1. benbeltran says:

    Great Song 😀 The chorus is hillarious.

    Go Ahead and Die!

  2. Gangrened Toe says:

    It’s a sad statement that in the United States people are starting to wish they were older so they can be covered by Medicare, which is basically a no-hassle system compared to the insurance companies. Either that or be really poor, so they can get state sponsored help.
    If you are a middle class American, your health is your problem. A healthy population is not the concern of the US government.

  3. CE says:

    I cannot see the vid on Safari BETA. Help!

  4. joshua says:

    Where was this video on talk like a pirate day? 🙂

  5. Graham says:

    Why should the government care about your health? What can they do? Legislate healthy lifestyles? Give you free health care? TINSTAAFL – There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (or Health Care). Someone will pay. Why are you working if you want someone else pay for your health care? If you want universal health care, give money to those who can’t pay. Leave the bloated government out of it.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: Then use a different browser. Can’t expect a beta version of software to work perfectly.

  7. James Armstrong says:


    The whole point of “health care reform” is to force health 20-somethings to pay premiums in spite of it being a raw deal for them – specifically to increase the profits of the health insurance industry.

    The industry simply does not want any consumer to have the option to not buy when the price is outrageously high.

    The real question we should be asking is “should we continue to allow the existence of a medical cartel”?

    I realize that most of the people who read this won’t get it.

  8. tallwookie says:

    #7 – Just to humor you, I’m gonna say “I dont get it”.

    Yeah heathcare premiums suck, but it sucks worse when you dont have it & you actually do need it.

  9. Peter says:

    #5 –
    Damn straight! I say we also leave the government out of other things like fire and police departments, road building, protection of the environment, keeping of historical documents in a national archive, radio spectrum regulation, aviation safety standards, workplace safety standards, etc… The government doesn’t do anything right, so why should we trust them with keeping the population healthy? They’d just do something outrageous like give us low overhead (a la Medicare) and equal access to treatment.

  10. nonStatist says:

    current system or national health care = false dichotomy

    #9 Will with that mentality why shouldn’t the government pay for my next car? Or how about my entire food bill. People do have to eat you know…

  11. nonStatist says:

    Low overhead as in Walter Reed LOL


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