Chief designer of Internet says it’s out-of-date.
John tells how to eat a column.
Toshiba wants to find a new way to sell “Cell.”
A Sony Lawyer says everything is piracy.
Microsoft makes new Zune look more and more like an iPOD.
Microsoft looks like it is having a rift with Bungie Studios. The company should rethink management style.
Sputnik in the news yet again.
Sony’s OLED TV, kind of a joke.

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  1. edwinrogers says:

    Plasma was a joke when they cost $50K and burned out in a year. LCDs were a joke when they couldn’t be read in daylight and has 16 grey levels. OLEDs are a joke because they are small and expensive. Everything is a joke, when we need guys like John to explain them to us.

  2. denacron says:

    If you ever feel the need to eat a column, use rice paper. No blending required. 😉

  3. GregA says:

    The Bungie Microsoft split was yet more hating from the anti-microsoft blog’o’sphere. Wow, they (the blog’o’sphere) got two stories entirely wrong today. When are you guys gonna quit listening to them? The tech bloggers have an agenda… and gasp it is the nerdiest agenda ever. Its not even about money, it is about pride.

    So anyway, MS haters, you were wrong again.

  4. god says:

    GregA – about as informative as usual.

    When you’re old enough to vote, remember to register as a dillweed.

  5. GregA says:


    Your desperation for bad microsoft news is noted. Lol.

  6. tallwookie says:

    users to sony: “Get bent!”

  7. The Pirates says:

    Who is sony?

  8. Randy says:

    Who is Sony and what’s a CD?

  9. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    “Jammie Thomas Jennifer Pariser”

    Actually, Jennifer Pariser (obviously an idiot) is the Sony BMG lawyer.
    Jamie Thomas is the defendant in the trial.

  10. Palomar Jack says:

    #11 > Actually, Jennifer Pariser (obviously an idiot) is the Sony BMG lawyer. Jamie Thomas is the defendant in the trial.

    That’s most likely, but she’s still an arrogant moron. And a hypocrit, there’s no way this dumb broad will ever convince me she never, ever made a mix tape/CD or copied music into her dumb-assed iPod. And you know she owns one, she has too.


  11. Uncle Patso says:

    What does John have against Sputnik? Of course, he was only about five years old when it went up, so he may not remember the sensation it caused. I was a little older (eleven), and I really liked how suddenly science and engineering started getting more respect and coverage. Probably half the scientists and engineers in this country over the age of 45 would have gone into some other field if it hadn’t been for the emphasis on tech that came as a result of being surprised by the Soviets launching the world’s first artificial satellite. This led to the space race, which led to the electronics revolution (e.g., large scale integrated circuits), which led to the computer revolution.

    Sputnik day should be an official tech holiday!

  12. BubbaRay says:

    #13, Uncle Patso, once again, I’m too late to post. You should check out this article here, an interview with Nikita’s son — it provides a great perspective on the 1957 event.


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