“But honey, adding to my pr0n collection helps the homeless!”

Doing the deed, helping the hungry

While it still remains true that you will never get something for nothing, one New Jersey Adult novelty store is giving out free pornography.

Playtime in Edison is doing its part to combat hunger with its fourth annual can goods drive Food for Porn.

The owner of Playtime, Deirdre Krasner and fellow employees, became concerned with fighting hunger in the state after reading an article about the phenomenon called “charity fatigue.”

[…]The effort has resulted in hundreds of cans being donated in the last four years.

The promotion works simple enough: If someone over the age of 21 brings in a can of food into the store that is over 13 ounces that is not dented or expired, they get a pornographic DVD. While the donator cannot choose the exact title, they can choose between gay, lesbian or straight blind packaged porn.

And in related, charitable, sexy-time news

You won’t find a Tickle-Me-Elmo at this yard sale – but you will find a Tickle-Me-Something-Else.

On a street where every second home, it seemed, was trying to make a buck off unwanted items yesterday, one Hastings Ave. resident offered something different.

It was a sale of a naughty sort, hidden behind a sign inviting “Adults Only” to Randy Gulliver’s backyard, where men and women alike browsed through tables of bargain-priced, never-used vibrators, Kama Sutra postcards and “Color Me Sexy” body crayons.

“It’s incredibly flexible,” Gulliver said of one toy as he flopped its tip back and forth. This one is ranked in the Top 10 of sex toys, he said.
All proceeds from Gulliver’s sale will go toward AIDS research, he said, adding $400 was donated from last year’s sale.

  1. OvenMaster says:

    Now this is what the entrepreneurial spirit in America is all about!

  2. tallwookie says:

    lol of all the posts on this blog, I’m really let down that theres only one other comment.

    I would have figured that the conservative nuts who troll this blog would have commented already…

  3. bs says:

    But you cannot donate creamed corn.

    That’s just gross.

  4. Joshua says:

    #1 Beat me to my comment…..lol

    Ya gotta love this country and some of it’s people…….take that James Dobson!!!

    Tallwookie….I’m a conservative….see nothing wrong in ADULT porn and sex toys. Can we say…..***stereotype**? 🙂

  5. tallwookie says:

    #4 -yup. See I was baiting James Hill, but he didnt show up

  6. prophet says:

    #4 – Joshua – Ahhh, I see you are an old school conservative…you know…the kind that use to stay the hell out of my bedroom.

    Texas is so screwed up. It is illegal to buy a dildo or vibrator that is used for its intended purpose. They put these smiley faces on them and have to call them “art”. Basically, anything that gives a woman pleasure for the sake of pleasure is illegal.

    The new Trojan condom with the vibrating cock ring…Illegal. Strangely enough, if it didn’t vibrate, it would be legal. There was an actual court case about whether cock rings are legal in Texas.

  7. RBG says:

    I love the way these guys operate. It’s like the hookers who set up a car wash for orphan fund-raising.

    Which is related to rock bands that play in support of some lefty cause.

    There, are you happy now?


  8. Ron Jeremy says:

    Hr0ny Fo_0d DDriVe?!?

  9. OvenMaster says:

    Now, if I could only turn in used milk jugs and be guaranteed a DVD starring Veronika Zemanova…


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