1. John Travolta says:

    Robots haven’t been taught how to dance yet.

  2. echeola says:

    probably some art students!

  3. GigG says:

    And people wonder why the creators of the Interwebtubes thinks they are becoming useless.

    This video is one of the stupidest things I seen in a while.

    The girl isn’t even shocked by the display of to much free time.

  4. John Travolta says:

    #3, the proper response by a person that is ALIVE is to start dancing! If she’s bold enough she’d get into the elevator and shake her booty we three fun guys. The world is DEAD. People are too afraid to have fun when the moment arrives.

  5. nlm720 says:

    “This video is one of the stupidest things I seen in a while.
    The girl isn’t even shocked by the display of to much free time. ”

    Oh, lighten up 🙂 Everyone has a little time to do something stupid once in a while. Like, how many hours per week do you spend watching useless shows on TV ? 🙂

  6. Phillip Marquez says:

    Wait… #3, you’re complaining about people with too much free time and stupidity? Here? On a post with the title “Video: Whoa! I Think I’ll Take the Stairs!”? Seriously? What’s next? Planning on making a stop over at barbie.com and complaining that everything is immature and for girls?

    I’m almost inclined to think #3 is joking… almost, but not quite. If you forgot to take your happy pills this morning, I’d suggest you either a) take them now or b) refrain from embarrassing yourself with further comments today.

  7. GigG says:

    #6 There was a time when the vast majority of the post here at http://www.dvorak.org/blog had some redeaming social relivance. But let’s look at what today has brought us.

    Video: Whoa! I Think I’ll Take the Stairs!

    An Alternative Review Of Halo 3 From Australia

    Charges dismissed in case of – murder by sherry enema

    Why Stop Shopping When You Can Live At The Mall?

  8. Joshua says:

    #7….yep….especially when there is a great story on the lady thats fighting RIAA in court over pirated music. Now thats actually relevant to tech…..go figure. 🙂

  9. andy says:

    that ……. was ……… awesome

    if only i had a disco ball, a sound system, a disco suit, and unrestricted access to an elevator.

  10. dvdchris says:

    But it wasn’t disco, it was modern dance music.

  11. AdmFubar says:

    did anyone notice the sign for the elevator that stated
    maximum craptacity 1 disco nut

    i saw at least three in there…

  12. Blackdan says:

    reminds me of my student days. I did something similar, but lucky for me no-one was around to videotape it…. in 1994 no-one had a camera in their pocket. 🙂

  13. John says:

    What’s the name of the song that was playing?

    Wasn’t that song used in an adult beverage commercial with some guys dressed as flys?

  14. Nicky says:

    These guys were totally retarded!

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 – I’ve worked with retarded people in the past and I’m not sure retarded people are that creative, nor do I think retarded people have the technical acumen to pull off this gag in an elevator…

    This was a pretty funny gag.

    Too bad the world is consumed with grumbling humorless zombies…

  16. hhopper says:

    I thought the girl’s reaction was classic. She quietly took the stairs.

  17. JoaoPT says:

    #10 and #13

    The song is “born to be alive” by Patrick Hernandez.

    Dammn! How come I know these things…Boy, I’m old…

  18. Nik says:

    I would have danced with them. That girl is lame. 🙂


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