Europe’s main human rights body voted to urge schools across the continent to firmly oppose the teaching of creationist and “intelligent design” views in their science classes.

The Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly approved a resolution saying attacks on the theory of evolution were rooted “in forms of religious extremism” and amounted to a dangerous assault on science and human rights.

The Council, based in the eastern French city of Strasbourg, oversees human rights standards in member states and enforces decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.

America sends out missionaries from the Dark Ages to the whole world.

  1. grog says:

    thank god

  2. Rabble Rouser says:

    Thank the gods, goddesses, and any other deity of one’s choice!

  3. Weeeelaaaaahhh!! Now, if only we can do the same in the U.S. where the fundamentalist attack on science is strongest.

  4. Thomas says:

    The “dark ages” where when the masses of people did not have God’s word, the Bible. So your comment is correct that those that evangelize evolution around the world, are putting forward a failed theory consistent with the Dark Ages. The only consistent recount of our origins remains in the Bible.

  5. erik says:

    But, Thomas, you forget that your god-pimps were in leading roles or completely in charge of most nation-states, back then.

    Your ideal condition of servitude.

  6. Timbo says:

    More like Humanist rights to silence any opposing thought. This is the way of all monopolies from Microsoft to Communism. The church was guilty of that sort of thing 50 years ago….

  7. Angel H. Wong says:


    “The “dark ages” where when the masses of people did not have God’s word, the Bible. ”

    And those who didn’t want it ended up dead, the biggests genocides in history are in the name of your God.

  8. JimR says:

    Finally! We are now officially entering the light ages.

  9. Jetfire says:

    “amounted to a dangerous assault on science and human rights.”
    How is this an Assault on Human Rights? But I bet Muslims will get a wavier and the EU will even pay for the school because they don’t want to upset them.

    The Human Right thing is starting to get over used and will cheapen it if they start using it like this. They should have just stuck to the science part. Unfortunately Science is becoming the new Religion and anyone dissenting from a certain view will be attacked like the Church did in the old days.

    To much Science today is being pasted off as fact when most of it’s best guess from available data and our understanding of that Data.

  10. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Darn it. Stop posting things that make me have to respect something in France. 😉

  11. J says:

    #4 Thomas

    Do you actually know anything about that period of time or do you just go around saying dumb things to prove that you are an idiot?

  12. #4 – Thomas,

    Actually, during the dark ages, everyone had access to the bible. Even those who could not read got their weekly dose in church. Everyone was extremely religious. It was the dark ages because a tremendous amount of real knowledge of the world was lost. Today, we face the loss of much knowledge again as people attempt to forbid schools from teaching it.

    #9 – Jetfire,

    It’s an assault on our rights to a decent education containing real information about the world. Those who want the crap that is in the bible can get it in church/synagogue/mosque without imprinting it on the young brains of the rest of society.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>putting forward a failed theory

    What “failed theory” might that be, Tommie?

    I’ll bet if they tried teaching about Creationism in classes on comparative religion (where it belongs) rather in science class, this whole brouhaha would not have happened.

  14. Fraggle says:

    The largest political party in Northern Ireland (no the Republic of ireland) is creationist and is pushing to have it introduced in science classes.

  15. Ben Waymark says:

    Thank goodness for a wee bit of sanity from the EU! It was bound to happen sometime! Surprisingly out last PM actually started a trend towards state-run ‘faith schools’ that included talk of creationism (surprising because its just not a very British thing to do… usually that’s what we make fun of you lot about …. well, that and anything that feeds a generally jealousy that you rule the roost now….). Hopefully this will be a bit a minor blip who for some reason fell in love with ole George W. Teaching religious theory as doctrine is just plain wrong. Apparently in the UK the big creationist push isn’t come from Christian fundamentalists but from Muslim fundamentalists.

    On the subject of the ‘dark ages’: actually what happened was that the Roman Empire expanded, bringing Christianity to most of Europe, including modern day France, Spain, UK, and parts of what is now Belgium, Germany and Holland. Then the great migration of various tribes from Northern Europe redefined the cultural map, and in a way ‘re-paganised’ Europe (albeit with a different form of paganism than before). The western Roman empire fell, and with it the spread of Christianity mostly stopped for a couple of hundred years (about 400 AD to 600 to 1000 AD depending where you are) and Europe descended into ‘the dark ages’ so named because literary skills declined quickly with the fall of the Roman Empire and there are few written records (religion had nothing to do with the term ‘dark ages’) from that time. This ended conclusively with the Norman conquest of England after which all the borders stayed more or less the same for the next 1000 years, which also saw the re-Christianisation of Europe (at least on an official level, the simple truth is no one knows what the vast majority of the population thought or believed during the dark ages or the medieval ages… certainly there isn’t a lot of evidence that most peasant understand basic theology, or the idea of the trinity or anything like that….). There you go, four years of a undergraduate study summized in a paragraph. That was $40,000 well spent.

  16. Peter Rodwell says:

    There you go, four years of a undergraduate study summized in a paragraph. That was $40,000 well spent.

    Thanks for saving us all $40,000!

    I was surprised the EU even bothered with this, considering that as far as I know the evolution vs creation “debate” has remained (thankfully!) an entirely US phenomenon, to the amusement and bemusement of the rest of us. Maybe it has reared its ugly head in the UK but as very little UK news reaches us here, I don’t know.

  17. Ben Waymark says:

    9. Jetfire To much Science today is being pasted off as fact when most of it’s best guess from available data and our understanding of that Data.

    I’d rather have guess work from scientists being passed off as fact, and published in academic journals where others can dispute it, than have a doctrine passed off as fact with no one able to dispute it.

    Its worth mentioning, just for the record, that the huge majority of the world’s Christians don’t subscribe to intelligent design and have no qualms with Darwnism. Certainly the Roman Catholic church believes Darwnism to be good science, as does the Anglican church. Amongst the smaller protestant domination its seems to be split 50/50, but its hard to say.

    The rabid creationist should learn to trust in their God more, and trust that if science and philosophy are left alone to explore and develop they will be fine. The world is not lead astray through bad philosophy, its lead astray but people closing their hearts and shedding their compassion. No one is going to be resurrected and judged on the basis of whether or not they subscribed to fine points of doctrine or philosophy. They will be judged by the love they have left in their hearts.

  18. panos says:

    I agree. This whole US stupidity has even made it overseas.

    I hope that EU will spend it’s time fixing the difficult issues such as the aging population and the NO-WEB-2.0 presence of the EU companies.
    They take so much of our money and they spend their time on ruling about everything a stupid, country, heretic lobby in a weird village in Wyoming.

  19. panos says:


  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 – To much Science today is being pasted off as fact when most of it’s best guess from available data and our understanding of that Data.

    And too many non-scientists are re-posting that lie over and over…

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #20 about #9 – I’m not saying you are lying… I’m saying you are erroneously believing a lie… And just to be pre-emprive, I’m not calling you stupid… If I wanted to do that, I’d reply to Thomas.

  22. Tanqueray says:

    Dude Europe knows how to do it, they know how to fight global warming the right way, and they know the right way to tell crazy christian to f*** off.

  23. bill says:

    Is it possible to reverse-immigrate back to Europe? I mean who would take us? I’m serious! I’d like to seek asilum from what America has become.

  24. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    There will be basically no progress with religious fundamentalists until such a time as they learn what science actually is, and not the false definition foisted upon them by those who have a vested interest in keeping them ignorant of scientific fact, which disproves their fairytales.

    And the only way that’ll happen is when society gets their collective act together enough to understand that children must learn to distinguish fact from fantasy – before religionists brainwash and peer-pressure them away from knowledge and sanity.

  25. TIHZ_HO says:

    #18 “This whole US stupidity has even made it overseas.”

    But not to China – the government has made sure of this. China has enacted laws which limit certain ‘missionary’ religions to gatherings of (from memory) no more than 7 persons. I will never have that door bell ring with someone trying to sell me God.

    There are no other restrictions on the more ‘normal’ religions as there are a few churches near where I live. Which is well and good – people can go to church if they like.


  26. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #25 – I like that China controls religion with a heavy hand, just as the United States has regulations concerning the content of advertising.

    I’m not so sure that their methods, kidnapping people and burying them in a desolate wasteland, is all that good. I’d prefer simply yelling at them until they slither away.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    >>keeping them ignorant of scientific fact, which disproves
    >>their fairytales.

    No scientific “facts” have ever disproved my “fairytales”, O Great Trout. Perhaps that’s because my “fairytales” deal with things that scientific “facts” are ill-equipped to handle. You might keep that in mind when you next seek to disrespect my beliefs.

  28. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Your fairytales, old condiment, remain fairytales until such time as you or anyone produces a single fragment of a splinter of a trace of a subatomic particle of evidence that supports them. And in billions of man-years, that has yet to occur.

    To believe that that is merely a coïncidence require the deliberate, willful suspension of all critical judgment.

  29. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    require = requires (obviously)

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    >>And in billions of man-years, that has yet to occur.

    Au contraire, mon poisson. It’s occurred billions of times. You are just too empty a soul to recognize it. And for that, I pity you.

    Better lay off that wrinkly lady/ keeper of yours, and spend some time on self-improvement. Not everything can be acquired with a trust fund sugar momma.


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