It was a B52 doing a 180′ almost on it’s side directly overhead!! They were obviously returning to the airport! I remember I could see the face of the pilot (his helmet) but I could see that he was wearing dark green sunglasses! WowI I bet they had a bomb onboard. I’m glad they made it back.
    This blog entry is especially disturbing because it brings to light sites such as: where the ‘article’ came from…
    Stuff like this is kind of like yelling FIRE in a movie theater. I think even with all our constitutional rights and other freedoms, if you make stuff up and publish it you should have to say so.


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