Researchers in Finland are reporting successful use of an unlikely fertilizer for farm fields that is inexpensive, abundantly available, and undeniably organic — human urine.

Despite the ‘yuk’ factor, urine from healthy individuals is virtually sterile, free of bacteria or viruses. Naturally rich in nitrogen and other nutrients, urine has been used as fertilizer since ancient times.

In the new study, Surendra K. Pradhan and colleagues collected human urine from private homes and used it to fertilize cabbage crops. Then they compared the urine-fertilized crops with those grown with conventional industrial fertilizer and no fertilizer.

The analysis showed that growth and biomass were slightly higher with urine than with conventional fertilizer.

I’ll bet results were better than they would have been even 100 years ago. There has to be higher levels of useful nutrients in our urine, nowadays just because of a generally more expansive, more inclusive, diet.

  1. Kevin says:

    I’ve got 2 habanero pepper plants in pots in my back yard grown from the same seed lot. One pot gets peed on by my 70 lb dog. The pee goes into the tray at the bottom. This plant is 3 times as big and much healthier with many more peppers than the plant with no pee.

  2. chris says:

    is tamato feed a good fertilizer for growing marijuana! my plants are starting 2 go yellow nd dry up! there just starting 2 bud nd i dont want dem 2 die! i was told dat i need a tomato feed 2 increace d nitrogen levels! if any1 has anything 2 say it would help me so much!

  3. Julie says:

    I think this is a wonderful idea!! I have used it for my science fair research paper. My question is How does urine affect the growth of a tomato plant? Thanks again!

  4. AtOmiK says:

    What I read on a different site was that you mix 1 part urine to 30-50 parts water for Cannabis growing. What I want to know is how much is 1 part?

  5. cracktastic says:

    #30 The movie was ‘Idiocracy’ – It’s got electrolytes!

  6. Carmen says:

    Dogs urine burns the lawn because it is undiluted and highly acidic due to the fact that dogs are carnivores and animal protein is an acidic food. Most people are also carnivores but that doesn’t mean your urine will burn your plants. You just have to dilute it with plenty of water and use it fresh. If you are taking medication or have a urine infection dont use it. I can tell that my plants benefit greatly from my own “organic fertilizer”. It is amazing how something so simple and free works such wonders.

  7. Yara says:

    It is certainly accepted inside medical communities today this marijuana use causes zero evident long-term center problems for normal consumers. The DEA in a hostile manner goes after that point, claiming that in accordance with Harvard research, in this hour subsequently after having been cigarette users marijuana, the center attack risk comes up five fold. However, this ‘fact’ will not be properly cited and it’s indicative of this DEA’s sloppy attempts so that you can cite it’s sources. Marijuana’s outcomes on blood vessels pressure tend to be complex in addition to inconsistent since yet.


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