•Yes Bungie gets out of the Microsoft stranglehold, details of the deal are not well outlined. Halo will continue to be developed.
•Yahoo worth more dead than alive says a stock analyst.
•Darpa to put MEMs on insects for the military.
•SKYPE for Linux is out.
Good column on Adobe AIR.
•New acronym: RIA. Guess what it means or listen to the show. :)

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  1. GregA says:

    Bummer day to be a Mac fan/ MS hater. The premier publisher of games on the Macintosh platform is going to be Microsoft.

    Pwned yet again. Sigh…

  2. bs says:

    My guess is that this had alot more to do with Bungee being able to develop games for Mac, Wii, etc than it did with an actual problem with MS.

    If you are the s*&^ hot game developer right now, why not be developing for the s&%^ hot console???

  3. erik says:

    #1 – GregA – when you graduate from high school, will you please take a pre-collegiate course in reading English?

  4. moss says:

    Looks like the original article – in the first post – had it right. As amended.


  5. GregA says:


    Read what part?? The part where Microsoft is going to continue to be the publisher of all of Bungies games? Or the part where Bungie is going to continue to focus on games for Windows and the Xbox, per the official announcement? Or perhaps the part where Microsoft still has a controling interest in Bungie? Both companies said point blank, this will not affect day to day communications between companies. Perhaps this is exactly what the press release said it was, and the Bungie employees got a raise for a job well done.

    Or should I be reading the inductive reasoning argument made in the Macworld article where Bungie doesn’t rule out making mac games, therefore that means they are gonna make Mac games? We know that Halo will certainly not wind up on the Mac, that has been stated as a fact.

    Or what about the Business analysis part where Microsoft has been spinning off all of their game houses, not just Bungie?

    How about you stop letting school get in your way of an education? Better yet, how about you come up with a meaningful insult, or even offer something to the discussion?


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