I somehow had a problem keeping my attention on the instructions.

  1. Les says:

    Um.. umm. umm. Lost track of thought.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Hopper, my wife wants to know “How stupid was that”. I’m not sure, but maybe she was watching the instructions or something. Damn, I’m going to have to set up a divider between our computers.

  3. tcc3 says:

    I hate to break the gawking mood here, but wouldn’t it work better the other way? With the condom inverted through the tube?

  4. Chris says:

    Ha! Obviously this is a video to prove that chemical based AI (Artificial Intelligence) does not work. Basically you can’t dye a blonds hair brunette and expect too much. Did anyone else see that at the very end she almost shot herself in the head, before she turned it around. Must be used to taking it in the face….

  5. bobbyjoe says:

    What a waste of a condom…..

  6. Dick Cheney says:

    The girl on this video should be arrested (and publicly spanked) for providing the insurgents with another method to attack our troops.

  7. Beta says:

    Very educational video!

    I would shoot hard to.

  8. Cinaedh says:

    It’s just another udderly fascinating Saturday video on DU.

  9. johns says:

    I had no attention problem with this video. It was about a cannon you say. Oh I better watch it again.

  10. Rakarich says:

    she’s a tranny. seriously.

  11. mark says:

    7. I will happily provide my spanking expertise.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, tcc3,

    aaahhh, the condom always goes on the outside. Didn’t they teach you that in sex-ed?

  13. Bob says:

    So much cleavage…

    So little brains!!


  14. doug says:

    … and for some unknown reason I had the sudden urge to buy domain names from Godaddy.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    Hhopper you dirty bastard! 🙂

  16. philoneous says:

    Notice how she accidentally points it at her face for a second toward the end of the clip. Speaking of, where is her face?

  17. benji says:

    umm #5 who the heck was looking at her hands? lol

  18. tallwookie says:

    agree’s w/ #18 – hands? what hands? I was enjoying other features of her anatomy 😉

  19. hhopper says:

    This is all well and good… until someone loses an eye!

  20. crazyal says:

    @ #20 – Why do you think we never say her face!!


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