I’m really affraid about what they could come up with for mustard or mayonnaise sachets

Saucey Campaign: Landmine Awareness – spareroom.co.nz: To open this tomato sauce sachet you will have to rip a child’s foot off and watch the blood-like condiment ooze out. A gruesome but nifty idea for the New Zealand Campaign Against Landmines (CALM) who are fundraising to clear Lebanon of explosive nasties.
Sachets have been distributed to Fish ‘n Chip shops and cafes throughout the country (New Zealand) and Kiwis can donate money by texting the word, “CALM” to a selected phone number.

This picture better illustrates the ‘message’.

Somehow I think that would ruin my appetite while trying to eat a burger.

  1. Greg Allen says:

    Most Americans know landmines from war movies but if you travel in many parts of the world, you are reminded daily about them because beggars missing a foot are begging at every red light.

    I criticized Bill Clinton for dragging his feet on signing the Land Mine treaty and I condemn Bush scuttling it all together.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ah shock ads – gotta love ’em! IMVHO the best shock ads I’ve ever seen were the AIDS prevention ads that aired on Australian TV in the late 1980s:


    Virtually everyone old enough to see those ads has vivid recollections of them – which may help explain why Australia has a relatively low incidence of HIV / AIDS infection…

  3. GigG says:

    While I think the idea of getting rid of land mines is a great idea like so many of the international efforts to get rid of this and fix that they have a habit of thinking all the world is the same and that everyone is going to play by the rules.

    Both Clinton & Bush probably would have signed the treaty had there been a waiver for the DMZ in Korea.

    If it weren’t for land mines our South Korean allies would have been speaking… well Korean, but with a Northern accent a long time ago.

  4. Phillep says:


    How do I get a case of those Catchup packs?

    The US could destroy all mines owned by the US, and destroy all mines set by the US, and the number of people crippled would not drop enough to notice.

  5. Matthew says:

    I think the interesting part of this campaign is that you can donate just by sending a text to a number. Seems the only ones using that technology here are ringtone scams, anagram scams, and text chat girl scams.

  6. Gasparrini says:

    #5, and don’t forge the BBC in relation to the text scams.

  7. Awake says:

    #4 Phillep –

    Do you really LOL about people getting limbs blown off? That is really a sick thought.

    “…and the number of people crippled would not drop enough to notice.”

    Unless, of course, you are one of the people that had a limb blown off… my guess is that one person would really notice.

  8. Phillep says:

    I’m laughing at the guilt tripping and the automatic assumption that the US is to blame for everything.

    As for the “Unless, of course, you are one of the people that had a limb blown off… my guess is that one person would really notice.”; Go whine at someone else, crybaby.

  9. bobbo says:

    I love the GOUSA, so honest and forthright. eg–why not “not sign” the landmine treaty but conform to it except in Korea?

    Now, once the harm of left over munitions is highlighted, why not on our own stop using depleted unranium since we are the only nation that uses it? GOUSA denies that DU causes any problems whatsoever, even with a half life of, get this, 4.5 Billion years?

    Makes me proud.


  10. Phillep says:

    bobbo, it’s called “depleted” because the hotter radioactive isotopes have been removed. The people that seperate the two err on the side of stingyness, and include some of the less radioactive isotopes with the more radioactive.

    Come down to it, all elements have radioactive isotopes, and only two isotopes (IIRC) out of the hundreds identified are “stable”, i.e. they will not break down into something else given enough time. All the others are “unstable”.

    The five cent piece in your pocket? Try to find a stable isotope of nickle. You are carrying radioactive metal next to your balls.

  11. Anonymous says:

    #10 – let alone a stable spelling of “nickel”!

  12. bobbo says:

    10–Phillep–yes that is consistent (in part) with my provided site. Your tone is to equate a nickel in my pocket with expended DU shells? Really? Is that what you mean to convey or are you only inartfully hiding a distinction without a difference?

  13. zn2336 says:

    Brilliant ad campaign, lost an uncle that way in WWII. See the land mine wikipedia entry.
    BTW, I’ve looked and can’t find a landmine manufacturer’s web site. Is there some sort of trade association for indiscriminite munitions manufacturers?

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    I bet those ketchup packets are popular in the midwest.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Philleep,

    The radioactivity in Depleted Uranium is a secondary issue. It is the heavy metal. When the shells explode, as munitions are designed to do, the air is filled with the heavy metal dust from the DU. As with most heavy metals, their ingestion and especially the inhalation are particularly dangerous. Once in the body, then the radioactivity, weak as it may be, is much more potent.

    Health issues include kidney failure and lung cancer.

    Oh ya, BTW, the US is the only country using DU in its munitions. Its radioactivity is readily measurable. Nickel, on the other hand, isn’t readily measurable. In fact,

    ]Nickel-62 is the most stable nuclide of all the existing elements; it is more stable even than Iron-56.

    Oh and

    The five cent piece in your pocket? Try to find a stable isotope of nickle. You are carrying radioactive metal next to your balls.

    The only unstable isotopes are synthetically made. The “coin” is made of copper with only a very small amount of nickel.

    Damn I love showing the Right Wing Nut neo-con Conservative Evangelical Republican Radio-head shut-in crowd up. Yup, they just gotta invent crap to take the spotlight off of the truth.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    Oh ya, sickening campaign. I do hope it succeeds.

  17. tallwookie says:

    I prefer using land mines to de-feather, cut up, and sear chickens – mmmm chicken 3rd world style 🙂

  18. Phillep says:

    Point for you on the stable isotope of Nickel, I did not find that when I researched the question last month.

    Consider the implications of “the most stable nuclide of all the existing elements”. Every element has “radioactive isotopes”. Naturally occuring, unstable isotopes. More radioactive means more unstable, and vice versa.

    Google “decay series”.

    Incidently, Uranium slugs do not carry explosives. They shatter on impact and the pieces ignite from the kinetic energy of the impact.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    #13 ZN

    I suspect that the manufacturers keeps a fairly low profile. A school friend of my wife’s works in the Bay Area for a company that manufactures the triggers for land mines.

    When we visit him, we both bite our tongues because we hate land mines so much.

    I don’t know how many times I’ve sat, waiting for the green, and looked at a guy with only one leg and wondered if my tax dollars bought the mine that blew his leg off.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    … besides losing a leg, isn’t it common to have genital damage, too? It’s not polite to talk about but I’ve heard it’s common, too.

    Another is eye injury (and blindness) if the victim is looking down when the thing blows up.

  21. Gotta Go! Gotta Go! Gotta Go! says:

    Rip the packet at the top, and it dispenses mustard.

    Text “GottaGo” to donate $3 to Incontinence International.


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