Everything you need to know about the Nigerian Scam e-mails that everyone gets week after week.

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  1. Half Moon says:

    I got one of these emails. I responded by saying that the offer came as an insult, and that I never work for less than 70% of the pie.

  2. Cinaedh says:

    I’d be very interested in taking advantage of one of these wonderful Nigerian opportunities to get instantly wealthy but unfortunately, I Get No Spam and hence, no such offers.

  3. Scott says:


    In your report, you claim that you’ve received more than one Nigerian scam email and that this type of email is spam. But you have a link on your blog that states that you “GET NO SPAM”.

    Well, which one is it?

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, That isn’t Spam. They’re invitations.

  5. My favorite variation on the Nigerian 419 scams. This one is hilarious.


  6. Nicky says:

    You got to be thick as two short planks to buy a story like that.

  7. Potentiary Plenty says:

    I keep getting these emails from some shady outfit called the “RNC” (I think is stands for Regressive National Convention) telling me that if I send them a little money, they will use it to benefit not only me, but my children, and my children’s children. They also suggest that I will get my money back many times in lowered taxes, improved lifestyle, freedom from government intrusion, you name it, they promise it.

    Should I send some money to the “RNC”, or is this just some form of “Nigerian Scam”? Does anyone have anything good to say about this organization? They prospectus looks good, although their head spokesman looks like the guy from Mad magazine, and has some “illiterating” problems. Their motto is “It’s hard work”. They must need lots of vacations if they work so hard.

  8. Jennifer says:

    PP, you just made me snort yogurt- hilarious!

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    Does anybody besides Alzheimer’s patients and Republicans actually pay any attention to this scam? I thought everybody was tuned into this thing 10 years ago.

  10. Eric says:

    Chances are, if you’re on Dvorak.org/blog, you’ve elevated yourself to a level above needing this reminder. The Professor? Heck, all you need to be a professor is to stay in school long enough, don’t accomplish anything, and eventually they offer you a job. Now there’s a ringing endorsement for higher education!


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