This article concerns the Canadian recall. The recall is now expanded to include the United States. Check your bagged salad, folks.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is warning the public to avoid consuming Dole’s Hearts Delight lettuce salad because of fears of E. coli contamination.

The agency warned that the salad, which is a ready-to-eat blend of romaine, green leaf and butter lettuce hearts, may not look or taste spoilt even if it is, report Canadian websites such as

The salad is produced in the United States and sold in 227-gram packages. The packages have a “best if used by” date of Sept. 19, 2007, a lot code of A24924B and a UPC of 0 71430 01038 9.

Dole Consumer Center: 800-356-3111.

The lettuce was grown in California, Colorado and Ohio. Of course, we all know that only food from China is really dangerous. TV Talking Heads tell us so.

  1. moss says:

    Keep on ignoring the TV. I just watched a CNN ignoramus “reporting” on this.

    1. This was 1st picked up because Canada does random testing in supermarkets. Well, there was a point worth discussing. Nope.

    2. Dole says “we test everything at our plants” – so, her conclusion – “the contamination must have happened between the plants and the supermarkets”.

    I guess there’s a terrorist out there injecting e.coli into plastic bags. Why mention the obvious? Dole’s QC was inadequate.

  2. Ed Roberts says:

    ANOTHER salad recall? That’s it…. I’m moving to a remote corner of the world and growing all my own food.

  3. bobbo says:

    Who said only food from China was Bad?

    Lots of reporting on bad food for the salad bar.

    Lots of reporting on bad food from South America?

    Eating food one of the safest things you can do. More likely to die moving to your pristine farm.

    Stupid reporting. Fear mongering. Silly Rabbits.

  4. KVolk says:

    It will be the food that isn’t reported that will get you…..

  5. TIHZ_HO says:

    Shit happens everywhere (no pun intended).

    Old Chinese proverb “Crows everywhere are equally black.”


  6. Jay Leno have found the exact answer to why this is happening:

    [Please use for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  7. god says:

    #3 – remove your head from the hole it’s in and read something more than Marvel Comix.

    In the state where I live, we haven’t had anyone die from supermarket food poisoning, oh – since last week.

  8. iGlobalWarmer says:

    e.coli is the new food additive. It’s more efficient than fiber for creating poop.

  9. GreenMan says:

    Who eats salad out of a bag?

  10. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #9 – Excellent point. If they could come up with an edible bag we wouldn’t need to take the salad out first.

  11. god says:

    Uh, #9 – what vegan planet do you live on?

    Bagged salad was invented by a couple who owned an organic farm named Earthbound Farms – and has grown a bit larger from their roadside stand in 1986.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    Of course, we all know that only food from China is really dangerous.

    While far from perfect, North American food quality has a much quicker reaction time and response than do the Chinese. North Americans are also generally much less likely to substitute non approved additives than the Chinese have done in the past.

    I expect the Chinese to get better, and for their sake I hope so. Could we be better? Of course !!! Even so, we have among the safest food supply systems in the world.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Who eats salad out of a bag?

    Check the produce section of your local grocery store.

    Not everyone is a stay-at-home mom like you, with endless time on their hands to cut up lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, cucumbers, radishes, mozzarella, celery, arugula, and all the other ingredients of a mom-made salad.

  14. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Ya. What god, Fusy & Musty said.

  15. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #13 – dont forget mushrooms, then top it with freshly grilled chicken, steak, shrimp, etc. Even a salad should have meat. (unless you had all that stuff in “other ingredients).

    Damn, I’m getting hungry now.

  16. bobbo says:

    Well, the death rate from food poisoning is so low I can’t find any chart with it. So, heres my rough first guess==assuming average of 2.5 Millions deaths per year, and average 5000 per year from food poisoning, we have a death rate of .002%. Now, that is 8 times higher than the shark attack rate.

    Don’t even want to calcuate the horrors of eating salad while surfing.

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Even a salad should have meat. (unless you had all that stuff
    >>in “other ingredients).

    That was included. Shrimp, chicken, lobster, scallops, crayfish, etc. Even a God-fearing fellow like myself though, often starts out with a bagged salad and then adds the good stuff. And the ‘shrooms go without saying.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:


    Are Americans so lazy that they don’t even rinse the goddam pieces of mutilated plants before eating them?

  19. NappyHeadedHo says:

    The problem is a world shortage of toilet paper. Those lettuce leaves come in mighty handy in third world countries like Arkansas.

  20. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #17 – Sounds like you make a damn fine salad just like the ones in my household.

  21. ECA says:

    what i find REALLY, interesting,
    Is that you stick salad in a bag, and dont expect it to GROW old and die.
    Unless they inserted an inert gas in there, the stuff is going to ROT, 1 way or another…PERIOD.

    then the humorous side comes to play…
    For what you paid you could buy ALL the ingredients and make 3-4 times as much.

  22. NappyHeadedHo says:

    I guess Dole won’t be tossing my salad.

  23. Most Curious says:

    Ok – This poor guy dies from botulism poisoning, ate some of the product that had been recalled for botulism contamination, however, they are not related. Does anyone have anymore information about this?

    Most Curious

  24. traaxx says:

    Actually, it’s only liberal/demoncrats that are dangerous and they seem to be manufactured only in the United States.

  25. Green says:

    Goes to show you, spraying anything with human and pig feces isn’t very smart. Especially vegetable fields :/.

  26. tallwookie says:

    The key lesson here kids is to:

    A. Buy individual salad ingredients separately, and mix them yourself,

    B. Say screw the mega-farms and grow your own greens, or

    C. Build up a resistance to e. coli

    take yer pick – I always choose A

  27. TIHZ_HO says:

    #12 “I expect the Chinese to get better”

    It’s interesting that with all the lack of hygiene in restaurants, human poop as fertilizer, recycled waste oil and other disgusting things people in China don’t drop like flies. WTF? Maybe Americans are getting too soft.

    Like Carlin once said that his immune system is on 24hr red alert from swimming in raw sewage as a kid.


  28. joshua says:

    Heaven forbid that we buy head or fresh leaf lettace, wash it(the Hispanic field workers have to pee somewhere folks), then build a salad. Christ, that might take 5 to 10 mins… way!!!!

    #18….Angel….what???….you are joking right? If they are to lazy to rip some lettace apart themselves, you think they bother to rinse the stuff in the bag???

  29. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    This is a perfect demonstration of the need for wider implementation of food irradiation.

  30. TIHZ_HO says:

    #28 joshua It seems that Americans have their lives controlled by marketing.

    American day to day life has been individually packaged for easy consumption. Everything that Americans do has been very carefully marketed for a easier ‘better life’.

    Frozen pre-cooked, or just add water foods – take a look at any supermarket at the percentage of food which has been processed in some way. Yes even salad! 😆 that to me is a joke!!

    American cook books are a study of shortcuts in cooking often with canned soups as bases. Who has time to cook anyway? I need my time to bitch about things I don’t care to change.

    I wonder when will be the day in the US when you just buy shit – real shit – at the supermarket which is ready to be flushed down your toilet. Saves all the trouble of making your own! 😉



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