A beer bust for brain cells
Don’t Forget: Drink a Beer—Or Two—Daily!
You may be hard-pressed to recall events after a night of binge drinking, but a new report suggests that low to moderate alcohol consumption may actually enhance memory.
“There are human epidemiological data of others indicating that mild [to] moderate drinking may paradoxically improve cognition in people compared to abstention,” says Maggie Kalev, a research fellow in molecular medicine and pathology at the University of Auckland in New Zealand and a co-author of an article in The Journal of Neuroscience describing results of a study she and other researchers performed on rats. “This is similar to a glass of wine protecting against heart disease, however the mechanism is different.”
According to Kalev, it is hard to relate the alcohol the rats consumed to human quantities, but “based on their blood alcohol levels, the 2.5 percent ethanol diet was equivalent to a level of consumption that does not exceed [the] legal driving limit. This may be approximately one to two drinks per day for some people or two to three for others, depending upon their size, metabolism or genetic background.”
Well, what do you know?! That must be why I’ve been making my own mead for years!
This message has been brought to you by Anheuser-Busch and it’s family of beers. Our new motto being “Improving your intelligence, one beer at a time”
Nice photo, Uncle Dave.
Thanks for the mammaries.
Dave, the blond is delectable.
Octoberfest in Munich. Tripped over a nudist sunbather in the park. Peace.
So. What’ll it be? Memory loss or cancer?
I guess we all have to go sometime.
I’d drink her bath water.
5. She’s the best of both worlds: The face of an angel with the breasts of a stripper!
>>She’s the best of both worlds: The face of an angel with
>>the breasts of a stripper!
If you can get over the Bucky Beaver overbite….
she’s beautiful, she could overbite me ANYTIME!
She has an overbite?
This theory was already explained in full by Cliff Clavin years ago.
“A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. When the herd is hunted, the slow and weak at the back are killed first. The speed and health of the herd keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.
“In the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as its slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. Naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first.
“In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That’s why you always feel smarter after a few beers.”
>>She has an overbite?
When your upper teeth extend an inch beyond your lower teeth, dental health professionals generally consider that an overbite. Great for gnawing down trees. Not so good for anything else.
I could debate that…
I could say that different parts of your brain work at different speeds.
Such as those buffalo Running away…
I could suggest that IF parts of the brain SLOWED down, and grouped up, Better, they could WORK together to help those at the end…Increaseing the Strength of the Heard, by Number rather then health.
(homer voice…) Hmmmmm… Jugs…
Well, I – and quite a few others – would say they’re good for looking gorgeous, obviously…
A large percentage of absolute knockouts have such “imperfect” dentition. Seems strange that something that abnormal could have such attractive results, until you consider that the people who have defined buck teeth and overbites as “abnormal” are the ones who pull down six-figure incomes from “correcting” them.
I’m sure Cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow, Penelope Cruz, Hilary Swank, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Rachel Weisz, etc, etc, could all have their looks “improved” – they just don’t have it done, and thereby stay repulsive, because they’re all hooked on gnawing on tree trunks… 😉
#14 MM… “When your upper teeth extend an inch beyond your lower teeth, dental health professionals generally consider that an overbite.”
I believe Les’s point was that if she wore the same low cut top, even her dental health professional wouldn’t notice any overbite (which you’ve obviously exaggerated). You’re probably in a monogamous relationship which shields you from her “distractions” 😉
#17 Lauren, to your list of “them that didn’t,” I would contrast someone who did — Jenna Elfman. She got caps a few years ago for a perfect smile, but IMO she now exudes less warmth and charm than when her teeth were noticeably imperfect. As a matter of fact, I even thought her smile used to be her best feature, but now she’s just another hot babe with a killer bod.
Mister Mustard, you are clearly a dentist. Get back to doing what you do best. Selling unnecessary procedures to the stupid and insecure.
As cute as the blonde is, I would go for the one three back. Hot (from the little you can see of her) and getting the ale down as quickly she can. My type of girl.
Another perfect example would be Jaclyn Smith. She used to have a noticeable gap front and center, and was exceptionally beautiful – then an orthodontist friend of her father’s talked her into “fixing” that gap. Before, she was a standout – after, she was just another pretty face like oh-so-many others.
She also started getting a lot less work shortly thereafter – could be just a coïncidence, but…
>>A large percentage of absolute knockouts have such
>>“imperfect” dentition.
I guess your “woman of a certain age” must have buck teeth too, huh Troutie?
#16. (Homer voice) “Expand my brain, learning juice!”
and that blond is objectively, scientifically, mathematically-proven cute
What’s with you “Amuricans” and the teeth thing?
So orally fixated…
#23 – yeah i dunno… I guess its to hide the inbreeding
She can’t be European, she has beautiful teeth. 🙂
I think I’ll be jingoistic for a moment. Tallwookie….maybe the pipsqueak country you come from might benifit from some inbreeding…..then they could accomplish as much as the US has, in as short a time as the US. (in all perfect socities there are bleeps….ours happens to be President) 🙂
Me. I’d take all three home and pray to god that I’d remember it the next day!
Trust New Zealand to prove that drinking is good for your, we have one of the highest litre’s of alcohol consumed per capital in the world lol
Here’s that recap, Fusion:
If you eat / drink / breathe various things you will certainly die.
If you do NOT eat / drink / breathe various things you will certainly die.
Therefore, you will certainly die.
The only question remaining is, before you die, which you’re going to do anyway – are you going to live?
#29. all I gotta say is this:
Dubya is a tee-totaler, and it ain’t made him any smarter. and he, like all of us, will one day die.
so pass the suds. preferably a huge glass stein of Spaten, handed to me by that smiling blond.
like you said, ya gotta live.
>>Mister Mustard, you are clearly a dentist.
Wrong. I just like my women WITHOUT big horse-teeth that look like they could crush an apple in one bite. Unless it’s Sarah Silverman.
Another overbiter (and from Deutschland, no less): Claudia Schffer. Rroowwrrr!
Is it my imagination, but does the girl in the middle have a bit of some resemblance to Jennifer Garner?