MP3 Price wars are beginning.
DRM going by the wayside.
Activision buying Project Gotham.
Does George Clooney play video games?
How to fix a scratched disk. Sharp bringing out a Blu-ray recorder.
Eventually expect a terabyte Blu-ray writer.
Flash memory shortage? Sold out, according to Toshiba.
Dell going green to extreme.
Microsoft story from WSJ — a "What passes for news" stories.
The Tesla is delayed.

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  1. No one says:

    What, are you in a hot tub or something? Or deep in a volcano?

  2. RamZ says:

    Sounds like you are the Absent-Minded Professor and you are flying around in your Flubbermobile, nice effect.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    How does a song/music price-war work?

    People are already noting that songs & albums are cheaper on Amazon… but have the lyricists & composers agreed to lower royalties? or do they just get a percentage of whatever the copyright-holder gets?

    i.e. iTunes sells DRM’d songs for 99-cents, and sells DRM’d albums for $9.99…

    If Amazon sells the same DRM-free album for $8.99 – who is sucking-up the $1-per-album difference?

    All of the above?

    I’m also curious to see who loses a larger percentage of customers at their existing music store: Apple, Microsoft, or Real.

  4. ECA says:

    minus the LAWYERS and DRM they could save about 1/2-2/3rds..
    THINK about he prices they are asking…
    99 cents. 1/3 HERE 1/3 THERE 1/3 to the company…Hmmm…
    compared to a DISK that sells at $10 for 10-12 songs…
    any REAL savings??

  5. Norman Speight says:

    Re Dell and the Green lobby.
    Here in the Uk the ‘Greenest’ politician is one David Cameron -leader of the Conservatives. He is also 100% certain to lose the next election (I am politically indifferent so this is not a supporter/non-supporter thing). If one thing is certain on this planet it is that these Green characters with their unquestioning approach to claims, are certain to be villified one day. They have an extremely dangerous set of dubious claims to support. Why are the contrary arguments never given the same publicity. True Science is about disproving formerly established ‘truths’ and ‘proofs’ Just wait, and remember, Newton stood for 300+ years until Einstein started to question the universality of time and that is just one of very many. Science is all about showing just how wrong you are (about practically anything).

    ‘Fraid the Emperor has no clothes.

  6. bob says:

    8PM0bp hello good site thx


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