1. Ole Hansen says:

    The ‘iBible’ is actually a real product, except it’s called the GoBible: http://www.gobible.com/

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    “from whence”

    OK, OK…ya got me there. Mea maxima fuckin’ culpa..

    Don’t tell me you’ve never been to the Department of Redundancy Department.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    Not a problem, Mister Ghoughpteighbteau-Head. We all make mistakes from time to time.

    I find in amusingly ironic that in admitting your error, you quote from the Confiteor, which is traditionally used by Roman Catholics to admit their sins to God and the saints, asking the saints for intercession on the sinners’ behalf. Did you strike your breast thrice in repentence, too?

    I guess the old WWII aphorism is true….there ARE no atheists in foxholes.

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Oh, no; no goofy hats for me, thanks. The phrase has since entered the vernacular…

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    Dominus tecum.

  6. Half Moon says:

    A higher being is inevitable. You couldn’t move through life without one. For some, that manifests in a belief in the Bible. There are two basic types of Bible believers. There are the pre-rationalists believers who take the Bible as literally true, and then there are the post-rationalists who see the Bible as allegory. Reason is the great divide. Reason is our natural ability that is taken away from children by the introduction of fairytales as truth which– by a child’s tremendous love for his parents– is dictated by the dictators, mother and father. The cycle continues for century until one is re-introuduced to reason and logic by means of a college education and a push away from family values. Reason, and higher education, becomes the new “higher being”.

    However, who’s to say that reason is the highest point to reach? Suffering and pain are symptoms of the body and mind not attaining equilibrium.

    This is where I believe a new interpretation of the Bible comes in. It is a trans-rational understanding. It is beyond myth, it is beyond reason…

    It indeed is a reach for a new Higher Being that is in many ways magical but obeys the Natural Laws of the Universe. Scientists will see at as “randomness” or “coincidence” or “chance”.

    Many of the founding fathers of America were of this type. The belief in Providence was prevailant in the years of the American Revolution. The proof is there: 1776 (1+6=7…making it 777). Washington D.C. was placed on the 77th degree longitude. There are many more examples and the literature plenty about this.

    The truth is that reason, alone, is insufficient to deal with the mystery of the universe. Those standing on the vanguard of understanding have no one else to rely on except their own imaginations. That unknown territory is guided by something higher. A belief in something higher– even a belief in a higher self… a belief that we can immortalize our selves by acts in the sensible world.

  7. atheist says:

    Religion is a belief in an imaginary being, simple as that. The bible was written by men who had political agendas and not by some higher being. There’s nothing new about that. And even then, hundreds of years after these “miraculous events” took place.
    Good deeds can be done much better without religion hovering over, scaring people.
    One day we’ll be rid of religion and that will be good.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>One day we’ll be rid of religion

    I hope you’re not holding your breath. I pity you your empty life. No understanding of science, no understanding of spirituality. You make a perfect atheist!

  9. Ben Waymark says:

    One day we’ll be rid of religion and that will be good.

    ya, that will be great. We’ll drop religion and people will find a philosophy to fanatically devote themselves to and will kill each other over that instead…..

  10. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    That’s where you’re dead wrong. Nothing inspires fanaticism more than irrational beliefs that promise rewards to be delivered after death and that encourage humans to believe that they’re preferred to everyone else by the creator of the universe – who always, coïncidentally, just happens to look, and think, exactly like them…

  11. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Let me just put it ths way:
    Irrational behavior comes exclusively from irratiional beliefs.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    And for those of you who haven’t been indoctrinated yet –

    DEFINE: “irrational beliefs” *** Any belief that Lauren the Trout does not hold.

  13. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Lame, Mustard-man. Truly lame.



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