1. Mike says:

    About as funny as syphilis.

  2. Gary Marks says:

    What’s our rating system, John?

    Should I give it 5 stars, 2 thumbs up, or 10 out of 10?

    I know, I’ll give it immunity from the elimination round 😉

  3. Palomar Jack says:

    They’re pretty funny.

    #1 > About as funny as syphilis.

    I agree, seeing as how social diseases are 100% preventable. With exception of cheating spouses and an infant being infected by some skanky mother. Those aren’t funny, they’re pathetic and selfish.

    Oh… wait… you were being sarcastic.

    Oh well, people getting infected because of their actions when they should know better is still hilarious.

  4. JohnMo says:

    #2: Not that one made me LOL even though I saw the punchline coming. Must have been the animation.

  5. Joshua says:

    I liked it….very funny. I don’t get out much, what can I say? 🙂


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