Microsoft in the news big time II.
Microsoft getting a bum steer in Europe say the Americans.
Vista looking more and more like a dog.
Apple iPhone become the iBrick.
Users screwed by Apple.
Google is back in the phone busiensss.
XP mucked up by update.
What’s with the Sputnik stories?
Wooly Mammoth to be recreated as a clone.
3Com sold.
XP to be bundled for another year.
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I’ve never smoked an iPhone. Probably hard to stay lit.
I believe ethernet was actually invented at Xerox-Parc, not 3-Com!
do you smoke it like crack?
must be a HUGE lightbulb!!
Apple will sell you the iLighter for $300.
#4 When the butane runs out, the tank is not refillable since the connector would have made it un-svelte and thus the unit must be exchanged for another lighter for an $80 fee.
But do bricked iPhones BLEND?
In any case, Maddox was right, the guy the runs The Best Page In The Universe, thinks the iPhone is iCrap.
#8, Sag,
Because YOU own the phone. The DMCA allows the phone owner to alter the code to unlock it, one of the few times altering software is allowed.
If Apple installs an “upgrade” they reasonable know or should have known will destroy an unlocked phone, they will be inviting possible criminal charges from various State Attorneys General. The civil Class Action lawyers will be rushing to the court houses. You just can’t willfully damage someone’s property.
#7 – I loved that web site. I’ll agree the iPhone screen tuns into smudgy piece of shit after a few minutes, but it is hardly noticeable with the phone on. It must be the Afro-sheen on my fingers…
Dvorak is right, Europe should just start using Linux instead of Windows and Apple OS. But I don’t blame the Europeans from fining Microsoft for it’s unfair business practices. Capitalism has a rule, you have to compete fairly.
The iPhone sucks, why did Dvorak say he liked it, there’s no DivX or any other codec at DVD resolution support, not any VOIP, IM, the screen resolution is bad, no video recording, no streaming of video directly from the Internet and no synching from anything else then iTunes. People paid $2000 for this thing including the ridiculous 2-year contract.
#7 – ROFL – it was on when he threw it in there- and you can see when the battery casing goes lol!!!
made my day, thanks for the link!
The Apple anti=fanboys really should try to get beyond it and note reality. Since the iPhone was introduced, they’ve had to increase production rates more than double. And it’s only available in 3 countries, so far.
Whether or not you “approve”, Apple has proven that a major change in design was as overdue for cellphones/pda – as it was for mp3 players when they rolled out the iPod.
Whining doesn’t change marketplace response.
Apple didn’t bring innovation with the iPod nor the iPhone. All they are good at is marketing and capturing trends.
iTunes isn’t special, nor is an Apple style smartphone.
All cell phones suck in America. You should be able to buy any phone from anyone, then after the fact connect it to anyone’s network. Our entire system of locked-in phones, with brain-dead locked in software sucks. Period.
Pedro, you’re a fucking moron. Why are you still posting?
This is the level I’m talking to you at now, because you’ve yet to post anything meaningful after being owned at every turn.
Just because you can’t afford the “it” device is no reason to get pissy. Kill yourself. I command you.
I really think AT&T put the screws to Apple to live up to the agreement about locking the phone to AT&T. I think AT&T saw this thing getting out of hand and told Apple to brick the phones if the owner’s don’t want AT&T. Simple as that. Let’s face it folks. Apple has always been control freaks about their software and hardware. I think we know why they like AT&T now. I really see Apple screwing up their whole market gain here.
When you install the update, the site warns that if you modified the software on your phone it will permanently damage the phone. If you accept and install anyway, you deserve to have it “bricked”. Only a moron would still install the update knowing that their phone was hacked after reading the warning message.
What a bunch of nanny-state whiners.
Pay a butt-load of money for a phone, and then don’t verify any hacks they make are reversible – before installing the hacks???
The only hacked iPhone-owners I have any respect for are the ones who unlocked their iPhones – and haven’t looked back.
No update = no iBrick = Responsible adults with functional unlocked iPhones.
I have zero sympathy for the whining little turds who ignored all warnings to the contrary, and installed the update.
Yes, it is your phone.
Yes, you “own” it.
Yes, you are free to hack it.
…and Yes, you are free to install an update you have been warned not to install…
Aren’t freedom and ownership exhilarating concepts???