Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers (D – Omaha) filed suit against God Friday, asking a court to order the Almighty and his followers to stop making terrorist threats.

The suit (.pdf), filed in a Nebraska district court, contends that God, along with his followers of all persuasions, “has made and continues to make terroristic threats of grave harm to innumerable persons.” Those threats are credible given God’s history, Chambers’ complaint says.

Chambers, in a fit of alliteration, also accuses God of causing “fearsome floods, egregious earthquakes, horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes, pestilential plagues, ferocious famines, devastating droughts, genocidal wars, birth defects, and the like.”

Chambers, who has represented Omaha, Nebraska since 1970, asked the Douglas County district court for summary judgment or to set a quick hearing date “if the Court deems such a hearing not to be a futile act.”

Apparently Chambers was angered by a recent lawsuit that he considered frivolous and is trying to make the point that anybody can file a lawsuit against anybody. If the court accepts this one, we’re all in trouble.

  1. BubbaRay says:

    I’ll bet god has better lawyers than Chambers. We’ll see.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    God could get Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr. from the firey pit.

  3. Satan says:

    God damn that is funny! I have way more lawyers than he has!!

  4. iGlobalWarmer says:

    I want to have a beer with this guy.

    One of the posters in the article makes a good point. Our own Constitution mentions God, therefore He legally exists, therefore should be sueable.

  5. GigG says:

    Service of the papers are going to be kind of tough.

  6. Raff says:

    Shouldn’t he be suing Allah?

  7. ArianeB says:

    #4 God is NOT in the constitution anywhere. Search yourself

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – Allah and God are the same god… Islam and Christianity are essentially the same thing with different props and window dressing.

  9. Anonymous Coward says:

    Chambers once put through a bill (IT PASSED) that made the Kansas official state flower (the Sunflower) a noxious weed in Nebraska.

  10. Actually, I read this quite a bit differently.,2933,297121,00.html

    Not that fox is the best source, by any stretch of anyone’s imagination. But, rather than reporting that he is making a point to restrict frivolous lawsuits, he is making the statement that it is everyone’s right to sue for anything and the court’s responsibility to make the determination of the appropriate action.

    I think he has a second ulterior motive as well, that is not stated in any article. I worry that since he is suing god, if the case is accepted, it will be someone’s idea of legal proof of the existence of such a deity.

  11. gtriamy says:

    wow… 9 posts, and not a single word about HOW THIS IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF TAX PAYERS MONEY! How is this even funny? If Lewis Black did this, i’d think its funny… because he’s a comedian. This is a Senator… who thinks he can get a few pop. points by “suing God.” What’s next? A warrant for the Boogie Man? If you stop laughing at the clown, it will eventually go away.

  12. #1 – BubbaRay,

    I’ll take the other side of that bet. I’ll bet that neither god nor his/her lawyer show up on the appointed date. Further, I’ll bet that if a lawyer does show up to represent god, presumably pro-bono since we know god doesn’t even talk to the pope, that the lawyer is an even bigger crackpot than Chambers.

  13. Chris says:

    He might win but good luck trying to collect.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>God is NOT in the constitution anywhere.

    Hey. So what’s a little trivia like a fact? We’re dealing with OFTLO here, after all.

  15. #4 – iGlobalWrongAgain,

    One of the posters in the article makes a good point. Our own Constitution mentions God, therefore He legally exists, therefore should be sueable. [sic]

    Please search the following and tell me where you see reference to god. Or, were you just making a silly-assed assumption? Feel free to provide another link of your choice to the full text.

  16. #13 – Chris,

    I think he’s suing for an injunction. Presumably, when god fails to show for his/her trial date, there will be a summary judgment. When god fails to honor the injunction because, oh yeah, there is no god, a second court date will probably produce a bench warrant for god’s arrest. Lawyers in the audience, please correct any mistakes in my understanding of our legal process.

  17. I’d love to take this conversation in the direction of whether this might be an attempt to get the legal existence of god on the record. If anyone else would like to continue in that vein, please stop by my blog topic. (Note, I did not create the topic to steal any hits from this blog. I created it before I saw it here.)

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – wow… 9 posts, and not a single word about HOW THIS IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF TAX PAYERS MONEY!

    It’s not a waste of MY tax dollars. And, it is a tiny fraction of a fraction of tax dollars. You could probably foot the bill on this with a bake sale. If you want to bitch about tax dollars, bitch about the war in Iraq, or any other of the many many boondoggles happening with our money.

    #14 – Hey. So what’s a little trivia like a fact? We’re dealing with OFTLO here, after all.

    WTF are you talking about? I didn’t make any comments about whether or not there are any gods mentioned in the Constitution.

  19. Raff says:

    #8 Same fairy tale, different publisher eh?

  20. natefrog says:

    #9, Anonymous Coward:

    Back that statement up. I live in Nebraska, and I’ve never heard of anything resembling what you claim…

  21. natefrog says:

    #1, BubbaRay:

    “I’ll bet god has better lawyers than Chambers…”

    I doubt it. Chambers is a genius, and easily the most intelligent legislator in Nebraska. Disagree with his views, but his knowledge of the law is unequaled.

    Yes, he does dress like that every day, even on the floor of the Unicameral. And he does his research the old fashioned way; without computers. He’s also the only legislator in the state to not have an e-mail address!

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #21 – He’s also the only legislator in the state to not have an e-mail address!

    Then I do not trust him.

  23. natefrog says:

    #22, OFTLO:

    Well, does the fact he’s responsible for the NE State Patrol being required to have lightbars on their cars help? Or that all traffic stops have to be conducted by uniformed officers?

    He’s also responsible for banning “photo radar” and “red light cameras” in Nebraska! 😀

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #23 – I should have added a smiley after that… 🙂

    But seriously… While he’s obviously a good guy… what sort of nutball Luddite is he? No email?

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, OFTLO,

    … what sort of nutball Luddite is he? No email?

    The kind the NEVER gets any spam.

  26. KVolk says:

    So what happens if some one shows up to answer the the charges? you know like to plead? I mean if anyone shows up and they say they are going to answer the question how do you determine he is who he says he is? I just thinking of job opportunites is all…or what if Howie Mandel showed up?!

  27. Jim Scarborough says:

    So who are these co-defendants? Let’s try to find the ones we can name. First, what is terrorism? The U.S. Army Manual, 1984 edition, defines terrorism as “the calculated use of violence or the threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature.” So who does that? The United States is using force to attain goals in Iraq and threatening same in Iran. Isreal uses force in Gaza & West Bank, too. Hm… seems like state-sponsored terrorism.

    Best impeach while there’s still a provision for it in the Constitution.

  28. tallwookie says:

    We should stop this so-called “War on Terror” bullshit & attack the root cause of the problem – I propose that we declare a “War on God”

    That’ll solve the problem once & for all.

  29. cheese says:

    Can god make a “discovery document” so big even HE cannot lift it?

  30. paperweight says:

    Ernie Chambers has been doing this kind of “Stuff: since the day he walked into the Nebraska Legislature.

    A neutral public policy group identified him as the least effective member of the Legislature. Sadly, his district in Omaha is one of the poorest in the state.


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