Google News has too much old news. Also the news there is often miscategorized.
Microsoft getting closer to real IPTV. Tivo has the right idea.
Intel thinks virtual worlds are a holy grail.
New Xbox 360.
RAM memory can be doubled using new compression algorithms without latency.
Students should know that C and C++ are the definitive languages for embedded and will be for at least a decade.

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  1. undissembled says:

    Will someone please invite this guy to a Google party on the jet so he will stop the Google hating!

  2. Beta says:

    John, you still haven’t been invited to a Google event? I’ll email Sergey and have him send you an invite.

    BTW, you were pretty harsh in the last TWIT. I can understand you’re supposed to be cranky but even Leo seemed a bit annoyed by you attacking him. Whats your point anyway?

  3. qsabe says:

    Google is busy trying to explain to it’s advertisers why it is good for them to pay millions of dollars to kids who have MySpace friends clicking their ads like crazy. No time left to update the news.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    Maybe Google needs to invite Steve Jobs to give his pep-talk, like he did for Yahoo…

  5. andrewwi says:

    Since when is this news? Google News is based on the number of stories, which crop only start to crop up after a period of time.

  6. I’ve never attacked Leo.

  7. ChrisMac says:


    Much to our disdain


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