Infowars – 10/3/07:

A Veteran from Reno, Nev. has hit headlines after he took matters into his own hands yesterday and tore down a Mexican flag that was being illegally flown above a U.S. flag at a local business.

The man commented “I’m Jim Brossert and I took this flag down in honor of my country with a knife from the United States army. I’m a veteran, I am not going to see this done to my country. if they want to fight us, then they need to be men, and they need to come and fight us, but I want somebody to fight me for this flag. They’re not going to get it back.”

according to federal law it is illegal to fly any flag above the U.S. flag, and if flying more than one they must be on separate poles and be of an equal size.

The Reno police department has told KRNV that Brossert will faces charges for theft if the store owner files a police report of what happened.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I’m sorry…

    Federal law?

    Please cite that.

  2. Gary Marks says:

    The Reno Police Department said in a statement that while the U.S. Code establishes protocol for the display of the American flag in relation to other flags, the protocol “is advisory and is not a criminal statute.”

    Jim Brossert, however, committed a criminal act, although I doubt the business involved will press charges against him.

  3. Gary Marks says:

    One minor correction: the correct spelling of the man’s last name is “Broussard.” seems to have misspelled it.

  4. Sounds The Alarm says:

    I’ll keep saying it – if Mexico is so great, when why come here? Also if by inference Mexico sucks – then why try to make a good country into shitty Mexico?

  5. Angus says:

    Ok. Did he steal the flag, or cut it down? If the merely cut it down it’s a property damage crime, not theft.

    An old marine once commented to me on burning flags as a political statement. “You have the right to burn it, and I’ll defend your right to burn it. But I have a right to think you’re an “expletive” if you do. ”

  6. wriprodir says:

    Is that “large chuck of the U.S.” referring to Chuck Norris?

    I’ve got news for you: he’s only 5’4″ and I’m sure he wasn’t even born in 1812.

    The reason for border-jumpers? Mexico doesn’t have free health care, free housing, and get-out-of-jail-free cards.


  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    7…Ok, they can have Texas back. That would solve a lot of trouble as far as I’m concerned. You think they’d take Floriduh, too?

    I’d love to see this business press charges…imagine the national outcry against them. Wonder if they’re too far out of the mainstream to care, tho.

  8. edwinrogers says:

    I guess two world wars haven’t taught us the foolishness of overt patriotism.

  9. Greymoon says:

    He kinda took the American and Mexican flags down, cut the American flag off the rope, made a statement, and walked off with the American flag. He said they wouldn’t be getting it back without a fight.

    So while I agree with the veteran, just stealing someones property is pretty un-american, flag or not. Sometimes one must allow freedom of expression even though it may conflict with your personal beliefs.

  10. Sounds The Alarm says:


    Actually the theft was during the Mexican American war 1848-1850. And I agree they can take texas back, please!!!

  11. bobbo says:

    I’m torn. My patriotic side wants to make flying non-American flags illegal.

    My religious side wants to outlaw them as graven images not to be worshipped.

    I wonder which stupid impulse in me will win out?

  12. Sounds The Alarm says:

    It must be a law that nationally all douche bags must empty into Texas, particularly at a phony ranch in Crawford .

  13. god says:

    Cripes. No one else saw this on the telly?

    Somewhat staged, as well, folks. Either a cameraman from a local station went along for the “incident” or the dude brought a friend with a very good camera to record the incident. While he gave a speech.

    I don’t especially disagree with any of the sentiments – other than finding flags, countries, patriotism and all – to be a load of crap to begin with.

  14. JPV says:

    Actually the theft was during the Mexican American war 1848-1850. And I agree they can take texas back, please!!!

    Comment by Sounds The Alarm

    Hmmm… wonder who had the country before the US and Mexico were here…

  15. Richard says:


    Ch 36
    Title 10
    Section (c)

  16. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #19 Aztecs & they were almost as fun as the Nazi’s

  17. mark says:

    19. Dont know, but supposedly EVERYBODY came from Africa to begin with.

  18. Andrew says:

    “This code is the guide for all handling and display of the Stars and Stripes. It does not impose penalties for misuse of the United States Flag. That is left to the states and to the federal government for the District of Columbia. Each state has its own flag law.

    Criminal penalties for certain acts of desecration to the flag were contained in Title 18 of the United States Code prior to 1989. The Supreme Court decision in Texas v. Johnson; June 21, 1989, held the statute unconstitutional. This statute was amended when the Flag Protection Act of 1989 (Oct. 28, 1989) imposed a fine and/or up to I year in prison for knowingly mutilating, defacing, physically defiling, maintaining on the floor or trampling upon any flag of the United States. The Flag Protection Act of 1989 was struck down by the Supreme Court decision, United States vs. Eichman, decided on June 11, 1990. ”

    From, in reference to Chapter 36 Title 10 §175

  19. Reno Texan says:

    How does a veteran pulling down a flag in Reno have anything to do with Texas?

    1. A Mexican store owner flew a Mexican flag above the American flag.
    2. Texas was part of Mexico until the Texans declared their independence.
    3. Bush is from Texas.
    4. Bash Texas.

    I am no fan of the president. But that idiot was elected by the whole country — Twice!

  20. natefrog says:


    I am no fan of the president. But that idiot was elected by the whole country — Twice!

    Well, actually

  21. gregallen says:

    Gotta say… not to much sympathy for the flag ripper here.

    Nor do I have much sympathy for the guy flying the Mexican flag.

    As an American living overseas, I NEVER fly an American flag or have one publicly displayed. It’s disrespectful of your host country.

    This has been true for all the expat Americans that I’ve known lived with and that’s been a lot. This was even before the massive anti-Americanism that has happened because of Bush.

  22. Wayne Bradney says:

    Strange that so much coverage is given to two pieces of cloth that were probably both made in China or Korea.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>But that idiot was elected by the whole country — Twice!

    Weeeeeeeel, at least a sizeable minority of the country, plus some help from Daddie’s friends on the Supreme Court, plus some help from President Cheney’s friends at Diebold…

    But hey. Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American populace. We even put up with bullshit like the Supreme Court game of 3-card monte, and hacked voting machines.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    They just ain’t gunna find no red blooded ‘merican jury that’ll convict this guy. Geeze, even the store owner must be smarter then that !!!

    Now, if they could stack the jury with illegals, …

  25. Jennifer Emick says:

    There is no law governing the flying of flags, and it is not illegal to display flags any way one chooses. The only crime committed was by the jackass who decided to act as censor over someone else’s property. That said, he owes the guy a new flag and a new rope and it should have been left at that.

  26. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 – …Ok, they can have Texas back.

    As long as we keep Austin… I am NOT letting go of Austin City Limits or South by Southwest

    #11 – I guess two world wars haven’t taught us the foolishness of overt patriotism.

    It’s a strangely hard lesson to learn.

    #24 – I am no fan of the president. But that idiot was elected by the whole country — Twice!

    He was possibly elected, possibly not – the jury is out no matter what the right claims – and in either case he was elected with less than 50% of the of the total vote… But who cares… People have bashed Texas for far longer than Bush has been President…

  27. BubbaRay says:

    [off topic]
    Ooooh, more TX bashing. Guess Ah’d better pull on them boots, saddle up ol’ Silver and ride out to that shack with the mirror and lens thingies in it.

    We got them thar US flag deals here too, but best of all, they ain’t none of them Crawford residents outchere in the Big Bend.

  28. hhopper says:

    Gee, I guess the intelligent thing to do was to explain to the store owner how flags are supposed to be displayed in this country before getting all pissy.

    Getting all pissy © James Hill, 2007.

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #33 – Don’t humor him.


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