Apparent Werewolf

Deputy fired 30 shots from rifle in killing 6, officials say – — This is a sad story for a number of reasons. But you have to wonder why the cop was hanging with this crowd in the first place.

An off-duty sheriffs deputy used a police-style AR-15 rifle to kill six people at an early morning party in a small Wisconsin town, officials said Monday.

Twenty-year-old Tyler Peterson had gone to the party early Sunday to make amends with his ex-girlfriend, a friend of Petersons told The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Peterson lost control after people called him a “worthless pig,” Mike Kegley told the paper.

Peterson left and got a police-style AR-15 rifle from his truck, forced his way back into the apartment and fired about 30 rounds at about 2:45 a.m. 3:45 a.m. ET. Six people were killed; one person survived and is hospitalized, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen said at a Monday news conference.

The interesting factoid here is that he was roaming around with an AR-15. I thought the cops were supposedly outgunned by everyone out there. Cripes.

By the way. If you are out floating around at 3 AM partying. Bad things can happen.

found by Thomas Bont

  1. David Mullenix says:

    That “Police-style AR-15” was probably issued to him by the sheriff’s office he worked for. I live in Madison, Wisconsin, and a year or two ago all of the shotguns in the police cruisers were swapped out for some sort of AR-15/M-16 type assault rifles. The reasoning for the change was somewhat convoluted.

  2. Canucklehead says:

    #30 killing with knives — you find one story about some guy in a primary school who manages to kill 2 teachers (probably women) and some grade 2 kids with a knife. That’s tragic, and yes knives can be dangerous, but they are not in the same league as this cop’s weapon.

    I can probably find hundreds of stories where some loser with a high powered firearm mowed down half a dozen or more. Do you really think this cop would have been able to kill 6 with only a knife?

    I am talking about reducing the risk.

    And thanks for the compliment about Canadian chefs 🙂

  3. John S says:

    It seems this officer had more social issues than anything. Putting a gun in anybodies hands with issues can bring about this kind of result. I certainly agree with those who said the rifle should have been left at the police station. But, I am not sure the outcome would have been much different if the officer had just his hand gun. A gun is a gun.

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:


    He could’ve gone in swinging a machete; he could’ve burnt the house down with everyone in it.

    A gun didn’t kill those people, an immature kid with serious impulse control issues did.


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