The Wii Remote Jacket, a protective and removable silicone cover, will begin shipping on Oct. 2 (that’s today) in an effort to reduce the peripheral damage caused by flying Wii Remotes. The accessory comes bundled with new Wii systems, Wii Play, and Wii Remotes free of charge.

Yes, they have an online form for you to fill out.

“Use of the Wii Remote Jacket is meant to supplement, not replace, the basic game-play instructions: keep a firm grip, don’t let go of the controller, use the wrist strap and make sure your play area is free of people or objects,” reads a statement from Nintendo.

Don’t run while carrying scissors, either.

  1. natefrog says:

    Just in time; the next Star Wars game is due early next year!

  2. Sean says:

    Seems like a small thing, but Nintendo is leaps ahead of the other console companies when it comes to heading off potential problems with their consoles, no matter how small they may be. Just part of the piece of the puzzle – Nintendo’s customers are satisfied with their service. Put it all together and you get a full picture of why Nintendo’s products have been selling faster than they can be produced for the last year or so, while Sony has been disappointed with their console sales.

  3. EJmcn says:

    doesn’t work put in my code and got a 404 error

  4. Brandon Bachman says:

    ppl r stuped.

    That’s all there is to it. The people that are whacking other people with the Wiimote are the same idiots that buy a projection big screen television for their prison-cell apartments.

    Man I swear… if I ever did get a Wii I would either opt for the Wii SNES-esque controller or the Gamecube controller.

  5. carlene says:

    4 –

    I don’t know how one becomes stupe, much less stuped…

    in any case, if you ever get a Wii, and opt for one of the other controllers, then you might realize that you can then not play any Wii games.

    The classic and GameCube controllers are only good for downloadable or GC games, respectively.

    If you’re the example of someone who’s not, then I’m glad I’m stupe.

  6. David says:

    The classic and gamecube controllers work with SOME of the Wii games, but not all.

    The reason for the controller sleeve is a smooth controller with no grippy bits on it can fly out of your hands pretty easily if you play long enough. Or so I’m told, I’ve never gotten longer than 20 minutes to play it at a time.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Ooooh.. The wiimote is now ribbed! Porn games I tell you, porn games!

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Ooooh.. The wiimote is now ribbed!

    Angel, you horny bastard. Traditionally, things are “ribbed for HER pleasure”, not his.

  9. Dauragon88 says:

    I ordered two.

    Hey…..its free…….. lol

  10. Angel H. Wong says:


    “Traditionally, things are “ribbed for HER pleasure”, not his.”

    One out of 3 gamers are women, nuff said.

  11. Li says:

    It looks comfy; I ordered a few for my wii


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