An interesting idea: $5K now that after compounding over time might save the government $50K+ in welfare or incarceration or back taxes (paying these would have to come out of the bond first), or if they’re good, for economy building things like Mrs. C envisions. Just one, itsy bitsy, teeny tiny problem: the initial $5K…

Clinton: $5,000 for Every U.S. Baby

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday that every child born in the United States should get a $5,000 “baby bond” from the government to help pay for future costs of college or buying a home.

Clinton, her party’s front-runner in the 2008 race, made the suggestion during a forum hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus.

“I like the idea of giving every baby born in America a $5,000 account that will grow over time, so that when that young person turns 18 if they have finished high school they will be able to access it to go to college or maybe they will be able to make that downpayment on their first home,” she said.

The New York senator did not offer any estimate of the total cost of such a program or how she would pay for it. Approximately 4 million babies are born each year in the United States.

In other Hillary news, the Mr is campaigning pretty heavily himself by attacking Obama. You’d almost think he was going to have a say in things if the wife gets into office. Naaa. He wouldn’t do that.

Bill Clinton Questions Obamas Experience

Former President Bill Clinton showed his singular ability to diminish his wife’s presidential rivals when, in a television interview, he said that Senator Barack Obama had about as much experience as Mr. Clinton did in 1988 — the year Mr. Clinton decided not to run for the presidency.
Mr. Clinton did not run that year, he added, because “I really didn’t think I knew enough, and had served enough and done enough to run.”

  1. Greymoon says:

    #33, #35
    “And this makes her different than any other candidate in the history of the world how?”

    Well I wouldn’t say ‘history of the world’ but for this crop their all the same. She just leads the Charge Of The Self Serving Idiots we have running this election cycle. She wants it BAD.

    “Which way is the wind blowing today Greymoon?”, you ask. “Why look for the Clinton and ye will find your answer.” Clintons have always followed the wind, ALWAYS.

    The other candidates do it in some form or another, but the Clintons invented sticking a finger in the wind and following whatever the direction it is blowing.

    We are having an AT&T election this time around. We have no viable choice at this point, NONE.

  2. Greymoon says:

    Just because its a new idea doesn’t mean its a good idea. The new recorplican ideas are just as lame, entrenching their power and transferring wealth from the have-nots to the haves.

    The last president this country had that SERVED HIS COUNTRY was Thomas Jefferson. It has been a slow self-interest erosion ever since.

  3. Johnson says:

    The comments here may be why most candidates do not try to have any real ideas. Just talking points. Any real plans are shot down. Usually by people who have no real plans themselves. I have not decided who to vote for but would like more candidates to come up with solutions not talking points. Not going to happen. The comments above say why.

  4. jbenson2 says:

    The cash outlay of $5,000 per kid is just the tip of the iceberg.

    Don’t forget about the huge, huge administration costs involved to set up and monitor the bureaucratic program.

    And then add in all the legal costs involved with the ALCU steps in to fight for the rights of all the illegal aliens who “deserve” the money as well.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Don’t forget about the huge, huge administration costs involved
    >>to set up and monitor the bureaucratic program.

    Hey, she never said she was going to “privatize” the program.

    THAT’S when you saddle the program with huge, huge, administrative costs; when you have a whole posse of parasites sucking off the corporate tit for every one person who actually gets served.

    Like the currently “privatized” health-care system in the US.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, Greymoon,

    The other candidates do it in some form or another, but the Clintons invented sticking a finger in the wind and following whatever the direction it is blowing.

    Wrong. Clinton, and most of the Democrats, have clearly stated they are in favor of universal health care. Now, Clinton has proposed this “Baby Bonus” plan. These are ideas to discuss, mull over, refine, and either reject or implement. Proposing a vision for the country is called LEADERSHIP.

    Maybe you can point out a vision proposed by a Republican Presidential candidate that provides some leadership. In my opinion, suggesting we need more security or support for the troops is actually a lack of leadership.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>4,000,000/yr * $5,000/365 days/yr *24hr/day = $2,283,105.00/hr

    What the fuck are you talking about, m’hijito. You been hitting the Dos Eqis already?

    >>And that’s just one nutty plan amongst the many she seems to
    >>come up with in the future.

    Hey, she was just floating an idea, not out lining her campaign strategy.. Better than “I saved the world from the 9/11 bombers while simultaneously fucking my cousin/ wife”, like Rudy’s “plan”.

    And it must not be THAT nutty a plan; Britain already implemented something similar, and Time Magazine proposed such a plan earlier in September. She was just saying “maybe instead of pissing away $200,000,000,000.00 year on senseless killing, we might think about investing IN OUR OWN COUNTRY.

    I know that kind of idea is anathema to neocons (unless it involves investing in their war profiteering accounts), but not everyone is as self-serving as the neocons.

  8. MikeN says:

    Keep dreaming Mustard. Could you explain these little tweaks that solve Social Security? You have no idea what the numbers are, as the liabilities from that program alone run into the tens of trillions. YOu may seen mention of these “Bush deficits” on this blog.

  9. Terri says:

    Hey, I had 4 kids, though they are well past newborn.
    Can I collect $20, 000? I promise I’ll use it for thier benefit!

    Please consider this mental exercise:
    Think of the people you work with or live near. They may be very good people. They may be deserving of all the help anyone wants to give them. Would YOU split off a small part of your salary and just give it directly to them? Why? or Why not? Maybe just $20 per paycheck. That’s all. Why or Why not? Maybe you could share not $20, but 20%.
    Let’s say that person is not so deserving, or not so likeable.
    That is what Hillary is promising. That you, as tax paying Americans will be giving your money to others whether you want to or not.
    Charity is good, but FORCED charity is criminal. Don’t you see???
    Forced charity = communism = involuntary slavery!

    This is a clear case of Hillary buying votes. Shameful if you ask me.
    I would laugh, except it is not funny.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Could you explain these little tweaks that solve Social Security?

    For starters, lock the box. No more sneaking into the cookie jar to pay for Dumbya’s back-door funding.

    >>knew you wouldn’t get the cost for that great plan.

    Oh, I get the cost. And I get the cost for all the other expenditures made by “our” government. Too bad you don’t have the same insight.

  11. Timbo says:

    Is Hillary going to make them sign an obscure contract that claims the $5000 is payment for legal transfer of ownership of the child?

  12. MikeN says:

    ‘Locking the box’ doesn’t solve the problem. That gives you a surplus in the short run but large deficits in the long run. The presidents plan would have reversed this, giving deficits now and surpluses later. Another ‘tweak’ that might work is if you changed the cost structure to price-indexing to calculate initial benefits. Right now, that first SS check is calculated according to how much wages have increased. So even if there’s plenty of economic growth to cover current benefits, you have a problem when the next set of workers retire.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>#47 and still you say it’s a good idea.

    Of course! I think a lot of the things “our” “president” pisses away money on are shitty ideas, but this one seems like it has some potential.

    >>The presidents plan

    MikeN, are you on drugs? Or are you talking about something other than that abortion of a “plan” than Chimperor’s “privatization” plan; the one that would have turned Social Security into the financial nightmare that US healthcare (under the aegis of our $135,000,000.00 medical care-denying overlords) has turned into.

    If you’re dumb enough to think that letting Dumbya turn over a fully functional retirement safety net to the hands of his predator friends is a good idea, I’m wasting my time talking to you.

  14. Greymoon says:

    #41 Mr. Fusion

    Completely wrong.
    The Clintons have blown in the wind of political ideas since Bob Dylan popularized the term.

    Clinton, and most of the Democrats, have proposed self-serving ideas that transfer wealth from you, the tax payer, to their pet projects. Do you actually think that the health care system in this country is going to change to a universal one and be cost efficient? You’re a fool if you believe this.

    Get it? The current crop of politicians try and fool you into voting for them. This type of vision is anything but leadership, it is self-serving ‘good-ole-boy’ networking at its finest.

    Why do you insist on labeling me a recorplican and keep asking me to defend their positions? Are you comprehension challenged?

    I think Bush is one of the worst presidents the US has ever had. Inept, un-informed, serving his fathers and grandfathers goals of one world order. Republican congressmen for the most part have all sold out to business interests. It is my opinion that the two party system has failed the interests of the country as a democracy.

    Democrats want your money, via higher taxes, to support their pet agendas. The republicans want to spend your money, via debt spending, on their pet agendas. Are we clear, Mr. Fusion, on my position now?

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Clinton, and most of the Democrats, have proposed self-serving
    >>ideas that transfer wealth from you, the tax payer, to their pet projects.

    Haw haw haw! Can you spell “DUMBYA’S FOUR HUNDRED BILLION DOLLAR TROPHY WAR”? I thought you could.

    >>Do you actually think that the health care system in this country is
    >>going to change to a universal one and be cost efficient?

    Yep. Just like pre-Bush Medicare and the pre-Bush VA system. There are some things the government CAN do well (as long as somebody like the Chimperor in Chief isn’t “in charge”). And protecting their citizens from harm (military, health, retirement saftety net, etc.), and they should do them.

    Not fritter money away on somebody like Dumbya’s freakish fantasies. How much psychotherapy do you think we could get for Dumbya (even WITHOUT universal health care) for two hundred billion dollars a year?

  16. Greymoon says:

    #53 Mr. Mustard
    Greymoon wrote, “The republicans want to spend your money, via debt spending, on their pet agendas.”

    Greymoon also wrote, ” I think Bush is one of the worst presidents the US has ever had. Inept, un-informed, serving his fathers and grandfathers goals of one world order. Republican congressmen for the most part have all sold out to business interests.”

    Reading comprehension can be your friend Mr. Mustard.

  17. Surprising. I guess I’m the only one that cares that this is an attempt to fund our own extinction. We need to discourage, not encourage, unrestrained breeding. We can’t sustain our current population. Are you all so brainwashed you can’t even discuss this topic? All anyone seems able to think about is the short term economic consideration.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #52, Greymoon,

    Clinton, and most of the Democrats, have proposed self-serving ideas that transfer wealth from you, the tax payer, to their pet projects. Do you actually think that the health care system in this country is going to change to a universal one and be cost efficient? You’re a fool if you believe this.

    Universal health care is not a self-serving idea. The rest of the industrial world has universal health care in some form, the US is just behind the times by 40 years. This is a program to benefit ALL Americans, not just those with wealth already. Could it be less efficient than what we already have? A resounding no.

    Why do you insist on labeling me a recorplican and keep asking me to defend their positions? Are you comprehension challenged?

    I didn’t. I asked you to point out ONE proposal from a Republican candidate. You castigated Clinton and only Clinton for making a proposal. The only other Presidential candidate with a hope in hell of winning would be a Republican candidate. Instead of discussing her proposal, you criticized her.

    Democrats want your money, via higher taxes, to support their pet agendas. The republicans want to spend your money, via debt spending, on their pet agendas. Are we clear, Mr. Fusion, on my position now?

    Yes, you are part of the problem. You are the type that wants their street paved, but fuck the next street over. All teachers care about are higher salaries. It is all about personal responsibility, except for me where it is all their fault.

    No Greymoon. You are the problem. Instead of discussing the idea, you shoot the messinger. You have shown your true self.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #55, pedro,

    When was the last time you actually posted something intelligent? Lately all you seem to post about involves “kuzko” and ad hominem attacks.

  20. Greymoon says:

    Clinton is a messenger? From where or whom? I castigate Hillary and Bill because they are both do nothing liars who’s agenda is self gratification. Hillarys version of health care is very self serving, she is lying to you, wake up.

    You want to discuss Hillary’s health plan? Fine, uh …oh…wait a minute the ‘plan’ as you say is nothing more than talking points with no depth or ‘plan’ at all. She spews this garbage without a care in the world.

    Lets talk about her baby bond program. Lets see we kind of just give away money we don’t have to banks so they can make a profit off it until the baby goes to college or buys a house. Where is she getting the money? Who will administer this program? What are the costs of administration? What is the rate of return? When does a baby receive this benefit? I don’t know the answers and neither does she. Wow, brilliant plan. Will wonders never cease.

    Hillary = shallow thinking, hence my list of her election strategy.

    Do you insult everyone when your argument goes nowhere? Once again quit making shit up about me it is quite slanderous and un-american. Are you un-american Mr. Fusion? Before you answer remember as Mark Twain once said, “It is better to remain silent and let everyone think you are a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

  21. Greymoon says:

    Oh I forgot to address your request that I point out some republican proposal for some reason. Here is one. Rudy Giuliani proposes Israel join NATO. You know because Israel is in the north Atlantic and what not.

    Rudy Giuliani is a dumb ass.

    Good for you Mr. Fusion?


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