A beer bust for brain cells

Don’t Forget: Drink a Beer—Or Two—Daily!

You may be hard-pressed to recall events after a night of binge drinking, but a new report suggests that low to moderate alcohol consumption may actually enhance memory.

“There are human epidemiological data of others indicating that mild [to] moderate drinking may paradoxically improve cognition in people compared to abstention,” says Maggie Kalev, a research fellow in molecular medicine and pathology at the University of Auckland in New Zealand and a co-author of an article in The Journal of Neuroscience describing results of a study she and other researchers performed on rats. “This is similar to a glass of wine protecting against heart disease, however the mechanism is different.”

According to Kalev, it is hard to relate the alcohol the rats consumed to human quantities, but “based on their blood alcohol levels, the 2.5 percent ethanol diet was equivalent to a level of consumption that does not exceed [the] legal driving limit. This may be approximately one to two drinks per day for some people or two to three for others, depending upon their size, metabolism or genetic background.”

  1. OvenMaster says:

    Oops. +”i”. “Schiffer”, not “Schffer”. Too many beers, I guess. *hic*

  2. Sue says:

    And also smoking just one or two cigars a day improves your lung capacity and memory.

  3. Christopher Jones says:

    America originated from drunkards. The voyage that defined America to be were the founders on the Mayflower. On that long arduous trip, the passengers and crew consumed a gallon of beer a day per person, including infants. This was done because water was no safe to drink. Also, 50% of the Mayflower came for religious freedom, and the other half for economic prosperity. Today, we are still split that way, and again beer bonds us.

    Here’s a Bud for you.


  4. Improbus says:

    I think I may need to explore my German heritage. I am thinking Oktoberfest next year, yah! One of my friends actually married a “nice” girl from Austria.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, Lauren,

    The only question remaining is, before you die, which you’re going to do anyway – are you going to live?

    The secondary question, would be “How long and with what kind of health will you live”.

    Just because you plan on dying some day, do you not look both ways before crossing a street? Are you not the lest bit careful about ensuring your gun is unloaded before cleaning it? Do you ever check for mold on leftovers before digging in?

    So I guess the next question might be, “Would you prefer to die from a heart attack or throat cancer?”.

  6. Nicky says:

    The only think to fear, is running out of beer!

  7. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    There’s a bright line, Fusion, between well-advised caution and all-pervasive dread of just about everything.

    Statistics abuse has gotten us to the second state. In the wrong hands – that is to say, of the average citizen – statistics paint a dire picture, since that average citizen is an exceedingly poor judge of risk, not realizing which risk factors truly are applicable to his circumstances, and which are no more than remote theoretical possibilities.

  8. Rabble Rouser says:

    Sorry to disillusion some of you, but the ale that was being drunk on the Mayflower was not Budweiser. It wasn’t a lager either. Lagers didn’t become popular until the 1850s. Besides, it wouldn’t have made the trip. Stronger ales were the “beer of the day.” They were higher in alcohol content, and higher in malt content, and the hops were introduced to help long term storage, which was also assisted by the higher alcohol content.

    Ale is liquid bread. Ale contains many nutrients, as well as anti-oxidants that are beneficial. There are some theories that large farming of grain was done to produce ales in Egypt, and making this ale, helped to keep a surplus of food on hand for the months when there was a drought.

    I, too make my own mead, as well as hard cider, and ale. It’s gotten to the point that I drink what I make, and only drink beer if I know who brewed it… Personally. As former VP of the local homebrew club, I have met many brewers, so this is not much of a problem.

  9. iGlobalWarmer says:

    It’s not just for breakfast any more.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    I still say the girl flashing her jubblies with the buck teeth needs to visit a dentist. I wouldn’t let her around MY bits with a dangerous-looking mouth like that.

    Besides, her nose is somewhat porcine. Oink! Oink!

  11. maveriCk73 says:

    Teets ! I said look at her teets. Not teeth you moron.


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