Is this a fake? Listening to the commentators seems to indicate that it might be real.

  1. Mark says:

    I’m gonna guess… FAKE!

  2. snoopyjy says:

    Yeah it has a very funny bounce… but it does look real.

  3. Les says:

    Makes you wonder if it is a “funny” bat.

  4. Daniel Terestenyi says:

    Makes you think something might be fishy with the bat. Like lead at the head, to make it stand up straight like that.

  5. KVolk says:

    Fake for sure…

  6. Awake says:

    Anyone that has dropped a nickel only to see it land on it’s side knows that this is possible. Baseball bats are not round on the end anymore, they are flat with a cup shape going into the bat, so this is not as unlikely an outcome as one might think, specially with sand providing some internal support.

  7. Chris says:

    Sammy Sossa’s bat does this every time.

  8. MikeN says:

    Why would he run on 0-1?

  9. deej says:

    I think it really happened, here is another link to expanded footage.

  10. Graeme Allon says:

    Surely there was more than one camera at the game watching him?

  11. Nicki says:

    is real baby! is real!

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    It’s gotta be real. It’s on the intertubenet!

  13. hhopper says:

    I’ll bet the umps checked that bat out.

  14. Micahel says:

    was watching the game live. it was real.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    I’m calling bull on this one.

    While I guess it is possible, why were the announcers staring at the bat instead of watching the play down the 1st Base line? Also, the bat bounces straight up from the horizontal, there should have been enough kinetic energy to continue the bat moving through the point of least stability.

  16. It did happen. Just watched the top of the 9th of that game on MLB.TV. It sure didn’t get much play. My guess it that is fell on over rather quickly. Still looked cool though.

  17. mario says:

    Why doesn’t the umpire seem to notice the bat at all…

  18. deej says:

    #16 It’s a replay they are commenting on, the bat was brought to their attention by the camera crew

    #18 The umpire is looking down the 1st base line like he’s supposed to after a possible base hit, therefore not noticing.

    If it is fake – nicely done, but I really think someone dvr’ed the game, thought it was neat and cammed the replay from their tv via minidv camera, and posted it.

  19. Gabe says:

    Come on! Super duper-fake!

  20. Greg Allen says:

    If it was real, wouldn’t we have seen it on “Play of the Day” before You Tube?

  21. BHunt says:

    This really happend – I was watching the game and saw it.


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