According to an email received by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Microsoft has released Bungie Studios from its ownership. The deal is apparently done, but Microsoft wishes to hold the public announcement until after October 6 for the protection of quarterly financial results.

The email reads: “Apparently MS just wants Bungie to make Halo for the rest of their natural days, and Bungie doesn’t like how MS is constantly trying to “handle” everything they do; the way they market their games, the way they interact with their fans (basically the fact that they do appreciate their fans), and how stingie [sic] they are with the profits (comparable to the rest of the industry). So as of today they are their own independent entity.”

It’s unlikely that any official confirmation or denial of Bungie’s split from Microsoft will appear before the end of the week. The only thing certain right now is that the door locks on Bungie’s offices in Kirkland, WA have all been changed – perhaps as a sign of a change in ownership.

I can assure you that this is a disaster if Microsoft cannot mend this fence.

  1. J says:

    I wonder if this means they will be coming home to Chicago.

  2. Jaucey Dvorak says:

    Milk the cow completely dry then kick it out to pasture.

  3. hhopper says:

    Microsoft – The Evil Empire.

  4. jlm says:

    will be interesting to see how bad future Halo games are since M$ supposedly has full rights to it

  5. GigG says:

    They need to make their next gamework on every single machine in the world OTHER than Windows and Xbox.

  6. JimR says:

    I don’t think the actual story will be as dramatic as some here think. Bungie’s contract with MS may be up, and they want to be more than a one trick pony. MS has the rights to Halo 3 (final episode) and can still negotiate with Bungie about new games and exclusivity , even if they become independent.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – They need to make their next gamework on every single machine in the world OTHER than Windows and Xbox.

    What other machines?

  8. daniel says:

    i’m confused… when did they actualy say ‘you suck’

  9. Max Bell says:


    Maybe this story is BS.

    I mean, doesn’t MS outsource to Syria and stuff?

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 – The Wii? You want Bungee to make Halo quality software on the Wii? I admit the Wii is cool, but it isn’t a serious gamer’s platform.

    I’m not saying that serious gamers don’t also like it or that it isn’t a good product. Hell, I love the Wii.

    But serious gamers, who play games like Halo, play on xBoxes and PCs. PS3 is fading fast and Apples don’t game. So what are all the other boxes? Its suicide not to develop for those two platforms, and its just bullheaded goofiness to hate Microsoft. They make software. They don’t poison water supplies or sponsor ethnic cleansing. They make Office apps and games.

  11. James Hill says:

    Because Halo 4 is going to be a bigger deal than Halo 3? Afraid not.

    M$ got what it needed from Halo 3: A change agent to solidify the 360 as the main gamers platform, and all but slam the door on Sony.

    Hell, more people would buy Halo 3 if the story was spun as “The Last Halo EVER!”

  12. Joe says:

    This is the best news I’ve heard about mac gaming all week!

    YES YES YES, Finally they can come back to the mac and develop the Marathon Series again!

  13. Job Steves says:

    This doesn’t necessarily mean they will stop making games for the Xbox. They just want more control to make what they want instead of just Halo.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I admit the Wii is cool, but it isn’t a serious gamer’s platform.

    Most people don’t give a fuck about “serious gaming”, at least not after they go through puberty. They want to play a few games with the kids, then go off and do grown-up stuff.

    Only the guys who still clip baseball cards to their bike spokes and paw through old comic books with their bald pates shining in the fluorescent lights care.

    Lather was 30 years old today, and they took away all of his toys….

  15. ECA says:

    Serious gaming??

    What GAME??
    I know many that like RPG’s and that isnt computer intensive.
    I know a few sims that ARENT computer intensive..
    The only REAL intensive programs is shoot-em ups in 3D world environments…
    I would think you could run the first 2 Dooms on the wii without a Problem.

  16. Gremlin says:

    @ #14

    Yea, that’s exactly what will happen. They’ll go back to the Mac. *snicker*

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – Most people don’t give a fuck about “serious gaming”, at least not after they go through puberty. They want to play a few games with the kids, then go off and do grown-up stuff.

    I don’t need to point out that you don’t know jack about gaming. That’s plainly obvious. But I do need to point out the following:

    Most people don’t give a fuck about audiophile quality home theater gear, or recreational vehicles, or raising orchids in a greenhouse, or collecting ceramic figurines, or Ham radio… but some people do.

    What’s your hobby so I can make fun of it.

  18. Mark T. says:

    Wow! This would be fantastic news… if it turns out to be true, that is.

    Bungie sold its soul to the devil when they went to the MS Dark Side. I just hope this means that Halo 2 and Halo 3 will be forthcoming for both Windows XP and Mac OS X, maybe even PS3 or Wii.

    Now I am glad I refused to buy either Vista or an XBox 360 in order to play Halo 2 and 3, respectively. Those are the only games out there that I really want to play that are not available on either XP, Mac, or PS2/3.

    If it is true, that must mean Bungie is tired of being solely responsible for getting gamers to adopt Vista and/or the XBox. Bungie should have gotten MS profit sharing but I am sure they got screwed on that deal.

    So, do you think MS will keep the movie rights to Halo?

  19. doug says:

    “Microsoft will retain all rights to the Halo franchise, assuring that the Master Chief will never grace competitors’ systems, and will also hold “the right of first refusal on future games,” meaning that Halo 3 probably won’t be the last Xbox 360 exclusive title from Bungie Studios.”

    wow, right now, I would not want to be the guy who negotiated that clause for Bungie.

    Of course, the thing to do would be to disband Bungie, step out into the hallway for a quick Red Bull, then return to the office as Eignub Studios!

  20. Mike Voice says:

    As a result, shareholders of Bungie bought the studio name back from Microsoft…

    That’s it??

    They bought-back the rights to the name?

    None of the intellectual property?

    And I’m with Max, in #11: Why pay “an unstated, but significant amount of money.” to get out from under Microsoft’s thumb – if you are just going to let them keep you under their thumb – via “right of first refusal”???

  21. flyingelvis says:

    halo sucks. i quit (playing it).

  22. Angel H. Wong says:


    But if they go back to the Mac, the only things they could create would be a Gamecube level graphic quality and only sell them to 3 to 9 gamers.

  23. Elza Durphey says:

    I finally finished campaign mode on Halo Reach last night, and all I can say is wow! I’m in love. If you still haven’t played it, you’re missing out on one of the best games ever created.


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