Using a Facebook profile, police arrested a suspect in an attack on the Georgetown University campus.
The victim searched through Facebook profiles to identify his attacker.
After the attack, the victim started looking on Facebook to see if he could find the person who attacked him, according to Lt. Alberto Jova of the Metropolitan Police Department’s Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit.
When he found a profile of someone who looked like his attacker, police investigated, then created a photo spread of possible suspects. The victim picked Cooney’s photo from the photo spread and Washington police worked with Georgetown University Public Safety officers to arrest him.
Jova said he’d never heard of a crime victim using Facebook to help police catch a suspect before.
You don’t expect the average thug to be bright enough to lie low. Why expect them to stay out of social networking meat markets?
A part of me says that this is overstepping a boundry, invading privacy however I can but help but think this is a Briliant Idea and very practical!
So….if you’re a criminal don’t have your mugshot online for the world to see…Got it
The victim found the suspect on Facebook.
The victim then took that information to the police.
The police then prepared a photo array.
The victim picks the suspect’s photo from the array.
Is there something about that that sounds a little fishy?
Na, not suspicious, just not explained correctly by the cop press guy. Probably needed some sort of chain of evidence, Facebook prob doesn’t fit the precedence.
They aren’t criminals because they are smart. The prisons are full of stupidity.
#4 just not explained correctly by the cop press guy.
Okay, I had the same suspicions that Mr. Fusion did – if someone would point-out the same person both times…
So the key words in the article are that he found someone who “looked like” his attacker… to help the cops narrow-down their suspects.
They aren’t saying that the “look alike” from Facebook was fingered in the photo-lineup of Police suspects??
Actually I was just joking around. You’re right it doesn’t say in the article what the headline implies. Maybe its just a crap article. The guy probably looked through Facebook for a reason. The cops probably busted the Facebook guy because he was identified by the victim. But no, you can’t really assume that based on a crap article.
I’m starting Sit On My FaceBook.
Basically, the victim could have picked anyone out of Facebook. All of the evidence collection that I see happening here doesn’t place the suspect at the scene of the crime.