Remember the good old days when violence in our schools was caused by students?

Luckily, this was caught on camera. Of course, the girl who took the video was also arrested, as was the mom when she demanded the guard be arrested for battery. When is this kind of shit going to end?

Who will guard us from the guards? Here’s a list of an assortment of police and guard assaults from around the country.

  1. Tanya says:


    Was the right video posted? I saw nothing that exonerated the girl.

    Comment by Jerk-Face — 9/29/2007 @ 9:39 am

    Where exactly is the evidence that condemns her?
    Whether she accidentally dropped it or threw it on the floor in a fit of rage what right does the security guard have to detain her? From the other news reports I’ve seen she attempted to clean the cake up, to the security guard’s satisfaction, three different times and when she attempted to walk away he decided that she’d committed some type of inexcusable offense that warranted her being manhandled.

  2. Steve S says:

    It now appears she may not have been injured at all.

    Every time people like this or Al Sharpton or Tennie Pierce “cry racism” when there is none , it cheapens the memory of those who fought and died to defeat real racism. How dare they compare their obvious grab for money with the blood, sweat and tears shed by like great men like Martin Luther King. How dare they.


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