Massachusetts Institute of Technology pranksters celebrated this past Tuesday’s debut of Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Halo 3 by transforming the statue of John Harvard in Harvard Yard into the Master Chief character from the much anticipated video game.

The statue was outfitted with a helmet and toy assault rifle under the cloak of darkness the night before the release and removed by around 8 a.m. that morning. Perhaps not coincidentally, the Master Chief character’s real name is John.

One of the mildest MIT stunts I’ve heard of.

  1. dm says:

    Isn’t it a little strange when college-age kids are that into a video game? I guess since it’s MIT certain allowances have to be made.

  2. JFStan says:

    Where have YOU been, dm? The college age bracket (and older) is the primary market for games today. If they were still for kids, they wouldn’t have a rating system. Nintendo is the only one really catering to younger audiences these days. One of my co-workers actually took a day off work to buy and play H3 all day.

    That aside, this is one hilarious prank.. You just can’t buy this kind of publicity. Maybe they’ll make the statue into a Sith apprentice for the release of “Force Unleashed”.. ?

  3. Greymoon says:

    Uh where have you been? It would be strange if they we’re not ‘that’ into it. And yeah while the hacksters matched the look and finish of old John pretty good, this hack was pretty mild.

  4. Mac Guy says:

    Impressive, nonetheless.

  5. James Hill says:

    Note how, with the Halo 3 story, the association with M$ isn’t talked about… because that would be a negative.

  6. Nicky says:

    There’s no age for games. Game on!

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Removed by 8 AM?

    Why are we such humorless pussies?

  8. hhopper says:

    It’s cool that H3 was released but that doesn’t mean that M$ doesn’t still suck.

  9. imfromphilly says:

    first poster is clueless,
    a coworker devotes his life on halo, even though he didnt earn the pink mist yet

  10. Angel H. Wong says:


    “Where have YOU been, dm? The college age bracket (and older) is the primary market for games today.”

    Yep, and that is also a good cause for the lower grades (next to booze and pussy.)

  11. tallwookie says:

    #1 – yeah I agree with everyone else here (being an avid halo fan myself – I’d I’m nearing my 3rd decade)

    You need to climb out from under your rock & figure some shit out apparently. Its not all pong and asteroids these days


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