Via Slashdot:

“AT&T’s new Terms of Service give AT&T the right to suspend your account and all service “for conduct that AT&T believes”…”(c) tends to damage the name or reputation of AT&T, or its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries.”

It appears that AT&T is trying to avoid criticism from frustrated users, much like the controversy surrounding

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    No problem there. As someone who is afflicted with ATT (formerly Cingular) cell phone service until the end of my contract, I’m here to tell you that NOTHING could damage the reputation of ATT.

    Their reputation is so far down the crapper it’s hard to imagine any insult so foul that would do anything but IMPROVE their reputation.

  2. Cinaedh says:

    “…tends to damage the name or reputation of AT&T, or its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries.”

    I’d just like to say AT&T sucks ass and so do its all its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries!

    If AT&T would like to suspend my account and all service, go ahead. My name is Eric Cartman and I live in South Park, U.S.A.

  3. gquaglia says:

    And people say Sprint is bad, hah, ATT is the worst of the bunch.

  4. Jay says:

    My favorite is the dropped calls. ATT is the only provider that allows me to actually have a signal at my house however even with 4 bars my calls just stop for no apparent reason… ah hell guess that means my contract is canceled now shucks.

  5. Rick says:

    You seriously want to blame iPhone heads for this? I don’t know a single one, including myself, who had anything good to say about AT&T…it was always, and is, “yeah, I’m wondering if it is worth it to switch to AT&T…I mean, how good can an iPhone be?”

  6. Milo says:

    Some time ago the US courts ruled that a corporation had the rights of a person. Of course the problem with that is a corporation has, “no body to incarcerate and no soul to save”.

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    So, what cell phone service is good?

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>So, what cell phone service is good?

    If you ever figure that out, let us all know. The only thing more inevitable than death and taxes is that your CELL PHONE SERVICE WILL SUCK.

    There oughta be a law.

  9. Milo says:

    My work doesn’t provide me with a cell phone right now and so I don’t have one. For personal use they’re a huge waste of time and aren’t cool now that you can get them in Quickie Marts.

  10. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    #9 – Once in a while Mustard and I agree. The entire cell phone industry in this country sucks.

    Helio looks interesting as they appear to be buying service access from everybody for voice giving them universal coverage. How well it actually works and how good they are to do business with, I couldn’t say. From what I can see, the Helio Ocean would kick ass over an iPhone.

  11. Adam says:

    …and I’m sure that this will stand up in court.


  12. James Hill says:

    #8, 9, 11, 12 – Expand that thinking to all industries, and you’ll realize this is a moot point.

    We all have monthly bills. Some go to monopolies (power company, gas company, water and sewer, trash), some go to industries that have little competition (television, phone, internet). In both cases, its the lack of competition that causes service to be treated as meaningless.

    That isn’t going to change anytime soon. And despite the hopes and dreams of the Internet age (IPTV, Fiber to the Curb, etc..), that isn’t going to change.

    It’s also why a site like “” only means something to those screwed by Lowes. Those stories only ring true for others in the same situation; It too easy for outsiders to say “Go to Home Depot”.

  13. emeryjay says:

    I don’t believe AT&T has the authority to ask you to waive a constitutionally guaranteed right. It would be a good test if the EFF wanted to do something.

  14. bill says:

    *UCK AT&T

  15. Gary Marks says:

    Ma Bell is a stern mother and an even harsher mistress.

    Grovel, I say, and be thankful that she allows you to lick the new boots that you bought her!

  16. Robert says:

    I used to believe that this company was great. Remember the old commercials of the lady dropping the phone and saying “don’t worry, it’s AT&T” Now we worry!

    I had a cell phone contract where I had 500 “free” minutes to call anyone and the mobile to mobile was free. I later learned that was not true and was screwed over by this company. I will have nothing to do with this company again and I have told all of my friends about this. I use T-Mobile now and I am very happy about this.

    I like T-Mobile’s service.

    About this new policy that states that one cannot “badmouth” AT&T, isn’t that why we have freedoms? What are we saying really? These lawyers/politicians are really bending everything their way.

    It’s too bad that I have AT&T for DSL. I really bought it from SBC, but that is gone now. Does anyone else know any other alternatives to this DSL service that doesn’t involve paying higher fees?

  17. Gary Marks says:

    It just occurred to me that news organizations are also on notice that any negative reporting could conceivably result in their accounts being summarily terminated under these new terms.

    Newspapers that reported how quickly AT&T climbed into bed with the NSA and Justice Dept without challenging the legality of their secret data mining programs are hereby warned. Unlike with libel and slander suits, the veracity of any negative press is not a defense against AT&T under these terms of service.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:


    Uh huh, and wait until the bells merge again just like a sea sponge would do after you tear it apart.

  19. bill says:

    Any wonder that their logo is the DEATH STAR?

  20. tikiloungelizard says:

    I had such a great promo deal with Cingular and so I’ve kept it since they merged with AT&T. I don’t like that I have kept on their service, but they don’t offer such a great deal as my continuing contract anymore. “free markets” are supposed to be lowering prices over time, but at least in the case of my cell phone service, the prices have gone up and most of the major carriers I looked into seem to have about the same prices.

  21. Don says:

    Well, I guess I am the one person who had a good experience with AT&T. Last year, an AT&T salesperson screwed up and sold me service to Dishnetwork that Dishnetwork would not provide. F***ing Dish, then tried to charge me $540 bux for 4 hours of service. AT&T covered all of the charges from DISHFingNetwork.

    Hey, where ya going to go to? Was it Sprint that cancelled the contracts of their customers who complained too much?

    Hey, every megacompany has issues.


  22. Don says:

    BTW, AT&T sucks!

    If they suspend my account, does that mean I don’t have to pay an early termination fee?


  23. morgan says:

    “21. Any wonder that their logo is the DEATH STAR?”

    LOL I never noticed…

  24. TV Boy says:

    Hehe. Why don’t more companies think of this? LOL

  25. DISPATCHING 911 says:

    AT&T can keep their service and I’ll reamain with Sprint. But I just wanted to give ya’ll another reason NOT to go with AT&T cell service.

    I work in a 911 dispatch center, when someone calls in screaming on a cell phone, and don’t know where they are, but something has or is going to happen that is BAD. I can call ANY other cell company and they can usually trace the call immediately and help with a location of where the call is coming from.

    With Cingular, now AT&T, they were ALWAYS at the least 4 hours behind to 24 hours behind on being able to locate that phone and it’s location. How’s that for service? That was the original reason when they offered me a phone I didn’t take it…now after stumbling on this site I’m doubly glad I didn’t.

    …UHH, and what happened to FREEDOM OF SPEECH?? Has AT&T decided to take that from the people?

  26. chon says:

    If you think there phone system is bad you should try dishnetwork system,they promise you free receivers, free hook ups to four rooms,
    free hd,free hbo,free phone,etc,etc.and all you really get is free smear of vaseline when they bend you over”””’

  27. TV Tom says:

    Wow, I’ve heard of corporate paranoia, but this is a bit over the top.


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