Microsoft in the news big time.
Microsoft trying to queer Google-Doubleclick deal.
Microsoft reacts to Google.
Stealth update seems to screw up XP.
Halo 3 busts all-time record for sales.
Live Search up for yet another upgrade.
Facebook CEO visiting Redmond?
Gateway One should be taken seriously.
Palm’s new hot phone is only $99.
Canada going after taxpayers who use eBAY.

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  1. GregA says:

    I just posted on another thread, and if you doubt my assertion that live search has become better than google search, it is really apparent on the search term ‘oled laptop’.

    I don’t think that live search has yet surpassed google by a significant margin to displace google, it has gotten significantly better in the last few months.

  2. SN Harden says:

    Yep #1 you are absolutely right. live search is IMHO superior to Google. It looks better and is more full featured for sure. As for results its about the same as Google. But the UI is far superior to the sparse stale look google has had all thesae years.. I used to use Google all the time but in the last few months I don’t even bother. And the way live search does images blows Google right out of the water. I’m pretty much over Google these days…..


  3. Jeff Self says:

    Wow, the Microsoft employees don’t have anything better to do than post on this site.

  4. GigG says:

    search term = oled laptop

    Live results 57,096
    Google results 1,970,000

  5. GregA says:


    Thank you for illustrating my point. See how the Microsoft links are much more relevant to the topic? See how much better of a job they do removing false positives?

  6. Cinaedh says:

    What’s Live Search anyway? Is it something like Google except run by Micro$oft?

    I don’t think I’ll be using it. I haven’t used Google for a couple of years because I didn’t like them storing all my searches, along with my IP address, essentially forever. They already have way more information about the inside of my mind than I think is healthy.

    If Live Search is the same thing, I trust Micro$oft a LOT less.

  7. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #3 – Microsoft employees don’t have anything else to do, except turd polish Vista.


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