Controversy over the unlocked iPhone. Apples says they may be ruined by the process. What’s up with that? Lenovo wants to buy Packard-Bell. Windows Home Server Update here! Dvorak eschews Vista still. Citywide WiFi is dead or not? Google out to screw Microsoft in the Facebook deal. Microsoft to be suckered. Space makes bacteria more dangerous.

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  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    Again, my suspicion is that eventually Apple will charge $200 for unbricking the unlocked iPhones.. And that’s an optimistic point of view.

    It makes me wonder when will a Linux for the iPhone be available.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    Unlocking the iPhone will cause it to be rendered inoperable forever? Pffft. If Apple really carries through on this, they’ll lose what little market share they have, rapidly. I’d go for a Linux PC (lack of applications and all) rather than buy a computer from fascist pigs like that. I reiterate: pffft.

  3. Luke says:

    It’s nice to see them honoring their contractual agreements. For those that choose not to enter into a contractual agreement (by unlocking it) what does Apple owe them? If you don’t want you’re phone bricked….don’t update it….simple. Make decisions in life….and live with the consequences.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:


    Aren’t those upgrades non optional?

  5. Luke Oliver says:

    [Duplicate post. – ed.]

  6. Luke Oliver says:

    #5. Don’t update itunes….completely optional….you’re choice.

  7. GregA says:

    Wow no one likes their contract deals with Apple, it is not just the iPhone.

    Was city wide wifi ever born? I have been a couple of places that claimed to have it and its never worked that good for me. But then again, I avoid laptops, and portable computing expereinces in general, like the plague… But then I am on my third phone this year, I have a knack for breaking my portable electronics. However, why would you want city wide wifi, when the people who ~need~ that sort of thing can get 3g from verizon for 20 bucks a month? Wouldn’t that fill all your portable blogging needs? I know when I am in a coffee shop nothing says “don’t talk to me, im a loser” like an open laptop computer.

    Windows home server is just the test bed. The next version has some sort of terminal server or vm type system in place, and the home computer is scrapped for thin client type devices.

    Also, google is lame. The last few months I have been getting much MUCH better search results from windows live search than from google. Now if microsoft would just release a webmail as good as gmail I could be done with google for good.

  8. Luke says:

    #7. No one necessarily likes contracts….people enter into them, but don’t like the consequences of them. If you don’t like the contract…don’t enter into the agreement…again…your choice.

  9. GregA says:


    Oh I feel the exact same way about contracts and choice. It just seems that every time Apple enters into a contract negotiation recently, their partners are contentious of the terms Apple is setting. Other than the MS hating blog’o’sphere Apple seems to have very few allies in the real world.

  10. Awake says:

    Why is it that I picture Tiny Tim singing “Tiptoe thru the Tulips” , and prancing around with his phone, whenever I hear the iPhone mentioned?

  11. andrewwi says:

    Ah, I love fall in LA, when the birds change color and fall from the trees.
    -David Letterman

  12. Micromike says:

    John, Don’t bother with Vista, it sucks. I’ve used it since last January and I believe it is the second Windows ME. It just doesn’t work as well as what it was supposed to replace. It has eye candy and one or 2 nice features that don’t even come close to making up for all the things that don’t work with it. I repeat, Microsoft Windows Vista sucks.

  13. Mike Voice says:

    Google can really have a belly-laugh if their bid-up of Facebook causes Microsoft to overpay just as the state’s Attorneys rip into Facebook for being a haven for pedophiles…

  14. John: That tiny head favicon of yours gives me the creeps…!

  15. Norman Speight says:

    Seems to me that this is blatant anti-competitive behaviour.
    A clear attempt to prevent business rivals accessing a product.
    Any State Attorney worth his salt should be rubbing his hands together and preparing a case for some easy money.
    Also. Do this in Europe and the Community will be entitled to 10% of Apple’s turnover for the year. So, the Europeans can look forward to much of their current account deficit being taken care of.
    Apple could of course appeal. Of course this is to to the very EC body which fined them in the first place. Seems nothing was learned from the (much lesser) case for which Microsoft was fined (for the second time).

  16. Karl R says:

    Home Server is Storage / Backup os. It has nothing to do with vista.
    Technically it is based on “Windows server 2003 for Small business”. On top of that you add the “Home Server”. This program Share all your drives that are on that server as being only one big hard drive. (kind of raid). It has multiple of you files on multiple hd, so that you dont lose any files, if a hd crash, etc.. It also serves as a backup solution doing backup at night for all your pc in the house.
    Nice product if you asked me. 🙂

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Norman,

    I have to agree. And if not the AGs, there will be no end to the class action lawyers sticking their hand into the pie.

    Apple does not any right to purposely disable an iPhone that has been legally altered. Although, they might just be trying to see how far they can go with the current Supreme Court.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:


    The current Supreme Court will say “Bow down before you corporate masters, offer the lives of your children so theirs can have a lavish life.” I can’t wait for them to overturn Roe Vs Wade.


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