Remember the good old days when violence in our schools was caused by students?

Luckily, this was caught on camera. Of course, the girl who took the video was also arrested, as was the mom when she demanded the guard be arrested for battery. When is this kind of shit going to end?

Who will guard us from the guards? Here’s a list of an assortment of police and guard assaults from around the country.

  1. Joe says:

    All that was caught on film was her being arrested. it doesn’t show her mouthing off to the security guard and telling him to “go back to mexico” before she got arrested.

    she’ll get a nice settlement check (Most of which goes to lawyers) but she’s in the “System” now

  2. Mark Baars says:

    Unbelievable… and now imagine how many of this kind of incidents didn’t get caught on cam…

  3. Jerk-Face says:

    Was the right video posted? I saw nothing that exonerated the girl.

  4. Admiral Halsey says:

    And here we go again. Another Cowboy (wanna be) cop totally over reacting to a situation. First of all the security cop has had way to many donuts, is wearing sunglasses inside during the day, and apparently didn’t learn the Don Immus ‘nappy headed ho’ rule. Yeah this guy was a disaster waiting to happen.

    Sure the girl may have been un-submissive to his ‘command and control authority bullshit’, and belligerent, but come on being chastised for dropping a piece of cake and then take-down slamming her onto a table and then the floor. Uh thats a bad call in any book.

    Then she is charged with battery and littering for dropping a piece of cake. Littering? Reminds me of Alice’s Restaurant, “Yes sir, I can not tell a lie. I put that there letter under the garbage.” Group W bench for the student no doubt.

  5. doug says:

    #1. since when is “mouthing off to the security guard and telling him to “go back to mexico” a criminal offense?

    more and more I am convinced that high school bullies just grab their diploma, walk out the door, then grab a uniform and walk back in …

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, Joe,

    it doesn’t show her mouthing off to the security guard and telling him to “go back to mexico” before she got arrested.

    I missed that. Where in the report did it mention she told him that. Is this more “invent a bullshit story” to cover the actions of a bully?

    It is too bad, but the school district is now looking at a huge settlement and sufficient lawyer fees to pay for a dozen teachers salaries for the next few years. And idiots like you condone such crap.

  7. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Well, he DID call her nappy head. That sounds like some racial shit to me.

  8. Joe says:

    I’m sorry, I guess being taught to respect others is something that ONLY law enforcement should follow. Yea, he’s a security guard, so I guess that makes him less human.

    # 5, in the same may as calling her a “nappy head ho” is wrong, telling the Hispanic guard to “Go Back to Mexico” is wrong. It implies that he’s a wetback

    #6 She’ll get 1 million dollars tops. Half a that will go to Lawyers, a third of whats left will go to taxes on a million and all she’s left with is $250000. how do I reason this, its quite simple, the lawyers for the school district will bring out people who saw the whole incident, not just 30 seconds of video that will show her giving the security guard attitude, all the school district needs is a couple of elderly white people on the jury to deadlock them up. the Lawyers for the girl will know this and tell to take whatever she can get.. Just look what happened to the Firefighter in L.A. He was close to a 8 million dollar settlement with the city over a supposed prank. His coworkers showed photos of him doing the exact same thing to other firefighters and screwed him over. his 8 million dollar settlement was shrunk to a 1.5 million. Why, cause his lawyer told him that he can’t win in a jury trial & she can’t either.

    the worst part is that she gonna be in the System for the rest of her life. Everytime the police pull her over, her file will pop up with all this info about the incident. even if she gets caught with less then ounce of weed, she’ll be screwed.

  9. doug says:

    #8. disrespect, yes. but cops – much less rentacops – don’t get to arrest people for calling them dirty names, if it did in fact happen.

  10. bobbo says:

    Does it make any difference how the cake “was dropped?” Sounds like the kid may have thrown it on the floor in some sort of tantrum??

    I am thinking the cop had no authority to force anyone to clean anything up. He can detain, arrest or let go. Thats about it. Bad training from top to bottom.

  11. ECA says:

    This has to be a security officer..
    They have NO RIGHTS.
    And they CANT hurt you.. They can Hold you, and detain, but you could rip their Guts out, and all they can do, is file AFTER you go to court/jail..
    thye can protect themselves…but are NOT allowed to fight you.
    They can take your Name, and id you, and FILE complaints…WHICH go to court, and you have a HELL of a time combating them..
    But if they have proof that the security officer FOUGHT you/hit you/ beat you…You can take them to court and sew HIM and the company and Any one else that hired him.

  12. Patrick says:

    Regardless of what she may have done this guy was clearly out of control. Using racial slur and breaking her arm over some cake is simply inexcusable. This security guard should be fire,fined, and imprisoned.
    What did they arrest the girl that shot video for? Better be good or who ever was responsible might be in even more trouble. From what I understand false arrest can lead to large judgments against the arrester.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, joe,

    It doesn’t matter what your knee-jerk analysis is, you wrote: telling him to “go back to mexico” before she got arrested. I asked where in the report does it say she said that?

    Now I’m asking, where in the report does it say she “mouthed off” to the security guard?

    Where in the video does it show her “giving attitude”?

    If those things happened, then tell me where, I’d like to see them. Until then, I have to put you down in the sadistic, police abuse apologist group.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    I’m expecting Tallwookie to say that the girl got what she deserved because she’s black.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    Oh and I’m also expecting him to say calling him a racist is a shallow thing to say.

  16. RTaylor says:

    I can guarantee you this child wasn’t so demur when the incident occurred. It’s also apparent many of you have not been charged with keeping control in a school setting. Remember these reports are made to ultimately sell commercial time, not render the absolute truth. It’s also easy to break the wrist when a suspect jerks and tries to free themselves. Many of you would fire 80% of law enforcement. What would you do then? Some of you are also the ones screaming about local taxes and not wanting to support higher salaries and a higher quality of individuals to take the jobs. Who do you think you’ll get to take a shit job for a shit salary?

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, RT,

    Where is the evidence she was belligerent, combative, argumentative, mouthy, disruptive, non-demur, or anything else? I didn’t see any of that in the video or in the report.

  18. joshua says:

    Another case of ***we better wait and see what happens next***. Someone(remain nameless to protect the guilty) has a habit of posting these kind of stories, causing loads of outrage(remember the postings dealing with the Duke rape case and the things said, then the truth came out)… it’s best to wait a bit.
    Having said that…..I’m betting the guard did exactly what the kid said…..and no matter how attitudnal she got, if she didn’t shot, stab, or hit him he had no legal right to use violence on her. And if all this is true I’m more worried about and angry about the arrest of the Mother and the video filmer. Thats a direct assult on freedom of speech, and freedom from intimidation by authorities and false arrest. Palmdale is very racist, a lot of *good ole boys* live there.

  19. TGer says:

    The issue here – whether the girl mouthed off or not – is the physical abuse that has been witnessed. It is way too easy under some pretext to justify violent physical behavior. And this seems to have become systemic. The 911 atrocity seems to allowed a lowering of the bar, justifying violent behavior by authority persons [no matter how little authority they have…] that you only would find in countries you don’t want to be compared to. The civil liberties seems to fade out, as John D. numerous times points out here. It certainly scares me.

  20. ECA says:

    And considering the size and weight difference,
    HOW easy would it be..
    To lace one hand under 1 armpit and grab the other side of Her, and TAKE her, ANYPLACE you wanted.
    OR, sence many girls wear PANTS, the old fashioned Bums rush, GRAB the back of the pants, and LIFT, They lean forward and you DIRECT them where you want.

  21. Chuck Murdock says:

    Most articles like this show “black” “inner city” or “poor white trash” and the usual innuendo from Fox News and the radio talk shows is “the video did not capture the what started it and if you saw the whole thing your opinion would go the with the authority explanation. But back here in the low population (mostly white) state of Maine this stuff goes on all the time. Two police shootings in one week. One of which an 18 year old died of 3 shots to chest and undisclosed number to the head by a part time cop as he was trying to run away through the woods. This was on a “suspected erratic driving stop” and the dead kid was in the back seat, not the driver. The reason I am writing is because I personally was involved in a similar situation in the very rich and overly policed town of Hingham Massachusetts. I survived and was not thrown in jail only because I am a white 62 year old retired Sr. Principle Electronic Engineer. when I got the “in your face bullying, I had enough world experience not to retaliate and backed away. This same police SUV, with the all around tinted windows, still follows me when I visit my 99-year-old mother.
    Don’t think it cant happen to you.

  22. joshua says:

    #21….kind of hard to say bad things about Fox’s coverage when this video comes from a Fox station.

    In fact….my original thought was….this can’t be true…it’s reported on a Fox station….and so many of the commentors on this blog swear that you can’t believe anything you see on Fox. Ooooops!!!!!!

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, joshua,

    There are other sources out there as well as FOX Spews. If you do google the story, you will find even more damning coverage than what FOX gave.

  24. hmeyers says:

    I watched the video and this was all very fishy. The story does not make sense, something more must be involved.

    I think the “victim”‘s family is lying or concealing something important.

  25. Mike Voice says:

    I like how rent-a-cop #2 is trying to screen rent-a-cop #1’s actions from the camera…

    Why did #2 think that was an important thing to do, under the circumstances?

    Why isn’t #2 more concerned with covering #1’s back, in a potentially-hostile crowd?

  26. Greymoon says:

    Because rent-a-cowboy-cop #2 is an idiot like rent-a-cowboy-cop #1. He probably thought to himself, “this could turn ugly, I’ll block the cameras like they do on tv.”

  27. Geoff says:

    All I can say about this is What The F@ck. I mean What The F@ck.
    PS: also, did anyone else notice how poorly done the news story was, and how they kept on cutting off all of the people they interviewed? i mean wow people, I could do a better freaking collaboration of clips than whatever retarded mongoose they hired.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, hmeyers,

    I watched the video and this was all very fishy. The story does not make sense, something more must be involved.
    I think the “victim”’s family is lying or concealing something important.

    And your evidence is, …

    She is a black ho. Her friends are black. Her mother is a black ho. The broken wrist is the girl’s own fault for being black. Therefore they are all guilty.

  29. mike says:

    Regardless if the child was calling the ADULT MAN names, if she dropped the cake on accident or purpose, that guard had no right to twist her arm and hold her down. He had no right to put his hands on her, period.

    This is a case where the guard did not ‘think’ in a school where he should have been thinking.

    He should have documented was the child did if she really called names or was being disrespectful and file a report with the head of the school.

    They then would have suspended the student.

    There would have been nothing caught on cam.

    I am in my 40s. I worked a maximum security for youth in my young 20s and I never had to put my hands on any of them but one, which was in the middle of the night, when the administrator was present and two other guards were present. The 17 year old kid (male) told the administrator he was gonna bite the admin’s nose off and spit it back in his face. Then the decision was made to return the kid to his cell, which he refused and I had to take down per instruction of the administrator.

    For that guard to react that way even if the kid is guilty, shows he lacks training, doesn’t like himself, has a low opinion of himself, takes serious what school age kids say (other then the gonna get a gun and kill people saying).

    She did not put her hands on him and he should not have done it back.

    Cake was dropped, there are other means then dropping her on the table and holding her down. School is not prison.

  30. Macsen666 says:

    Regardless of what happened..The Security guard had no legal right to lay hands on a minor. Things that were said were heat of the moment, and shouldnt be even considered. Of Course we werent there during the incident and there may be more to the story, but the actions of the Authorities was way out of line …………


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